
Sending materials to Metadata Services

This procedure outlines the process for sending physical materials to Metadata Services for cataloging or record maintenance, including scanning items into the Acquisitions Technical Services work order.

By abaron on 06-14-2024

Monographs: additional copies added at shelving locations

This procedure outlines the process for checking whether a newly received item arriving at a shelving location from a source other than Acquisitions/Metadata Services can be added to an existing fully cataloged record or if it needs to be referred to your local Tech Lead or Cataloging Unit for records work before adding to the collection. This documentation is NOT to be used for replacements for lost copies (forthcoming).

By jcripe on 05-23-2024

Creating host bibliographic records for bound-withs in Alma

Interim procedures for creating Host Bibliographic Records that continue the status quo of records that were created on migration to Alma in 2021, and are not meant to represent any final decisions regarding Berkeley’s treatment of Host Bibliographic Records. The procedures are meant to provide guidance for catalogers to create records that can be updated in batch, along with the migrated records, as any changes are implemented in their treatment.

By abaron on 10-17-2023

Related records: background on unlinked related records

Explains the history of related record practices and how they may have become unlinked over the course of OPAC migrations. Also covers previous attempts to mitigate the unlinked related records problem.

By jcripe on 05-06-2024