Holdings record field coding


This document covers coding best practices for fields and subfields in Holdings records.

MARC field definitions and uses

Required fields for all holdings records

  • LDR - Leader
  • 005 - Date and Time of Latest Transaction
  • 008 - Fixed-Length Data Elements
  • 852 - Location

Additional required fields for multipart and serial holdings records (* if applicable)

  • 853 - Captions and Pattern-Basic Bibliographic Unit (only for currently received titles)
  • *854 - Captions and Pattern-Supplementary material (only for currently received titles)
  • *855 - Captions and Pattern-Indexes (only for currently received titles)
  • *866 - Textual Holdings-Basic Bibliographic Unit
  • *867 - Textual Holdings-Supplementary Material
  • *868 - Textual Holdings-Indexes

Additional fields in migrated records

For fields in migrated records, jump to Used in migrated records below.

MARC fields currently in local holdings records

LDR Leader
Jump to LDR details below
Required: All
005 Date and time of latest transaction
Alma generated. Migrated holdings don’t have this field, but if you save a record in Alma that does not have this field, Alma will create one.
Required: All
008 Fixed-length data elements
Jump to 008 details below
Required: All
506 Restrictions on Access Note
Copy-specific information in Alma (forthcoming)
Optional: All
541 Immediate Source of Acquisition Note
Copy-specific information in Alma (forthcoming)
Optional: All
561 Ownership and Custodial History
Copy-specific information in Alma (forthcoming)
Required: WEST and other Shared Print holdings. WEST Disclosure Policy (PDF, 735KB)
563 Binding Information
Copy-specific information in Alma (forthcoming)
Optional: All
583 Action Note Required: WEST and other Shared Print holdings. WEST Disclosure Policy (PDF, 735KB)
590 Other copy-specific notes
Copy-specific information in Alma (forthcoming)
Optional: All
852 Location
[MARC Holdings 852
For LC classification, use: 0#
For local call numbers, use: 8#
For NLM classification, use: 2#
For SuDoc classification, use: 3# 
Migrated records use 01, but may be miscoded and need correction.
Required: All 
WARNING: NEVER enter multiple 852 fields in a single Holdings record. While the field is repeatable in MARC, multiple 852 fields break the display in UC Library Search.
852 $b Sublocation or collection
3- or 4-letter Library code
Required: All
852 $c Shelving location
Location code
Required: All
852 $h Classification part Required: LC call numbers
Required: Non-LC call numbers
852 $i Item part Required: LC call numbers
852 $j Shelving control number
This field was incorrectly used during migration for all call numbers tagged 099 in Millennium holdings records. Per MARC standards, it may only be used if the 852 first indicator is 4.
BANC & NRLF have run cleanup projects to convert such records to use $h and first indicator 8 when not using LC classification. There is likely still much cleanup to be done, notably at EAL. 
If you come across this field in use in a record you’re working on, change it to $h and correct the first indicator if needed.
852 $k Call number prefix Required if location uses prefixes to identify sizes (e.g., t for tinies) and/or shelving location (e.g., f for folios) or for collections interfiled with other materials (e.g., tm for the EAL Tibeto-Mongolian collection or k for the Kofoids at BIOS)
852 $x Nonpublic note
Notes intended only for library staff
Optional: all
Note that this subfield is repeatable, but Alma Analytics will only capture the first $x in the Non Public Note attribute. From an Analytics perspective, it may be best to write all nonpublic notes in the 852 in a single $x subfield.
852 $z Public note
Notes pertaining to the location of the item(s) intended to display in UC Library Search
Optional: all
Note that this subfield is repeatable, but Alma Analytics will only capture the first $z in the Public Note attribute. From an Analytics perspective, it may be best to write all nonpublic notes in the 852 in a single $z subfield.
853 Captions and Pattern-Basic Bibliographic Unit
Serials - Prediction Pattern Guide
Required: Currently received serials with a frequency more than annual, in order to generate predicted Items
854 Captions and Pattern-Supplementary Material
Serials - Prediction Pattern Guide
Required: if applicable, for currently received serials
855 Captions and Pattern-Indexes
Serials - Prediction Pattern Guide
Required: if applicable, for currently received serials
866 Textual Holdings-Basic Bibliographic Unit
Procedure for multivolume monograph (MVM) cataloging
UC Berkeley guidelines for recording holding statements in Alma holdings records (forthcoming)
Required: if applicable, for multipart and serial records
867 Textual Holdings-Supplementary Material
UC Berkeley guidelines for recording holding statements in Alma holdings records (forthcoming)
Required: if applicable, for multipart and serial records
868 Textual Holdings-Indexes
UC Berkeley guidelines for recording holding statements in Alma holdings records (forthcoming)
Required: if applicable, for multipart and serial records


Used in migrated records

001 Control number Millennium holdings record number (that we couldn't see in Millennium). Example: h1510789-01ucs_ber? It has no meaning to us. We are waiting for confirmation from Ex-Libris that these fields can be removed.
002 Millennium name = Gladis No.  Innopac check in number. e.g., .c2347660
004 Control Number for Related Bibliographic Record Millennium bib number, formatted like this: UCB-b123456789-01ucs_ber [no spaces].
035 System Control Number Millennium holdings/check-in number, formatted like this: (CUY)c14433965-01ucs_ber [no spaces]
843 MARC definition = Reproduction Note; Used to migrate Millennium Identity field in $e Millennium holdings "Identity" fields migrated to 843$e (probably should be used for cleanup and removed, since that’s not the proper use for an 843 field)
901 Bib Utility No. (001) OCLC # from bib (at time of migration)
952 Migrated Holdings Record & Check-in Card data Contains many elements from Millennium Holdings record and check-in card in this field, each in their own $x field with labels. Full details are covered in Millennium-to-Alma field mapping
These migrated fields are very difficult to read and soon after migration we discovered that editing them, if they were very long, caused problems with formatting and loss of data. 
This field is repeatable. Post-migration holdings notes/updates may be recorded in a newly added 952 field (subfield x) until a better solution for new notes has been found (actively under discussion).
990 Note re: copy specific information from Millennium bib Applies to one instance of location-call#, but mapped to all migrated holdings records; inappropriately mapped cases to be cleaned up
991 local_authority_field Contains Millennium Holdings Mark for Deletion field [only if holdings was withdrawn(w) or active(-)]. APriCoT has approved removing the field from all records.
992 local_authority_field Contains Millennium Bib Code 3 [only if bib was suppressed(n), withdrawn(w), or active(-)]. APriCoT has approved removing the field from all records.


Other MARC holdings fields

This table lists the many defined MARC holdings fields not in use at Berkeley.
003 Control Number Identifier  
007 Physical Description Fixed Field  
010 Library of Congress Control Number  
014 Linkage Number  
016 National Bibliographic Agency Control Number  
017 Copyright or Legal Deposit Number  
020 International Standard Book Number  
022 International Standard Serial Number  
024 Other Standard Identifier  
027 Standard Technical Report Number  
030 CODEN Designation  
040 Record Source  
066 Character Sets Present  
538 System Details Note  
562 Copy and Version Identification Note  
842 Textual Physical Form Designator  
843 Reproduction Note Millennium holdings "Identity" fields migrated to 843$e (probably should be used for cleanup and removed, since that’s not the proper use for an 843 field)
844 Name of Unit  
845 Terms Governing Use and Reproduction Note  
856 Electronic Location and Access  
863 Enumeration and Chronology-Basic Bibliographic Unit Since 866/867/868 are managed manually, this field has generally not been used at UC Berkeley
864 Enumeration and Chronology-Supplementary Material Since 866/867/868 are managed manually, this field has generally not been used at UC Berkeley
865 Enumeration and Chronology-Indexes Since 866/867/868 are managed manually, this field has generally not been used at UC Berkeley
876 Item Information-Basic Bibliographic Unit  
877 Item Information-Supplementary Material  
878 Item Information-Indexes  


LDR / 008 bytes


All leader/LDR elements not defined as below should be coded as #.

Leader/05 (Record status) n - New
Leader/06 (Type of record) x - Single-part item holdings (no 86X)
v - Multipart item holdings (86x required, if record is processed by a cataloger; shelf-ready records omit 86x)
y - Serial item holdings (86x required)
Leader/09 (Character coding scheme) a - UCS/Unicode
Leader/10 (Indicator count) 2
Leader/11 (Subfield code count) 2
Leader/17 (Encoding level) u - Unknown
Leader/18 (Item information in record) n - No item information
Leader/20 (Length-of-field length) 4
Leader/21 (Starting-character-position length) 5
Leader/22 (Implementation-defined length) 0
Leader/23 (Undefined) 0

LDR byte definitions



All 008 elements not explicitly defined below should be coded as #.

008/06 (Receipt, acquisition, or access status) 0 - unknown
008/07 (Method of acquisition) u - Unknown
008/12 (General retention policy) 0 - unknown
008/16 (Completeness) 4 - Not applicable
008/17-19 (Number of copies reported) 001
008/20 (Lending policy) u - Unknown
008/21 (Reproduction policy) u - Unknown
008/25 (Separate or composite copy report) 0 - Separate copy report
008/26-31 (Date of report) 000000

 008 byte definitions


Examples of holdings for various formats

Current Standards


LDR     00145nx##a2200061un#4500
005     20231214074049.0
008     2312130u####0###4001uu###0000000
852 0   $$b BIOS $$c bi $$h QK149 $$i .R5549 2023

Multi-volume monograph (MVM)

LDR     00180nv##a2200073un#4500
005     20231214084132.0
008     2211140u####0###4001uu###0000000
852 0   $$b EAL $$c ea $$h JQ1063.A979 $$i W837 2021
866   0 $$a v.1-v.2 (2021)


LDR     00269ny##a2200085un#4500
005     20231214092926.0
008     2204110u####0###4001uu###0000000
852 0   $$b MAIN $$c ma $$h PL4378 $$i .A383 $$z Unbound issues in South/Southeast Asia Library
853 0 0 $$a no. $$u 6 $$v c $$i (year) $$j (month) $$w b $$8 0
866   0 $$a no.46(2021)-

Collection level records

LDR     00225nv##a2200085un#4500
005     20240221095014.0
008     1011220u####0###4001uueng0000000
852 0   $$b BANC $$c tb94 $$k pf $$h Z286.P35 $$i H37 2005
866   0 $$a box 1
561 1   $$a From the collection of Lynn Munroe.

Host bibliographic records

Please consult the full documentation on creating host bibliographic records for examples.

Migrated records

Note that migrated records are typically not compliant with all of the current standards (shown above). Migrated records may be upgraded to current standards as encountered. Batch upgrades may someday be performed as well. Please do not use these examples as a guide for creating new holdings records. Refer to the current standards above.


Note: Because it was the standard practice to suppress the holdings record in Millennium for Berkeley print MVMs, those holdings were not migrated to Alma. Ex Libris created bare-bones holdings records as displayed below for regular monographs and for print MVMs at the time of migration.

LDR     00208cx##a22000973n#4500
001     h17502567-01ucs_ber
004     UCB-b24980136x-01ucs_ber
852 0   $$b MAIN $$c ma $$h BD236 $$i .C68 2019

Multi-volume monograph (MVM) at NRLF 

Note: NRLF and BANC were able to migrate their print MVM holdings records, as well as various libraries with multi-part map sets.

LDR     00287ny##a22001453n#4500
001     h1349445-01ucs_ber
004     UCB-b100111816-01ucs_ber
005     20210601125245
008     1005125u####0###0001uueng0210616
035     $$a (CUY)c24352469-01ucs_ber
852 0 1 $$b NRLF $$c nbev $$h N31 $$i .E482
866   0 $$a v.1-15
901     $$a 13812489
952     $$x Label Type: n $$x Acq Type: z $$x Copies: 1 $$x Claimon: -  - $$x Rloc: z $$x Vendor: none $$x Pcount: 0 $$x Revisions: 7
991     $$a -
992     $$a -


LDR     02963ny##a22001933n#4500
001     h555472-01ucs_ber
002     .c1009667
004     UCB-b119821539-01ucs_ber
005     20231215091423.0
008     8802124u####0###0001uueng0210616
035     $$a (CUY)c14100964-01ucs_ber
852 0 1 $$b BIOS $$c bi $$h RC648.A1 $$i D5 $$x 6 MONTH CLAIM LIMIT! Check-in suppls at end of vol. $$x Includes supplements $$x Account num from packaging: 520734302 or 520697319 $$x Per MS can discard supplemental material that isn't an official supplement 20211217 biab $$x 20181105 Margins reviewed. bijc $$z Unbound issues on display
853 0 3 $$a v. $$b no. $$u 12 $$v r $$i (year) $$j (month) $$w m $$x 01 $$8 1
866   0 $$a 1(1952)-41:9(Sept 1992), 42(1993)-58(2009), 63:1(Jan 2014)-63:8(Aug 2014), 63:10(Oct 2014)-64:5(May 2015), 64:9(Sept 2015)-64:12(Dec 2015), 65:2(Feb 2016)-69:10(Oct 2020), 69:12(Dec 2020)-v.70(2021), 71:3(Mar 2022), 71:5(May 2022)-71:7(July 2022), 71:9(Sept 2022)-
901     $$a 1566563
952 0 1 $$x Label Type: a $$x Acq Type: s $$x Copies: 1 $$x Claimon: 05-21-2020 $$x Rloc: 1 $$x Vendor: ebsco $$x Frequency: m $$x Pcount: 8224 $$x Revisions: 697 $$x Message: Claim skipped issues! We don't have e-access to the current year. 06/28/17 bijc $$x UPI: *bv *sna $$x Bind Info: B BIND$BROWN$V. $$x Bind Info: Do not bind until all issues in bundle are available online (6 month delay). ES approved dropping Rush and doing this instead. 08/6/19 bijc $$x Bind Info: Bind supplements separately $$x Bind Title: DIABETES $$x Label Note: DISPLAY $$x Misc Internal Note: 20200207 v.17:suppl.1(1968), 18:suppl.1(1969), 39:suppl.1(1990), 41:10(Oct 1992)-41:12(Dec 1992), 59(2010)-62(2013) pulled for NRLF biab $$x Checkin Info: C C 0 1 0 1 1 n $$x Checkin Info: 1 v. no. 12 r (year) (month) m $$x Checkin Info: 1 n n S 0 45 4 6 0 2 64 0 $$x Checkin Info: 1 m v. no. (year) (month) (day) 12 r $$x Checkin Info: 1 S 2 0 64 45 12 1 n n 0 0 $$x Checkin Info: 1.1 64 1 2015 01 07-27-2015 $$x Checkin Info: 1.1 B 2015 01 06 1 1 1 $$x Checkin Info: 1.2 64 2 2015 02 07-27-2015 $$x Checkin Info: 1.2 B 2015 02 06 1 1 1 $$x Checkin Info: 1.3 64 3 2015 03 09-03-2015 $$x Checkin Info: 1.3 B 2015 08 17 1 1 1 $$x Checkin Info: 1.4 64 4 2015 04 09-03-2015 $$x Checkin Info: 1.4 B 2015 07 14 1 1 1 $$x Checkin Info: 1.5 64 5 2015 05 01-28-2016 $$x Checkin Info: 1.5 B 2015 07 14 1 1 1 $$x Checkin Info: 1.6 64 6 2015 06 drop action, no response to claims, SK doesn't want to spend any more time claiming. 10/08/15 bijc  clmd2 online 09/15/15 bijm  clmd online 08/07/15 bijc $$x Checkin Info: 1.6 U 2 0 0 $$x Checkin Info: 1.7 64 7 2015 07 drop action, no response to claims, SK doesn't want to spend any more time claiming. 10/08/15 bijc  clmd2 online 09/15/15 bijm  clmd online 08/07/15 bijc $$x Checkin Info: 1.7 U 2 0 0 $$x Checkin Info: 1.8 64 8 2015 08 SK doesn't want to spend any more time claiming. 10/08/15 bijc $$x Checkin Info: 1.8 U 0 0 0 $$x Checkin Info: 1.9 64 9 2015 09 01-28-2016 $$x Checkin Info: 1.9 B 2015 09 02 1 1 1 $$x Checkin Info: 1.10 64 10 2015 10 01-28-2016 $$x Checkin Inf
991     $$a -
992     $$a -

Collection level record

LDR     00468ny##a22001573n#4500
001     h14705861-01ucs_ber
004     UCB-b203964214-01ucs_ber
005     20240212093435.0
008     1309045u####0###0001uufre0210616
035     $$a (CUY)c24771892-01ucs_ber
852 0 1 $$b NRLF $$c nbtbr $$h DC141.5 $$i .K3
866   0 $$a box 1-14, volume 1-2
901     $$a 815411963
952 0 1 $$x Label Type: n $$x Acq Type: z $$x Copies: 1 $$x Claimon: -  - $$x Rloc: z $$x Vendor: none $$x Pcount: 0 $$x Revisions: 5
991     $$a -
992     $$a -

Host bibliographic records

Please consult the full documentation on creating host bibliographic records for examples.


By jcripe on 05-30-2024
