Guidance for creating a SILS Documentation Site page


Build experience creating a Drupal document page and complete without errors on the SILS Documentation Site sandbox in order to gain access to editing privileges on the production SILS Documentation Site.

Components to include in a sample SILS Documentation Site content page:

These are some of the components that will be reviewed by the SILS Functional Area Lead, but it is not a comprehensive list:

  • Headers (are they in the proper order?)
  • Image (is alternate text present?)
  • Table (is it being used for tabular data with the necessary mark-up?)
  • Unordered and ordered lists
  • Links to other resources
    • To ExL documentation
    • To other pages on the SILS Documentation Site
    • To external resources 
  • Tags

Next steps:

After the staff member creates a sample page on the sandbox including the requested elements, they will update their Helpbox ticket letting the Lead know the page is ready for review.

The page will then be reviewed by the appropriate SILS Functional Area Lead. The Lead will share any revisions on the existing Helpbox ticket and recommend whether further training is required. If the sample page is adequate, the Lead will request an account on production.

By gosselar on 06-24-2024
