Cataloging statistics in Alma


This procedure outlines how to enter cataloging statistics into local extension field 955 in Alma using templates.

This procedure also outlines the basic process for obtaining cataloging statistics based on field 955 in Alma. Due to limitations of Alma Analytics and the structure of 955 fields, it is difficult to obtain specific statistics in Alma Analytics; instead, the data is used to create a pivot table in Excel.

For codes and definitions used in field 955, see Local bibliographic fields and extensions for UC Berkeley. 955 Cataloging statistics.


Creating and managing templates

For additional information on templates, see Working with Record Templates.

Creating a new template

To create a personalized template for entering cataloging statistics:

  1. Open the MD Editor.
  2. In the records list, select Templates > Shared > MdS stat cat.
  3. In the record, update the following subfields:
    1. Subfield $a: Update the date.
      1. Recommendation: Use the format yyyymm instead of yyyymmdd.
    2. Subfield $b: Update to the library code and your initials.
    3. Subfield $c: Update to the partial or full code for which the template will be used.
    4. Note: Ensure that field 955 was added as a local extension.
  4. Select Save > Save as Template.
  5. In the Save as Template window, enter the following:
    1. Name: Select a name that will make it easy for you to select it from a list. Consider including your department, name, and statistics code.
    2. Description: Optionally, enter a description for the template.
    3. Check Private so it is only available to you.
    4. Click Save.
  6. Repeat the process to create additional personalized templates.

Updating an existing template

To update an existing personalized template, such as to update the date:

  1. Open the MD Editor.
  2. In the records list, select Templates > Private and then right click on the [Template name] and select Edit.
  3. Update the template and then click Save.

Deleting a template

To delete a personalized template that you no longer need:

  1. Open the MD Editor.
  2. In the records list, select Templates > Private and then right click on the [Template name] and select Delete.
  3. At the prompt, click Yes.

Entering cataloging statistics using templates

After creating a personalized template, it can be used while cataloging to enter cataloging statistics.

  1. Open the record in the MD Editor.
  2. Select Editing Actions > Expand from Template.
  3. In the Expand from Template window, enter the following:
    1. Choose Template: Look-up or select the desired template to apply.
    2. Applying Method: Check Add all.
    3. Click Ok.
  4. Complete additional edits and then click Save.

Obtaining cataloging statistics

  1. In Alma Analytics, create a new report using 955 - Local Param 02 and filtering by date or library as follows:
    1. To create the report, select Create > Analysis.
    2. In the Select Subject Area window, select Physical Items.
    3. For the Criteria, enter the following:
      1. Under Selected Columns, add MMS Id AND 955 - Local Param 02 from Bibliographic Details.
      2. To filter results, add one of the following filters:
        1. To filter by date, add:
          955 - Local Param 02 contains all [date]

Example: 955 - Local Param 02  contains all 202406

  1. To filter by library, add:
    955 - Local Param 02 contains all $$b[space][library code]

Example: 955 - Local Param 02  contains all $$b ts

  1. To filter by date in the form yyyymm and library, add:
    955 - Local Param 02 is LIKE %[date][space]$$b[space][library code]%
    1. Check Convert this filter to SQL.

Example: "Bibliographic Details"."Local Param 02" LIKE '%202406 $$b ts%'

  1. To filter by date in the form yyyymmdd and library, add:
    955 - Local Param 02 is LIKE %[date]__[space]$$b[space][library code]%
    1. Check Convert this filter to SQL.

Example: "Bibliographic Details"."Local Param 02" LIKE '%202406__ $$b ea%'

  1. Select the Results tab to view the results of the report.
  2. Export the report as an Excel data file.


  1. In Notepad++, split multiple 955 fields into separate lines as follows:
    1. Open the exported report in Excel.
    2. Select and copy all results in the 955 - Local Param 02 column.
    3. In a new Notepad++ file, paste the 955 - Local Param 02 results.
    4. Select all results by selecting Edit > Select All (Ctrl+A).
    5. Select Search > Replace... (Ctrl+H).
    6. In the Replace window, enter the following:
      1. Find what: ;[space]
      2. Replace with: \n
      3. Search mode: Select Extended (\n, \r, \t, \0, \x...)
      4. Select Replace All and then Close.
    7. Select all results by selecting Edit > Select All (Ctrl+A) and copy the results by selecting Edit > Copy (Ctrl+C).


  1. In Excel, modify the data and create a pivot table to display the relevant cataloging statistics as follows:
    1. In a new Excel sheet, paste the results from Notepad++.
    2. Separate the different 955 subfields into columns as follows:
      1. Select all values in Column A.
      2. Select Data > Text to Columns.
      3. In the Convert Text to Columns Wizard, enter the following:
        1. Original data type: Delimited
        2. Delimiters: Other: $
    3. Delete blank Columns A and B.
    4. Separate the subfield codes and values into columns as follows:
      1. Select all values in Column A.
      2. Select Data > Text to Columns.
      3. In the Convert Text to Columns Wizard, enter the following:
        1. Original data type: Fixed width
        2. Data preview:
          1. Move the break line to after the space following the subfield code.
          2. Delete any additional break lines if present.
      4. Repeat the process for Columns C, E, and any other columns with subfield codes and values.
    5. Insert a header row and filter as follows:
      1. Insert a new row above the first row of data.
      2. Add headings using one of the following methods:
        1. If retaining the subfield codes, add headings as follows:
          1. Column A: Subfield a
          2. Column B: Date
          3. Column C: Subfield b
          4. Column D: Cataloger
          5. Column E: Subfield c
          6. Column F: Code
          7. Column G: Count
        2. If deleting subfield codes in Columns A, C, E, delete the subfield code columns and then add headings as follows:
          1. Column A: Date
          2. Column B: Cataloger
          3. Column C: Code
          4. Column D: Count
      3. To add a filter, select all columns and then Data > Filters.
    6. Use the filters to identify and delete irrelevant data or correct incorrect data.
      1. Sort by date to identify and delete rows that are outside the desired date range.
      2. Sort by cataloger initials to identify and delete rows for catalogers outside the desired library.
    7. After verifying the accuracy of the data, add a 1 in the Count column for each row.
      1. To quickly fill the column, add “1” in row 2 of the Count column and then double click the cross in the bottom right corner of the cell.
    8. Create a pivot table to calculate the cataloging statistics as follows:
      1. Highlight the relevant rows and columns (e.g., Columns A-G).
      2. Select Insert > Pivot Table.
      3. In the PivotTable from table or range window, select where you want the PivotTable to be placed and click OK.
      4. In the PivotTable Fields, drag the fields as follows:
        1. Date to Filters
        2. Cataloger to Rows
        3. Code to Columns
        4. Count to Values

By abaron on 11-27-2024
