Processing maintenance materials in Metadata Services


This procedure outlines how to process maintenance materials in Metadata Services, focusing on how the materials enter and leave the department.

This procedure supplements Sending materials to Metadata Services.


Receiving and shelving maintenance materials

Responsibility: Student Library Employees and their supervisors

  1. Metadata Services receives materials requiring record maintenance and relabeling through the following means:
    • Picked up from the designated "For Metadata Services" shelf in Access Services and taken to 42 Doe.
    • Hand delivered to 42 Doe and placed on the "Incoming for Metadata Services" truck or given to a staff member.
    • Delivered via intralibrary mail to 42 Doe.
  2. For items with a record in Alma but not in the work order, scan the item into the Acquisitions Technical Services work order for Doe Library - MAIN Acquisitions Department with a status of Maintenance if possible.
    1. In Alma, ensure your location is set to the work order department Doe Library - MAIN Acquisitions Department.
    2. Select Fulfillment > Scan In Items.
    3. On the Scan In Items page, enter the following:
      1. Automatically print slip: No
      2. Set Status To: Maintenance
      3. Done: No
      4. Scan item barcode: Scan in the item’s barcode and click OK (if not automatic)
    4. The item’s Request/Process Type changes to Acquisitions technical services.
  3. Shelve maintenance materials on the designated shelves in 42 Doe.
Shelving of Maintenance Materials in 42 Doe
Priority, not in work order At the beginning of the maintenance section, before non-priority maintenance items not in the work order and the work order divider, by date
Not priority, not in work order After priority maintenance items not in the work order and before the work order divider, by date
Priority, in work order Immediately after the work order divider, by date
Not priority, in work order After the work order divider and priority maintenance items in the work order, by date
Problem in PCC bib record On the designated “Needs PCC Authorization” shelf

Processing maintenance materials

Responsibility: Catalogers in Metadata Services assigned to work on maintenance materials

  1. As with other materials, work on maintenance materials based on the following order:
    1. Priority, not in work order
    2. Priority, in work order
    3. Not priority, not in work order
    4. Not priority, in work order
  2. Resolve problems as appropriate.
    1. To view a note for an item in the Acquisitions Technical Services work order, do the following:
      1. In Alma, ensure your location is set to Doe Library - MAIN Acquisitions Department.
      2. Select Fulfillment > Manage In Process Items.
      3. From the In Process Items screen, find the row for the item.
      4. To view the first note, hover over the green check mark in the Notes column.
      5. To view all notes, select ... > Edit.
  3. Update the work order as appropriate.
    1. For MAIN items only:
      1. If a new call number label or other physical processing is not needed, scan the maintenance item out of the work order.
        1. In Alma, ensure your location is set to the work order department Doe Library - MAIN Acquisitions Department.
        2. Select Fulfillment > Scan In Items.
        3. On the Scan In Items page, enter the following:
          1. Automatically print slip: No
          2. Set Status To: Maintenance
          3. Done: Yes
          4. Scan item barcode: Scan in the item’s barcode and click OK (if not automatic)
        4. The item's Request/Process Type changes to Transit for Reshelving.
      2. Recycle the MAINTENANCE flag.
    2. For Subject Specialty Library (SSL) items only:
      1. In the Alma item record, change At to the corresponding acquisitions department for the library (e.g., BIOS Acquisitions Department, ENVI Acquisitions Department, etc.).
      2. Keep the MAINTENANCE flag in the item. Add a brief note describing the work completed.
      3. Insert the appropriate SSL flag in front of the MAINTENANCE flag.
  4. Place the maintenance item on the appropriate book truck in 42 Doe.
    1. For MAIN items requiring a new call number label or other physical processing, place items on the "Ready for Labeling" book truck.
    2. For MAIN items that do not require physical processing and have been scanned out of the work order, place items on the outgoing book truck for Access Services (designated by a "THIS TRUCK NEEDS TO BE CHECKED IN – FROM: COLLECTION SERVICES" sign).
    3. For Subject Specialty Library items, place items on the "Outgoing SSL Material" book truck.

By abaron on 07-16-2024
