2009-10 Committee Rosters

Executive Committee (Minutes)

  • Margaret Phillips, Chair
  • Corliss Lee, Past Chair
  • Susan Koskinen, Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect
  • ----, Secretary
  • ----, Treasurer
  • ----, Library Representative
  • ----, Library Representative
  • ----, Affiliated Representative
  • ----, ex-officio (CAPA Chair)

Committee on Appointment Promotion and Advancement (CAPA)

  • Lynn Jones, Chair (2011)
  • Paul Atwood (20--)
  • Jim Church (20--)
  • Brian Quigley (20--)
  • Jane Rosario (20--)
  • Nick Robinson (20--)
  • Virginia Shih (20--)

Committee on Affiliated Libraries Affairs

  • Ramona Martinez, Chair (2009)
  • Linda Vida (2010), Vice-Chair

Committee on Diversity

  • Barbara Bohl, Chair (Affiliated representative) (2010)
  • Mia Jaeggli (Staff representative) (2010)
  • Debbie Jan (2011)
  • Adnan Malik (Statewide representative) (2011)
  • Susan Wong, ex officio (LHRD representative) (2010)

Committee on Professional Development

  • Dana Miller, Co-Chair (2010)
  • Jim Ronningen, Co-Chair (2010)
  • Imadeldin Abuelgasim (2011)
  • Kendra Levine (2011)
  • Linda Vida (2011)

Committee on Research

  • Shayee Khanaka (Co-Chair, 2010)
  • Marjorie Bryer (Co-Chair, 2010)
  • Lily Castillo-Speed (2011)
  • Lisa Rowlison de Ortiz (2011)
  • Jim Spohrer (Townsend Fellow Representative, 2011)
  • Kai Stoeckenius (2011)
  • Dean Rowan (ex officio, UCB representative to LAUC statewide Research and Professional Development Committee) (2010)

Dean Rowan replaced Susan Garbarino as the Berkeley representative to the Statewide Research and Professional Development Committee in January 2010.

Conference Planning Committee

  • not active

Distinguished Librarian Award Committee

  • Corliss Lee, Doe/Moffitt, Chair
  • Elizabeth Byrne, ENVI and previous DLA winner
  • Marlene Harmon, Law (Affiliated representative)
  • John Kupersmith, Doe/Moffitt
  • George Oster, Environmental Science, Policy & Management (faculty

Nominations and Elections Committee

  • Myrtis Cochran, Co-chair (2010)
  • John Gallwey, Affiliated Representative (2011)
  • Jianye He, (2011)
  • Jason Schultz, Co-Chair (2010)


  • Harrison Dekker

Representiative to Staff Development Committee



Committee on Diversity

Adnan Malik (2010)

Committee on Library Plans and Policies


Committee on Professional Governance

Linda Vida (2010)

Nominations and Elections Committee


Research and Professional Development Committee

Dean Rowan (2010)