SILS general info, policies, and practices

General system information


UC Library Search (Primo VE):

Berkeley Institution code:

  • 01UCS_BER

Alma logins

For information about requesting and updating Alma logins (for both production and sandbox), visit the Requesting and updating Alma roles document.

Support for Alma and UC Library Search

Are you experiencing an issue with Alma and/or UC Library Search? Then refer to the Alma/UC Library Search Problem Reporting Pathways for Library Staff.

If you notice anything that needs to be updated or fixed on this site, please let us know using the feedback form.

Additional Alma system information

Ex Libris Alma documentation and Primo VE (UC Library Search) documentation

UC-wide SILS Confluence site

Alma release and maintenance schedule

System status page (Berkeley is on the NA07 server for Alma and Primo VE)

Timely and/or urgent communication

In the event of a system-related issue, Systems and Discovery Department staff will use the system/component down communication path to inform relevant staff groups. Additional information can be found in UC Berkeley Alma/Primo VE system down and component down procedure.

Depending on the nature of the update, information may be shared via almastaff@ or libstaff@

Systems related issues can be reported to 

By gosselar on 07-03-2024


List of most of the barcode sequences for UC Berkeley, include Berkeley and NRLF barcode sequences. Also included are UC Path and SIS barcode sequences for user records

By gosselar on

List of item policies

By mmarrow on

List of modified Alma roles which had permissions added/removed by staff request to meet UC Berkeley business needs.

By gosselar on

This document provides information about MARC field indexing in the Alma repository for bibliographic and holdings records.

By abaron on

One-stop document containing all the links related to onboarding a new Library hire with Alma and UC Library Search.

By gosselar on

Archive of SILS dispatches shared with

By gosselar on

The purpose of this document is to outline the steps required to access training materials for Drupal and access the SILS Documentation Site.

By gosselar on

Several processes/functions in Alma write files to the Uploads server, some of which are retrieved manually and would require direct access to the /exports subdirectory in the Alma directory in Uploads. Previously, all the processes which wrote to /exports were managed by Systems and Discovery, but now we are in the process of handing off some work, including processes which write to /exports, to specific staff members in the Collections Services Division (CSD).

By gosselar on

Guiding principles, pathways for requesting roles, supplemental information, and resources are outlined to assist supervisors navigating the roles requesting process for new and existing Library staff.

By gosselar on

UC Berkeley Resource Management training slides, recordings, Q&A, and additional resources where available.

By abaron on