Serials - SEC changes in Alma

SECs in Alma

Submit a title change to Sercat:

Note: Before submitting, verify whether it is a major or minor change? If it is a minor change, cataloger needs to adjust the bib but new bib is not needed.If in doubt, ask cataloging.

Method 1:  Using Quick Cataloging

Add a new physical item (and bib and holdings) to the inventory:

  1. Before you get started, copy the MMSID and POL (and possibly the old title name, if you don’t want to have to type it yourself) from the old title. You’ll need to paste those into the Notes field in step 9.
  2. Go to Resources > Create Inventory > Add Physical Item to start Quick Cataloging
  3. From the Choose Holdings Type dialog box, select the New option
  4. Citation Type should be set to Article
  5. Click on Choose. The Quick Cataloging form appears. 
  6. IMPORTANT: Placement of new record must be set to Institution (Alma does not allow us to change the default setting to Institution).
  7. In the Article/Chapter Title field enter “SEC from [old title] to [new title]”
  8. Enter the ISSN of the new title
  9. In the Notes field enter “SEC from [old title]  [old title MMSID]  [POL]”
  10. Make sure the box is checked next to Suppress from Discovery (it should default to being checked)
  11. Choose your shelving location from the Location drop down menu (required)
  12. For SSLs, apply a piggyback barcode to the item in hand and scan it into the Barcode field
  13. If your barcode scanner hasn’t already sent an Enter code which saved and closed the record, click on Save
  14. When you’re returned to the Item Summary page, open the Item record (click on the Items link after clicking on the Physical tab or choose Items from the ...More Actions menu)
  15. OPTIONAL: Go to the Notes tab and enter an Internal Note 1 “[yyyymmdd] Sent to SerCat  [initials]”. Add any other notes that you may need to refer to when the item is returned from SerCat.Hit Enter or click on Save
  16. Log into your Serials Cataloging location and Scan In Items; in the Set Status To drop-down choose Title Change,  then scan the barcode into the barcode field.
  17. Insert an SEC flag and send the item to SerCat. If you wait to send your item off to SerCat, make sure you update your Internal Note 1 with the actual date sent to SerCat.

Method 2: Using the MDE

  1. Set your default zone to IZ (New > Placement option > Local > Save).  
  2. Create brief bib in the MDE
  3. Add 245 and 022 fields. Add a 500 including old title, MMS ID and POL
  4. Add Holdings in the MDE (+ Add Inventory) At this point you can create a pattern (you can also do it post cat) (Note that this pattern would not show in Receiving queue till POL is associated)
  5. When adding the 852,  put the four letter location code (must be all caps, such as MAIN)  after the $$b delimiter, and the two letter lower case location after $$c (such as ‘ma’)  Add $$x In Process (SEC) initials yyyymmdd note.  
  6. Open the holdings and add the item, generate a barcode, click Save and Edit and then you can select Process Type: Serials Cataloging, to put it into the work order.
  7. Change your location to Serials Cataloging to manage the work order. Go to Fulfillment, Manage In Process Items, find your item and set that status to Title Change.
  8. To the 852 of the old title holdings record, add an $$x noting the SEC to the new title/MMS ID.
  9. Place an SEC flag in the issue and send to SerCat, 42 Doe. 

Cataloger: Cataloger will catalog the new title, overlay the short bib, verify the holdings record: 852 and 866, and add call number. For the old title, cataloger will close the bib and close the holdings. If the change is minor, cataloger will adjust the bib record. No new full bib record is needed.

Post Cat 

After cataloging work, return to ECRU 

ECRU will: Create or adjust pattern as needed based on the fully cataloged record

  1. Move order to new bib. Open order, Edit and click ‘Change Bib Reference’
  2. Locate new bib, select and submit. 
  3. Open Holdings, click Associate a PO LIne and paste in the POL.
  4. Open Holdings of old title, click Associate a PO Line and click [x], to delete it.
  5. Review bib and holdings work.


Appendix:  Major vs Minor title changes


(Excerpted from CONSER Cataloging Manual, Module 16)

Complied by Stella Tang, Nov. 1, 2022

Decision process to determine whether the change is major or minor

- Based on evidence in the catalog/OCLC that another cataloger has determined that it is a major or minor change

- Based on other information in hand

- Is there a statement of publisher’s intent?

I. Major Changes (Unless the change belongs to one of the categories listed as minor changes.)


1) Addition, deletion, change or reordering of any of the first five words (six if there is an initial article). Count all words.

2) Addition, deletion, or change of any word after the first five words (the first six words if the title begins with an article) that changes the meaning of the title or indicates different subject matter.

3) Change of name of a corporate body to a different corporate body included anywhere in the title.

II. Minor Changes

(Even though they are considered as Minor, a note and later title proper (marc field 246) is often needed.)


1) Representation of a word or words.

- one spelling vs. another

- abbreviated word or sign or symbol vs. spelled-out form

- Arabic numerals(s) vs. roman numeral(s)

- numbers or dates vs. spelled-out form

- hyphenated words vs. unhyphenated words

- one-word compounds vs. two-word compounds, whether hyphenated or not

an acronym or initialism vs. full form

- a change in grammatical form (e.g., singular vs. plural, adjective vs. noun, and genitive vs. nominative)

2) Article, preposition, or conjunction is added, deleted, or changed anywhere in the title. Record a later title proper (marc field 246) for the minor change.

3) Name of the same corporate body and elements of its hierarchy is added or deleted anywhere in the title. For example, from full form to an acronym or in the fullness of the hierarchy presented).

4) The only change is one of punctuation.

5) Order of titles changes when the title is given in more than one language and/or script.

6) Words linking the title to the numbering are added, deleted, or changed

7) Fluctuating titles, title flip-flops, title of short duration

8) Words are added or deleted from a list, or the order of the words is changed, as long as there is no significant change to the subject matter. The words can be anywhere in the title, including the first five words.

9) Words that indicate the type of resource (i.e. type of publication not subject matter) are added or dropped anywhere in the title, e.g. magazine, bulletin, journal, review, study, but not from review to newsletter.




By jcripe on 07-01-2024
