Alma Analytics Training Materials

Exlibris Training Videos & Documentations:

ExL Training Videos:

UC Analytics workshop (optional) 

  • Day-to-day fulfillment reporting

  • Day-to-day acquisition reporting

  • Physical resource management reporting

  • User management reporting

  • E-resources and usage

  • Course reserves and analytics

  • Creating and managing dashboards

  • Reporting for consortia with networks

  • Data visualization with Oracle analytics server

ExL training on best practices and how-tos

Best Practices:

My Folder
  • You are the only person who can see reports and dashboard here.

  • Ideal location for testing

  • Cannot be shared with others

Shared Folders
  • Data, reports, templates can only be shared in the Shared Folder

  • The Alma folder contains out-of-the-box reports that you can copy and edit after moving to My Folder

  • You can browse dashboards and reports from other campuses or consortia in the Community folder. You can also search by title or description (it takes forever). And you can make copies of other people's reports and save them in your My Folder / testing folder

  • You should never, never, never edit or delete a file in a shared folder that was not created by you.

    • Tip: save a backup copy of anything I add to the shared folder in My folder just in case.

  • Tip: Once a dashboard is created, if you rename the dashboard or any of the attached reports the links will break.

  • Don’t move the shared folders that are not created by you.  

  • Analysis name/title:

    •  Include measures and other key data descriptions, e.g. circulation by location

  •  Analysis description

    •  Include purpose of the analysis, version history and creator.

Existing Shared Folders:

  • Shared Folders > Alma: Analyses created by Ex Libris. A good starting point to find existing analyses, but most require modification to be applicable to the Berkeley environment. 

  • Shared Folders > Community: Analyses created and shared by other Alma peer libraries. A good source of ideas and potentially usable or modifiable analyses, but use with caution, as other libraries’ definitions and workflows may be very different.

  • Shared Folders > University of California Berkeley 01UCS_BER > Collaboration: 

    • A place to temporarily put an analysis in development so that you can work on it with another UCB colleague or colleagues. You may create subfolders in this folder as needed. The work could be in process or in testing phase

  • Shared Folders > University of California Berkeley 01UCS_BER >> Reports: A place for analyses developed by various functions. New Folders can be added – please request them from Library Assessment ( Each Division or Department Head is responsible for the folder in their area and the subfolders that get created under the main folder (subfolders can be created by anyone): 

Berkeley Staff Training Sessions:

April 2022 Berkeley Staff Training

September 2023 Berkeley Staff Training


By kklevine on 05-13-2024