About the Librarians Association of the University of California, Berkeley

The Librarians Association of the University of California, Berkeley (LAUC-B) is a division of the Librarians Association of the University of California (LAUC) and through it is recognized as an official unit of the University.

Membership in LAUC-B consists of all persons in the University, including those with temporary appointments, (a) holding appointment half-time or more in the Librarian Series, or in any one of the following titles: University Librarian, Associate University Librarian, Assistant University Librarian, Law Librarian, Associate Law Librarian, Assistant Law Librarian, or in these same titles in an acting capacity, and (b) who work principally on the Berkeley campus, or who work at a location apart from any of the nine campuses and report administratively to a statewide office but work nearer the Berkeley campus than any other. All those employed half-time or more are considered regular members and are eligible to make motions, nominate candidates, vote and to hold office. Those employed less than half time and all retired LAUC members are considered affiliate members and may not make motions, nominate candidates, vote or hold office. LAUC-B members come from both The Library and from the Affiliated Libraries.

LAUC-B serves in an advisory capacity to the Chancellor and Library administration on professional and governance matters of concern to all librarians. LAUC-B advises the Chancellor and Library administration on professional standards, rights, privileges, and obligations of members of the Librarian Series of the University. LAUC-B advises the Chancellor and Library administration on the planning, evaluation, and implementation of programs, services, or technological changes in the libraries of the University of California, Berkeley. LAUC-B works with the Librarians Association of the University of California on matters of University-wide concern. LAUC-B does not advise the Chancellor or Library administration with respect to matters that are covered by a memorandum of understanding or otherwise subject to negotiation between the University and any exclusive bargaining agent. Issues of collective bargaining are addressed by UC-AFT Local 1474.

LAUC-B Archives

The LAUC-B Archives are located in the University Archives collection at The Bancroft Library. The collection title is Librarians Association of the University of California records, 1969-[ongoing]; the call number is CU-12.8. An online version of the finding aid for the records can be found at http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/kt0199n3t7

For more information regarding this collection, please contact Associate University Archivist Kathryn Neal.

For an in-depth examination of the history of LAUC-B, including complete Executive Committee and CAPA rosters for 1968-1991/92, please see Librarians, LAUC-B, and the AFT: The Struggle for Academic Status at the University of California, Berkeley, 1963-1991, by William L. Whitson (1992). [pdf document]