LAUC-B Distinguished Librarian Award

Current Roster


The Distinguished Library Award Committee is charged by the LAUC-B Executive Committee to:

  • Solicit nominations for the Distinguished Librarian Award: review nominations and select the DLA recipient(s)
  • Publicize the Distinguished Librarian Award
  • Maintain confidential deliberations
  • Organize the DLA Award Ceremony
  • Submit a proposed budget to the LAUC-B Executive Committee
  • Review the award criteria and procedures; submit proposed changes to the LAUC-B Executive committee for approval
  • Update the Calendar for distinguished Librarian Award Committee
  • Maintain a record of the Committee's work
  • Maintain the Distinguished Librarian Award web site


  • The Distinguished Librarian Award ceremony is held every other year (alternating with the LAUC-B conference) in late fall.
