Sending materials to Metadata Services


This procedure outlines the process for sending physical materials to Metadata Services for cataloging or record maintenance, including scanning items into the Acquisitions Technical Services work order.

For additional information on the Acquisitions Technical Services work order, see Acquisitions Technical Services work order in Collection Services.

Required Alma roles
  • Receiving Operator Limited
    • Scope: Doe Library - MAIN Acquisitions Department
    • Tasks: Scanning items into work order, adding notes to the work order.



Note: This section is still in development. Additional sections will be added as they are finalized, including sending purchased materials and serials for cataloging.


Metadata Services is able to accept a limited number of gifts for low priority cataloging. If Metadata Services accumulates too many gifts, the Collection Services Division will work with the appropriate division to send the materials to Backstage Library Works for cataloging at that division’s expense.

  1. Accept gift materials.
    1. Selectors accept gifts based on the Library’s gifts policy.
    2. Consult with Preservation to review gifts for condition and for preservation needs (e.g., reformatting, boxes and enclosures, pest and mold mitigation, and possible binding or repair needs), as necessary.
    3. Do not create or edit any records in Alma for gift materials.
  2. For each item, fill out and insert a white GIFT flag.
    1. There are two versions of the flag:
      1. Fillable = Fill out the form in Word, then print and cut the flags.
      2. Printable = Print and cut the flags, then fill out by hand as needed.
    2. For Location / Library, always indicate the campus location (e.g., BIOS, ENVI, MAIN, etc.).
    3. For items that should go to NRLF, insert a pink PROCESS FOR NRLF flag behind the white GIFT flag.
      1. Alternatively, add “Process for NRLF” as a note on the GIFT flag.
  3. Send or take the items to Metadata Services, 42 Doe.
    1. If hand delivering gift materials to 42 Doe, they can be placed on the “Incoming for Metadata Services” truck or given to a staff member.

Gifts exception

  • Gifts for course reserves are handled through the course reserves workflow.


Materials already in the UC Berkeley collection can be sent to Metadata Services for record maintenance and relabeling.

  1. When possible, scan the item into the Acquisitions Technical Services work order for Doe Library - MAIN Acquisitions Department with a status of Maintenance.
    1. Ensure your location is set to the work order department Doe Library - MAIN Acquisitions Department.
    2. Select Fulfillment > Scan In Items.
    3. On the Scan In Items page, enter the following:
      1. Automatically print slip: No
      2. Set Status To: Maintenance
      3. Done: No
      4. Scan item barcode: Scan in the item’s barcode and click OK (if not automatic)
    4. The item’s Request/Process Type changes to Acquisitions technical services.
  2. Optionally, add a note to the work order to describe the problem.
    1. Select Fulfillment > Manage In Process Items.
    2. From the In Process Items screen, in the row for the maintenance item, select ... > Edit.
    3. Under Notes, click Add Note.
    4. Enter a description of the problem.
    5. Click Add.
  3. For each maintenance item, fill out and insert a white MAINTENANCE flag.
    1. There are two versions of the flag:
      1. Fillable = Fill out the form in Word, then print and cut the flags.
      2. Printable = Print and cut the flags, then fill out by hand as needed.
    2. For Location / Library:
      1. Always indicate the campus location (e.g., BIOS, ENVI, MAIN, etc.).
    3. In Work Order:
      1. Check if the item has been scanned into the Acquisitions Technical Services work order for Doe Library - MAIN Acquisitions Department.
    4. Type of Problem:
      1. Check all problem types that apply.
      2. May be left blank if not applicable.
    5. Description of Problem:
      1. Check “See Notes in work order” if a note has been added to the work order.
      2. If no note has been added to the work order, enter a brief description of the problem.
  4. Send or take the items to Metadata Services, 42 Doe.
    1. If hand delivering maintenance items to 42 Doe, they can be placed on the “Incoming for Metadata Services” truck or given to a staff member.
    2. Exception for Access Services: Place maintenance items on the designated “For Metadata Services” shelf.

Maintenance exceptions

  • If the problem can be addressed without sending the physical item to Metadata Services, submit a BadCat ticket or email
  • If the only problem is with the spine label, you may relabel the item without sending it to Metadata Services.
  • If the only problem is an incorrect or missing copy number, do not send the item to Metadata Services to be relabeled. Metadata Services does not relabel items to correct copy numbers. Access Services is responsible for relabeling MAIN items to correct copy numbers.
  • For Subject Specialty Libraries, if the problem is an incorrect call number, submit a BadCat ticket or email Metadata Services will assign a new call number and the library will relabel the item.

By abaron on 06-14-2024
