Resource Management

This page links to documents related to the following Resource Management workflows and processes:

  • Bibliographic record creation & maintenance, including record imports
  • Holdings record creation & maintenance
  • Item record creation & maintenance for physical resources

Documentation on this site will continue to change as we gain experience in Alma and UC Library Search, and as new features, processes, and policies are introduced. If you notice anything that needs to be updated or fixed, please let us know using the feedback form.


APriCoT functional area lead

Resource Management functional area lead: Adam Baron (

Information sources

UC Berkeley general resources
UC Berkeley Resource Management Group

The Resource Management Group (RMG) is responsible for developing and maintaining policies, procedures, and workflows for cataloging in Alma, ensuring alignment systemwide and locally.

UC-wide general resources


UC-wide Resource Management: Cataloging and Metadata Operations Subteam

Problem reporting

Requesting and updating Alma roles

Required Alma roles

To perform basic Resource Management functions, the following Alma roles are required:

  • Cataloger
  • Physical Inventory Operator or Physical Inventory Operator Limited
    • Tasks: Create and manage physical inventory for the scoped library or libraries. For Physical Inventory Operator, move inventory from one bibliographic record to another.
    • Required training: UC Berkeley RM training. Module 5
Optional Alma roles

Additional Alma roles that are commonly assigned include:

Additional Alma roles that are not commonly assigned include:

  • Cataloger Extended
    • Tasks: Delete bibliographic records, update shared templates, and merge bibliographic records and combine inventory.
    • For marking bibliographic records for deletion, see Marking records for deletion.
    • For other requests, submit a BadCat ticket or email

For information on requesting or updating Alma roles in production or the sandbox, see Requesting and updating Alma roles.


UCB RM documentation

Alma Analytics

Alma bibliographic, item, and holdings records

Cataloging procedures

Cataloging statistics



Unit procedures

Bancroft Library

Collection Services

Metadata Services


By abaron on 06-13-2024


This procedure outlines the process for cataloging items that are in the Acquisitions Technical Services work order for MAIN Acquisitions Department and have been requested by a patron or library employee.

By abaron on

This procedure outlines how to enter cataloging statistics into local extension field 955 in Alma using templates, and how to obtain cataloging statistics using Alma Analytics and Excel.

By abaron on

This document provides specific information about codes and subfields that are used in Metadata Services since July 1, 2022.

By abaron on

In order for OCLC to communicate with Alma, a new Gateway export connection will need to be established.

By abaron on

Interim procedures for creating Host Bibliographic Records that continue the status quo of records that were created on migration to Alma in 2021, and are not meant to represent any final decisions regarding Berkeley’s treatment of Host Bibliographic Records. The procedures are meant to provide guidance for catalogers to create records that can be updated in batch, along with the migrated records, as any changes are implemented in their treatment.

By abaron on

Options for removing or working around unreceived/missing issues when binding serials.

By jcripe on

This document contains the processes and use cases for deleting item records which were created recently in error. This document does not cover deletion for catalog maintenance nor what are traditionally considered as withdrawals.

By jcripe on

Common genre/form terms in use by the Bancroft Library.

By rbrandt on

This document covers coding best practices for fields and subfields in Holdings records.

By jcripe on

The host bibliographic tool takes a list of Alma MMS IDs for host bibliographic records  and runs a job which returns a list of the MMS IDs recorded in the MARC 774 $w from each host bibliographic record. For each 774 $w, the following bibliographic fields will be included in the output:

By gosselar on