Cataloging requested items in Metadata Services


This procedure outlines the process for cataloging items that are in the Acquisitions Technical Services work order for MAIN Acquisitions Department and have been requested by a patron or library employee.

Each item will have at least 2 requests (1 request for the work order and 1 for the patron or library request).


  1. Pulling requested items
  2. Cataloging requested items
  3. Marking requested items


Pulling requested items

Responsibility: Student Library Employees and their supervisors

When a patron or library employee requests an item that is in the Acquisitions Technical Services work order for MAIN Acquisitions Department, the item will be pulled from the cataloging or maintenance shelves in 42 Doe, flagged using the pink RUSH flag, and placed on the "Requests" shelf in 42 Doe for cataloging.

  1. View items in the Acquisitions Technical Services work order for MAIN Acquisitions Department that have patron requests.
    1. Ensure your location is set to Doe Library - MAIN Acquisitions Department.
    2. Select Fulfillment > Manage In Process Items.
    3. To filter in process items to only those with patron requests, change the Request Filter to Patron requests.
  2. Verify if there are any items with requests that have a status of Copy Cataloging or Maintenance and need to be pulled from the shelves in 42 Doe.
Criteria of Items to Pull from the Shelves in 42 Doe
Status Copy Cataloging or Maintenance
Requests Patron requests, Patron and library requests, or Library requests

Do not include “Placed on requests shelf”

To view additional notes, select ... > Edit.

  1. If necessary, create a list of items to pull from the shelves in 42 Doe.
    1. To create a list in Excel, do the following:
      1. To export a list of all patron requests, click the Export list icon (Export list icon) and select Excel (current view).
      2. Open the downloaded Excel file.
      3. Filter out or delete any rows for items that do not need to be pulled according to the criteria listed above.
      4. To make it easier to print, only retain those columns that are needed to pull the items from the shelves (e.g., Title, Barcode, Status, Date received for department, and Library) and delete all other columns.
        • Retained columns may be resized as necessary.
      5. Print the list of items to pull.
        1. Select File > Print.
        2. Update the following Settings:
          1. Double sided: If more than one page, Print on Both Sides
          2. Orientation: Landscape Orientation
          3. Margins: Narrow Margins
          4. Scaling: Fit All Columns on One Page
        3. Click Print.
  2. Pull all items on the pull list from the shelves in 42 Doe.
Expected Location of Items in 42 Doe

Copy Cataloging
Cataloging shelves by language after the work order divider and then by date

Maintenance shelves by date

Date received for department Date the item was placed into the work order
  1. Add a note to the work order to indicate the item will be placed on the "Requests" shelf.
    1. From the In Process Items screen, in the row for the requested item, select ... > Edit.
    2. Under Notes, click Add Note.
    3. Enter the following note: Placed on requests shelf
    4. Click Add.
    5. To return to the list of in process items, click < or Cancel.
  2. Insert a pink RUSH flag into the requested item.
  3. Place the requested item on the "Requests" shelf in 42 Doe.
  4. Repeat the process for items with patron and library requests, as well as only library requests.
    1. To filter in process items to only those with patron and library requests, change the Request Filter to Patron and library requests.
    2. To filter in process items to only those with library requests, change the Request Filter to Library requests.

Cataloging requested items

Responsibility: All catalogers in Metadata Services

Items on the "Requests" shelf in 42 Doe should be cataloged as a priority and placed on the usual truck for marking or to be sent to a Subject Specialty Library.

  1. Catalog requested items the same day they are taken from the "Requests" shelf.
  2. Edit bibliographic and holdings records as usual.
    1. In the bibliographic record, include an additional 955 local extension for each item requested:
      955 $$a [yyyymm] $$b [initials] $$c REQUEST
    2. Update the existing holdings record. DO NOT create a new holdings record or relink the holdings record to another bibliographic record.
      1. If the holdings record needs to be relinked, submit a BadCat ticket and give the item to the Head of Metadata Services.
  3. Edit the item record as outlined below.
    1. Note: Changes beyond those listed may cause the request to be cancelled.
Changes in Item Records
Barcode Make any change as needed.
Copy ID Make any change as needed.
Material type

If blank, select one of the following material types:

  • Book

Do not select other material types or change an existing material type. Submit a BadCat ticket and give the item to the Head of Metadata Services.

Item policy

If blank, select one of the following item policies:

  • Monograph - regular loan

Do not select other item policies or change an existing item policy. Submit a BadCat ticket and give the item to the Head of Metadata Services.


If blank, add as appropriate.

Do not edit existing descriptions. Submit a BadCat ticket and give the item to the Head of Metadata Services.

Process type Do not change. Accept as provided: Acquisition technical services

For MAIN items, select MAIN Acquisitions Department.

For Subject Specialty Libraries, select the corresponding acquisitions department for the library (e.g., BIOS Acquisitions Department, ENVI Acquisitions Department, etc.).

Permanent location Do not change. Submit a BadCat ticket and give the item to the Head of Metadata Services.
Relink to another bibliographic record Do not relink. Submit a BadCat ticket and give the item to the Head of Metadata Services.
  1. Place the requested item with a pink RUSH flag on the appropriate book truck in 42 Doe.
    1. For MAIN, place fully cataloged items on the "Ready for Labeling" book truck.
    2. For Subject Specialty Libraries, place fully cataloged items with the appropriate SSL flag on the "Outgoing SSL Material" book truck.

Marking requested items

Responsibility: Student Library Employees

Requested items with pink RUSH flags should be processed as a priority and placed on the top shelf of the truck for Access Services or Preservation.

  1. Complete physical processing and marking of requested items as usual.
  2. Place the requested item with a pink RUSH flag on the top shelf of the appropriate truck for Access Services or Preservation.


By abaron on 05-17-2024
