Local fields and extensions for UC Berkeley


This document outlines the local fields and extensions that have been defined by UC Berkeley Library for use in Alma.

This is a work in progress and will be developed over time.

For local fields that have been standardized across the UC system, see Local bibliographic data.

For mappings of fields in Millennium to Alma, see Millennium-to-Alma field mapping.

For a list of local fields used in Millennium, see 9xx local field use.


955 Cataloging statistics

Field definition and scope

A local extension used to record cataloging statistics.

This document is supplemented by:

This document supersedes Cataloger Statistics KEY.


First Indicator
_ - Undefined

Second Indicator
_ - Undefined

Subfield codes

$a - Date

The date the record work was performed, in either yyyymmdd or yyyymm format.

$b - Cataloger initials

The individual performing the record work, using a 3- to 5-letter code consisting of the individual's library and initials.

For a list of cataloger initials, see 955$$b Cataloging Staff Initials (UC Berkeley only).

$c - Statistics code

The type of record work performed, using one of several predefined codes.

To track PCC work, include one 955 for each PCC task completed, and an additional 955 for the type of cataloging work accomplished.

Individual libraries can choose which codes to use or use a code with a slightly different definition.

Table of statistics codes
Code Type of Work Definition Action
ACE Archival cataloging, Enhanced Use for significant edits that result in a change to the WorldCat record. Includes: Updating and/or adding 1XX and/or 7XX entries; updating and/or adding 6XX entries; updating notes (especially 520 or 545); adding description for AV, Pictorial, or Digital components to an existing record.  
ACM Archival cataloging, Minimal Use when creating a new WorldCat record for preliminary (accession) records for unprocessed archival material, or when inputting a preliminary record into the Alma IZ for inventory control of uncataloged single items.  
ACO Archival cataloging, Original Use when inputting a full-level (ELvl blank) record in OCLC for a fully processed and described collection or item. Also use when upgrading a previously-input Archival Minimal level record to full level (e.g., when the "unprocessed" note is removed and the collection or item is opened for research).  
AMT Archival maintenance Use for minor edits to the bibliographic record (including those that require a change to the WorldCat record), and for holdings maintenance, etc. Includes: Updating the extent and/or date range to incorporate additions to an existing record (whether otherwise fully cataloged or not); updating restriction notes; adding 00X and/or 3XX fields.  
BSR BIBCO standard record (PCC) new [UC account] Use when no matching MARC record is found in WorldCat and a BIBCO record will be created or derived. BIBCO cataloger: Create or derive a new BIBCO record (ELvl blank, 042 pcc) in WorldCat according to the Program on Cooperative Cataloging’s BSR guidelines.
Use when a non-BIBCO MARC record exists in WorldCat and will be authenticated as a BIBCO record. BIBCO cataloger: Modify and replace the WorldCat record according to BSR guidelines, including adding 042 pcc.
BSRM BIBCO standard record (PCC) enhanced [UC account] Use for all updates to existing BIBCO records in WorldCat by a BIBCO member. BIBCO cataloger: Modify and replace the WorldCat record according to BSR guidelines.
CC Copy cataloging, No edits Use when a MARC record exists in WorldCat or the Alma NZ and exactly matches the item in hand, including classification and subject headings. Only set holdings in WorldCat.
CCE Copy cataloging, Edits Use when a MARC record exists in WorldCat or the Alma NZ with classification AND subject headings but requires the addition or correction of other bibliographic elements, including changing the descriptive standard (e.g., a record coded as AACR2 is changed to RDA, DCRM, etc.). Modify and replace the WorldCat record to add or correct bibliographic elements other than classification and subject headings.
CJKBSR CJK BIBCO new [CJK Funnel account] Use when no matching MARC record is found in WorldCat and a BIBCO record will be created or derived by a CJK Funnel member. BIBCO cataloger: Create or derive a new BIBCO record (ELvl blank, 042 pcc) in WorldCat according to the Program on Cooperative Cataloging’s BSR guidelines.
Use when a non-BIBCO MARC record exists in WorldCat and will be authenticated as a BIBCO record by a CJK Funnel member. BIBCO cataloger: Modify and replace the WorldCat record according to BSR guidelines, including adding 042 pcc.
CJKBSRM CJK BIBCO enhanced [CJK Funnel account] Use for all updates to existing BIBCO records in WorldCat by a CJK Funnel member. BIBCO cataloger: Modify and replace the WorldCat record according to BSR guidelines.
CJKCSR CJK CONSER new [CJK Funnel account] Use when no matching MARC record is found in WorldCat and a CONSER record will be created or derived by a CJK Funnel member. CONSER cataloger: Create or derive a new CONSER record (ELvl blank, 042 pcc or msc) in WorldCat according to the Program on Cooperative Cataloging’s CSR guidelines.
Use when a non-CONSER MARC record exists in WorldCat and will be authenticated as a CONSER record by a CJK Funnel member. CONSER cataloger: Modify and replace the WorldCat record according to CSR guidelines, including adding 042 pcc or msc.
CJKCSRM CJK CONSER enhanced [CJK Funnel account] Use for all updates to existing CONSER records in WorldCat, as well as updates to non-CONSER serial records by a CJK CONSER Funnel member. CONSER cataloger: Modify and replace the WorldCat record according to CSR guidelines.
CJKNACO CJK NACO new [CJK Funnel account] Use for new NACO authority records contributed to the LC/NACO Authority File by a CJK Funnel member. Include one 955 field for each NACO authority record contributed.  
CJKNACOM CJK NACO enhanced [CJK Funnel account] Use for all updates to existing NACO authority records by a CJK Funnel member. Include one 955 field for each NACO authority record updated.  
CM Cataloging, Minimal Use when no matching MARC record is found in WorldCat and a minimal or abbreviated record will be created or derived. Create or derive a new minimal level (ELvl 7) or abbreviated level (ELvl 3) record in WorldCat or the Alma IZ. Include classification if required.
CO Cataloging, Original Use when no matching MARC record is found in WorldCat and a full record will be created or derived. Create or derive a new full level (ELvl blank) record in WorldCat according to current full cataloging practices.
COM Copy cataloging, Complex Use when a MARC record exists in WorldCat or the Alma NZ but lacks classification, subject headings, or both. Modify and replace the WorldCat record, adding classification, subject headings, or both as appropriate.
Use when a MARC record exists in WorldCat or the Alma NZ but requires complete re-creation, including classification, subject headings, and access points. Re-create and replace the WorldCat record as appropriate.
CONSER CONSER record new (PCC) Use when no matching MARC record is found in WorldCat and a CONSER record will be created or derived. CONSER cataloger: Create or derive a new CONSER record (ELvl blank, 042 pcc or msc) in WorldCat according to the Program on Cooperative Cataloging’s CSR guidelines.
Use when a non-CONSER MARC record exists in WorldCat and will be authenticated as a CONSER record. CONSER cataloger: Modify and replace the WorldCat record according to CSR guidelines, including adding 042 pcc or msc.
CONSERM CONSER record maintenance (PCC) [CONSER UC Funnel] Use for all updates to existing CONSER records in WorldCat, as well as updates to non-CONSER serial records by a CONSER member. CONSER cataloger: Modify and replace the WorldCat record according to CSR guidelines.
HB Host bibliographic record Use when creating a new Host Bibliographic Record in the IZ.  
IP In process Use only with permission from the Head of Metadata Services when no matching MARC record is found in WorldCat and an abbreviated record will be created without classification. Create a new abbreviated level (ELvl 3) record in WorldCat or the Alma IZ without classification or subject headings.
MT Maintenance Use for all maintenance tasks, including but not limited to: added copies, OCLC holdings maintenance, multi-volume monograph adds, replacements, linking analytics, bibliographic edits, adding local information, etc.  
NACO NACO new [CU account] Use for new NACO authority records contributed to the LC/NACO Authority File. Include one 955 field for each NACO authority record contributed.  
NACOM NACO enhanced [CU account] Use for all updates to existing NACO authority records. Include one 955 field for each NACO authority record updated.  
OMP OCLC member merge project Use when merging WorldCat records. Regardless of the number of records merged in WorldCat, only add one 955 field with this code. Only those who have successfully completed the OCLC Member Merge training are permitted to use this code.  
Remote or REMOTE MdS remote work Use when cataloging from scan. Add as separate field from cataloger statistics field: 955 $$a yyyymm $$b [initials] $$c Remote  
REQUEST MdS requested item Use when cataloging a requested item. Add as a separate field from cataloger statistics field. Include a 955 field for each item requested.  
RLFA NRLF deposit, standard During new deposit processing, NRLF links a non-UCB depositor-supplied record to the Berkeley IZ.  
RLFCC NRLF deposit, copy cataloging During new deposit processing, NRLF uses a record that is different from the one supplied by the depositor.  
RLFMT NRLF deposit, with maintenance During new deposit processing, NRLF updates the existing Alma record to match the WorldCat record.  
UCRT UCR Thai cataloging Use for original cataloging records created by UC Riverside for UC Berkeley (CUY).  

$d - Format code

The format of material consulted when performing the record work, using one of several predefined codes.

Coding for format is optional; consult unit procedures before using.

Table of format codes
Code Definition
16 16mm film print
35 35mm film print
ac Audio cassette
af Audio file
air Air photo
am Archival materials
ar Audio reel
at Atlas
au Audio (unspecified format)
av Audiovisual (unspecified type)
bd Born digital (archival materials)
bk Book
br Blu-ray disc
cd Compact disc (digital audio)
dcp Digital Cinema Package
dm Digital media (floppy discs, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, etc.)
dvd DVD video
eb Electronic book
er Electronic resources (databases, serials, unspecified formats, etc.)
fi Film (unspecified format/gauge)
gis GIS data
glo Globe
mf Microform
mp Maps
mps Map series
ms Manuscript
pc Pictorial/graphic collection
pg Pictorial/graphic
rb Rare books
sa Streaming audio
sc Score (music)
sd Sound disc (analog)
sr Serial
sv Streaming video
vd Video disc (unspecified format)
vf Video file
vhs VHS tape
vi Video (unspecified format)
vr Video reel
wb Online resource

$e - Library/department code

The library or department performing the record work or for which the record work was performed, using one of several predefined codes.

Coding for library or department is optional; consult unit procedures before using.

Table of library/department codes
Code Library/Department
AHC Art History/Classics
BAMPFA Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive
BANC Bancroft/UC Archives
BIOS Bioscience, Natural Resources & Public Health
BUSI Business
CHEM Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
DREF Doe Reference
EAL East Asian
EART Earth Sciences & Map
EDA Environmental Design Archives
ENGI Engineering
ENVI Environmental Design
ESL Ethnic Studies
GRAD Graduate Services
IGSL Institute of Governmental Studies
ILL Interlibrary Loan
ITSL Institute of Transportation Studies
LBNL Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
MAIN Main (Gardner) Stacks
MATH Mathematics Statistics
MDS Metadata Services
MOFF Moffitt
MORR Morrison
MRC Media Resources Center
MUSI Music
NEWS Newspapers & Microforms
NRLF Northern Regional Library Facility
SDS Systems & Discovery Services
SOCR Social Research
SSEA South/Southeast Asia

999 Shelf-ready call number

Field definition and scope

A local extension used to facilitate mapping the LC call number on the piece to the holdings record for shelf-ready items.


First Indicator
_ - Undefined

Second Indicator
_ - Undefined

Subfield codes

$a - Classification part

$b - Item part

$d - Call number prefix


NOTE: This field is used in the vendor shelf-ready import process ONLY; it should not be added manually.

The basic process for shelf-ready call numbers is as follows:

  1. Vendors input call numbers in field 949 _1 using the same subfield codes as defined for local extension 999.

Example: 949 _1 $d f $a N7405.B52 $b A4 2022 $i C121733420 $l ma $v MAIN

  1. A normalization process is run during the import to copy the call number in field 949 to local extension 999 and then delete field 949.

Example: 999 __ $$a N7405.B52 $$b A4 2022 $$d f

  1. The call number in local extension 999 is mapped to field 852 subfields $h, i, and k in the holdings record.

Example: 852 0_ $$b MAIN $$c ma $$k f $$h N7405.B52 $$i A4 2022

The Call Number Mapping table in Alma determines which call number in the bibliographic record is mapped to the holdings record. The call number in field 999 takes precedence over any other call numbers, including those in field 050.

Call numbers in local extension 999 are not maintained and may be deleted.

By abaron on 06-13-2024
