Metadata Services (MdS)

Sending materials to Metadata Services

This procedure outlines the process for sending physical materials to Metadata Services for cataloging or record maintenance, including scanning items into the Acquisitions Technical Services work order.

By abaron on 06-14-2024

Related records: background on unlinked related records

Explains the history of related record practices and how they may have become unlinked over the course of OPAC migrations. Also covers previous attempts to mitigate the unlinked related records problem.

By jcripe on 05-06-2024

Cataloging requested items in Metadata Services

This procedure outlines the process for cataloging items that are in the Acquisitions Technical Services work order for MAIN Acquisitions Department and have been requested by a patron or library employee.

By abaron on 05-17-2024

Procedure for multivolume monograph (MVM) cataloging in Alma

A multi‐volume monograph (MVM) is a monograph complete, or intended to be complete, in a finite number of separate parts. The separate parts may or may not be numbered; volumes may be issued over time or all at once.

By jcripe on 05-02-2024