Cataloging equipment and electronic devices


This procedure outlines the process for circulation staff to create minimal records in Alma for 3D objects, including equipment and electronic devices, so they can be loaned out to users. This procedure applies to such objects as laptops, power banks, chargers, mice, and frisbees.


  1. If you have not already done so, update the Templates display configuration so the Equipment and Equipment Holdings templates appear as options under the New and Add Inventory menus respectively.
    1. In the MD Editor, select New > Templates display configuration.
    2. In the "Display in Menu" column, toggle the slider to the right for the following templates:
      • MARC21 Bib: Equipment
      • Holdings: Equipment Holdings
    3. Click Save.
  2. Verify that the bibliographic record will be created in the Institution Zone (IZ).
    1. In the MD Editor, select New > Placement Options.
    2. Under Placement of new records and templates, select Local.
    3. Click Save.
  3. Create a new bibliographic record for the equipment or electronic device in Alma using the Equipment template.
    1. In the MD Editor, select New > Equipment.
    2. Update the fields in the table below.

245 $a

Title Proper

Record a title for the equipment or electronic device. If important, begin with the brand name.

245 00 $$a Lenovo ThinkPad portable computer
245 00 $$a OMNICHARGE portable power bank
245 00 $$a Anker Powerline Micro USB for Android
245 00 $$a Calculator

246 $a

Varying Form of Title

Record a variant title if a user may search for the item using a title other than that recorded as the title proper (245 $a).

245 00 $$a Dell Latitude portable computer
246 3# $$a Dell laptop computer


General Note

Record additional information that may be important to users, including the physical description.

500 ## $$a Includes keyboard and bag
500 ## $$a 27000mAh 85W/110V external power bank charger with AC/DC adapter (compatible with MacBook, laptop, camera, CPAP machines, TSA approved for airline travel) in black.
500 ## $$a The Omni 20+ is a power bank that can intelligently power most devices all at the same time. Equipped with a high powered 60W USB-C port, a 100W AC outlet, and fast, seamless wireless charging.

  1. Generally, accept all remaining fields as provided. See Appendix A: Equipment Template for a list of fields and values included in the template.
  2. Click Save.
  3. Create a holdings record for the equipment or electronic device using the Equipment Holdings template.
    1. Still in the MD Editor, select Add Inventory > Equipment Holdings.
    2. Update the subfields in the table below.

852 $b

Sublocation or collection

Enter an appropriate Library Code.

For example:

  • For Doe Library, enter: MAIN
  • For Moffitt Library, enter: MOFF
852 $c

Shelving location

Enter an appropriate Location Code.

For example:

  • For Main (Gardner) Stacks Electronic Device Cart (Long-term), enter: ma9f
  • For Main (Gardner) Stacks Electronic Device Cart (Short-term), enter: ma9e
  • For Moffitt Electronic Device Cart (Long-term), enter: mf9f
  • For Moffitt Electronic Device Cart (Short-term), enter: mf9e
  • For Moffitt Reserves, enter: mfs
  • For Moffitt, enter: mf
852 $h

Classification part

Enter a brief description of the item.

iPad Tablet
ViewSonic Projector
Android Charger
Apple Charger
MAC OSX Laptop

  1. Accept all remaining fields as provided. See Appendix B: Equipment Holdings Template for a list of fields and values included in the template.
  2. Click Save.
  3. Create an item record for each equipment or electronic device.
    1. With the holdings record selected in the MD Editor, select Add Inventory > Add Item.
    2. Update the fields in the table below.
Barcode Scan in the barcode.
Copy ID

For the first item, enter 1

For each additional item, increase the copy ID by 1.

Material type

Select an appropriate material type, such as:

  • Calculator
  • Equipment
  • Headphones
  • Keys
  • Laptop
  • Laptop Accessory
  • Tablet
Item policy

Select an appropriate item policy, such as:

  • Computer Hardware
  • Laptop
  • MacBook
  • Media Equpment (audio/visual)
  • Other Equipment
  • Reserves 1 Semester no renewal
  • Reserves 1-day no renewal
  • Reserves 2-hour no renewal
  • Reserves 2-hr no renew/overnight
  • iPad
Replacement cost

Enter an appropriate replacement cost.

For example:

  • For laptops, enter: 2000.00
  • For tablets, enter: 1200.00
Inventory price Enter the Replacement cost.
Permanent location Accept the permanent location or update as appropriate.
Item call number type Select Other scheme
Item call number

Enter the model number.

Mobile 12800 Pro
MacBook Air 13
ThinkPad Stylus
Dell Latitude E7270
MacBook Air 2020

For the Notes tab to appear, click Save and Edit.
Public note

Enter a public note which includes the following information if applicable:

  • Sponsorship funding
  • Loan period
  • Users

Student Technology Fund/ASUC sponsored 14-day loan UCB students only
Student Technology Fund/ASUC sponsored 4-hour loan UCB students only
4 hour loan - UCB Students Only
Semester loan for UCB students only
UCB Students Only
For UCB Data Science Students Only. Verification Required
Library Staff Use Only
14-Day Loan Library Staff Use Only

Fulfillment note

Enter a fulfillment note to notify circulation staff what they should check for when checking the item in or out.

Check bag for power adapter
Check bag for (1) USB-C to USB-C, and (1) USB-C to USB cable
Laptop checks out with corresponding charger (no bag included)

Enter information that must be conveyed to the patron during checkout.

NOTIFY PATRON: Battery capacity on some 4 hour loan laptops have reportedly been inconsistent. Battery charge may deplete sooner than estimated by the Windows Battery Time widget

Separate multiple fulfillment note with a space-vertical bar (|)-space.

4 Hour Loan UCB Students Only | Check for charger and bag
4 Hour Loan UCB Students Only | Check for POUCH, APPLE CABLE, and APPLE WALL ADAPTER

Internal note 1

Enter the model and serial numbers.

Power bank model number: Portable Power Outlet 27K  AC/DC adapter model number: BX-2402000
DOE-SW006: serial number FQRGKN3
Chromebook 01: serial number 5G030449C

For additional information, see Item record - Internal Note 1 field format guidelines.

  1. Leave all other fields blank or accept as provided.
  2. Click Save.
  3. Release MARC21 Bib and Holdings records.

Appendix A: Equipment Template

Table of fields in Equipment Template
Leader/05 (Record status) n - New
Leader/06 (Type of record) r - Three-dimensional artifact or naturally occurring object
Leader/07 (Bibliographic level) m - Monograph/Item
Leader/08 (Type of control) # - No specified type
Leader/09 (Character coding scheme) a - UCS/Unicode
Leader/17 (Encoding level) 3 - Abbreviated level
Leader/18 (Descriptive cataloging form) u - Unknown
008/06 (Type of date/Publication status) | - No attempt to code
008/07-10 (Date 1) |||| - No attempt to code
008/11-14 (Date 2) |||| - No attempt to code
008/15-17 (Place of publication, production, or execution) xx# - No place, unknown, or undetermined
008/18-20 (Running time for motion pictures and videorecordings) nnn - Not applicable
008/21 (Undefined) # - Undefined
008/22 (Target audience) # - Unknown or not specified
008/23-27 (Undefined) ##### - Undefined
008/28 (Government publication) # - Not a government publication
008/29 (Form of item) # - None of the following
008/30-32 (Undefined) # - Undefined
008/33 (Type of visual material)

r - Realia

Includes 1) all other three-dimensional items not covered by the other codes (e.g., clothing, stitchery, fabrics, tools, utensils), and 2) naturally occurring objects.

008/34 (Technique) n - Not applicable
008/35-37 (Language) zxx - No linguistic content
008/38 (Modified record) # - Not modified
008/39 (Cataloging source) d - Other
245 (Title Statement)

Indicators: 00

Update according to above Procedure.

246 (Varying Form of Title)

Indicators: 3#

Update according to above Procedure.

500 (General Note)

Indicators: ##

Update according to above Procedure.

Screenshot of Equipment Template

Screenshot of Equipment bibliographic template

Appendix B: Equipment Holdings Template

Table of fields in Equipment Holdings Template
Leader/05 (Record status) n - New
Leader/06 (Type of record) x - Single-part item holdings
Leader/09 (Character coding scheme) a - UCS/Unicode
Leader/17 (Encoding level) 1 - Holdings level 1
Leader/18 (Item information in record) n - No item information
008/00-05 (Date entered on file) ######
008/06 (Receipt, acquisition, or access status) 2 - Received and complete or ceased
008/07 (Method of acquisition) u - Unknown
008/08-11 (Expected acquisition end date) #### - No intent to cancel or not applicable
008/12 (General retention policy) 8 - Permanently retained
008/13-15 (Specific retention policy) ### - No specific retention policy
008/16 (Completeness) 4 - Not applicable
008/17-19 (Number of copies reported) 001
008/20 (Lending policy) u - Unknown
008/21 (Reproduction policy) u - Unknown
008/22-24 (Language) eng - English
008/25 (Separate or composite copy report) 0 - Separate copy report
008/26-31 (Date of report) 000000
852 (Location)

Indicators: 8#
$$b  $$c  $$h 

Update according to above Procedure.

Screenshot of Equipment Holdings Template

Screenshot of Equipment holdings

By abaron on 05-31-2024
