How can we help you with data and digital scholarship?
The Library Data Services Program and Digital Scholarship Services offers support to students, faculty, and other researchers in the areas of:
- Discovering and accessing the data you need for research, teaching, and learning in UC Berkeley Library’s Dataverse.
- Designing and writing data management plans for internal use and funder-mandated grant applications
- Coordinating with campus partners to provide workshops and instruction on introductory data analysis concepts, data literacy, and the research data lifecycle
- Providing advice and basic support for data collection platforms and tools
- Publishing, sharing, persistence, reproducing, and preserving/archiving data for future discovery and use
- Identifying methods, tools, sources, and licensing restrictions for text and data mining (TDM) projects
- Supporting geographic information system (GIS) software and data needs across all disciplines
- Providing guidance and resources to explore and incorporate digital tools and methods into research
We can assist through personalized consultations, in-class and workshop instruction, and customized support for departments and programs. Please contact us at

The UC Berkeley Library designates a subject librarian to support faculty and students in each university department and program.

The RDM Program provides expert consultation throughout the research process and assists with handling data workflows.