Browse collections
- A.L. Kroeber Family Photographs
- AAG Annual Meeting
- Abner Doble Papers, 1885-1963
- Abraham Lincoln Papers
- Activities and entertainment at Heart Mountain Relocation Center Photographs 1942-1943
- Advanced Papyrological Information System
- Advocacy and Philanthropy Oral Histories Individual Interviews
- Adz Gayzette
- African American Faculty and Senior Staff Oral Histories
- African Americans in the San Francisco Bay Area
- After the 1906 Earthquake and Fire
- Agricultural Laborers
- Agriculture and Natural Resources at University of California Oral Histories
- AIDS Epidemic in San Francisco Oral Histories
- Al-Masar (UC Berkeley Access)
- Alameda County Land Papers
- Alaska to Mexico
- Alfabeta 2 (UC Berkeley Access)
- Alfred A. Hart Stereographs
- Alfred Tarski Papers, circa 1923-1985
- Alice Iola Hare Photograph Collection, circa 1895-1912
- Alphabetic listing of major war supply contracts
- Alphonse Louis Pinart Papers
- Amazon Quarterly
- American Banker
- American Civil War Portraits
- American literary miscellany
- American war posters from the First World War
- American war posters from the Second World War
- Angier family correspondence
- Annette Rosenshine Papers
- Announcement of the school of education
- Aquila B. Massey and Anne R. Massey family letters
- Arc News
- Archivos de las Misiones 1769-1856
- Armenian Collection Catalog
- Arthur Brown, Jr. Papers
- Artist Books
- Artistic Homes of California
- Arts and Letters Oral Histories Individual Interviews
- Asami Collection
- ASLA Annual meetings (UC Berkeley Access)
- Athletics at UC Berkeley Oral Histories
- August Vollmer Papers, [ca. 1918-1955]
- Babcock (Harry) Albums
- Bancroft Selections
- Bancroftiana
- Bar Rag
- Barry (William C.) Los Angeles Area
- Bartholomew family correspondence
- Bay Bridge Construction Photographs
- Bay Bridge Oral Histories
- Belcher family correspondence
- Benjamin S. Lippincott letters
- Berkeley and Oakland Businesses
- Berkeley Campus Space Plans
- Berkeley Computing
- Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics & Probability
- Berkeley Undergraduate Journal
- Berkeley, Ca. Views 1873-circa 1950
- Bibliothèque bleue
- Bills of lading for items shipped to and from San Francisco
- Bioenergy Connection
- Biography from Timothy Rix
- Bioscience and Biotechnology Oral Histories
- Birds of the Pacific Slope
- Book Artifacts Collection, circa 2345 B.C.-1993 A.D. (bulk circa 1510-1976)
- Borax Industry
- Bridgman (Lilian) Photograph
- British and British Commonwealth war posters from the Second World war
- British and British Commonwealth war posters from the Second World war
- British political campaign posters
- British war posters from the First World War
- British war posters from the Second World War
- Broadsides of World War II relocation orders to persons of Japanese ancestry residing in San Mateo County
- Bruce Conner Papers, approximately 1940-2010 (bulk 1960-2008)
- Bruce Conner Photograph Collection, circa 1935-circa 2008
- Buildings of Berkeley
- Buildings of the California Wine Association
- Bully Hill Mine
- Businesses and scenes in Oakland, Calif., ca. 1914-ca. 1920
- C.I.S. Weekly Press Summary
- California and Mexico
- California and Other Western States
- California and the West
- California Art Research Archive
- California Audiovisual Preservation Project
- California Coastal Commission Oral Histories
- California Cultures
- California Faces
- California Fire Departments Oral Histories
- California football media guide
- California Gold Rush Letters
- California Legal Heritage
- California Lettersheets
- California Loyalty Oath Digital Collection
- California Management Review
- California Midwinter International Exposition
- California Scenic Line
- California Sheet Music
- California State Politics Oral Histories
- California Urban Scenes
- Call Bulletin
- Camp (Charles L.) Stereographs
- Campanile review
- Campus Planning Study Group
- Canadian war posters from the First and Second World Wars
- Cased photographs and related images from The Bancroft Library pictorial collections, circa 1845-circa 1870
- Cassidy Family Papers, [circa 1897-1965]
- Catalina Island, California
- Celestin Hyacinthe Adnet letters to his family in France
- Census of housing (1970)
- Centennial Exhibit from the Nine Campuses of the University of California, 1868-1968
- Center for International Health Information
- Central America AMS E501
- Central America. U.S. Army map service. A.M.S. E501
- Chain of Life
- Charcoal Sketches of Los Angeles
- Charles A. Rogers Chinatown Paintings
- Charles Albion Tuttle papers
- Charles Frederick Fisk Papers
- Charles Henry Bennett journals
- Charles Henry Randall letters to his parents
- Charles Hilton letters to his family in Nova Scotia
- Charles Jackson letters
- Charles James Papers
- Charles Jewett letters to the Jewett family
- Charles Lindbergh’s Visit
- Charles Van Houten papers
- Chauncey Hare photographs
- Chee Kung Tong Archive
- Chicana/o Studies Oral Histories
- Children’s Hospital of San Francisco Photograph Collection, 1904-1965
- Chinese in California, 1850-1925
- Chinese Manuscripts (UC Berkeley Access)
- Chinese News Service posters from the Second World War era
- Chinese Political Posters 中国政治宣传海报
- Chinese Rare Books 中文善本特藏
- Chinese Rubbings Collection 金石拓片
- Choson Nodongja (UC Berkeley Access)
- Chronicle of the UC
- Cités et ruines américaines by Charnay
- Cités et ruines américaines: Mitla, Palenqué, Izamal, Chichen-Itza, Uxmal
- City Arts and Lectures (UC Berkeley Access)
- City Lights Books Records, 1953-1970
- Civic Unity Records
- Civilian exclusion order[s]
- Clark LaMotte Goddard California Views
- Coalinga Photograph Album
- Collection of Junípero Serra letters
- Collection of maps on the pre-evacuation locations of Japanese Americans in California / prepared under the direction of Earl Warren, State Attorney General] 1942
- College of Environmental Design Lectures
- Columbia River Gorge Views
- Coming Up!
- Commerce, Industry, and Labor Oral Histories Individual Interviews
- Community and Identity Oral Histories Individual Interviews
- Compton (Eugene) Stereoviews
- Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company policy letters
- Contributions of the University of California Archaeological Research Facility (UC Berkeley Access)
- Cooper Ornithological Society Records, 1874-1994
- Coronado tent city news
- Craftsman
- Crit (UC Berkeley Access)
- Crowley Maritime Photographs
- Crown Zellerbach Photographs
- CU News
- Cuban Poster Collection 1960-2000
- Cyril Hawkins papers
- Daily Cal
- Daily evening post (San Francisco, Calif.)
- Daughters of Bilitis
- David Gardiner letters
- David Hammond Vinton correspondence
- David Jenkins letters to his family in Wales
- David Paul Elder papers
- David Rogers letters from French Gulch
- David Ross Brower Motion Picture Collection
- David Ross Brower photograph collection
- David Wilson letters
- Days Of Cal
- Deakin Tract of Mining and Timber Lands
- Death Valley Automobile Trip
- Delhi State Land Settlement
- Dennis Galloway photographs of the University of California, Berkeley
- Derleth (Charles) San Francisco
- Digital Scriptorium
- Disability Rights and Independent Living Movement Audio/Video
- Disability Rights and Independent Living Movement Oral Histories
- Disabled Students Program Photograph Collection, 1970’s-1992
- Disabled Students’ Program Records, 1965-
- Division of Library Automation (DLA) Bulletin
- Dōbanga (Copperplate Prints) Collection 銅版画コレクション
- Documentos para la historia de California, 1769-1850
- Documentos para la Historia de California: Alviso Family Papers, 1817-1850
- Documents Pertaining to the Adjudication of Private Land Claims in California
- Donald H. McLaughlin papers, 1930-1984
- Dooley (E. T.) Arbor Villa
- Dow (Wallace H.) Blue Lakes
- Downieville Panorama
- Dressler’s Pioneer Place
- Dreyer’s Grand Ice Cream Oral Histories
- Drobish (Harry Everett) Migrant Labor Camp
- Dublin, Field Day Publications, 2005- (UC Berkeley Access)
- Durham State Land Settlement
- E.A. Upton diaries
- Earl Warren in California Oral Histories
- Earle E. Williams collection of California German immigrant letters, 1860-1872
- Early Readers
- Earth Island Institute Urban Habitat Program audio visual collection
- Earthquake Damage in Santa Barbara
- East Asian Library Selections
- East Bay Regional Park District Oral Histories
- EBI Annual Report
- EBI Bulletin
- Economica Weekly Press Summary
- Economists Life Stories Oral Histories
- Edgar F. Kaiser Papers
- Edgar Wayburn papers
- Edmund G. Brown Photographs
- Edo Hanpon (Printed Books) Collection 江戸版本コレクション
- Education and University of California Oral Histories Individual Interviews
- Edward A. Rogers collection of Cardinell-Vincent Company and Panama-Pacific International Exposition photographs circa 1914-1925
- Edward Oscar Heinrich papers, approximately 1888-1953 (bulk 1909-1952)
- Edward Otho Cresap Ord Papers, 1850-1883
- Edward P. and Elliott Reed letters
- Edward V. Roberts Papers, 1975-1998
- Edwin Bishop letters
- Eighteenth-Century Italian Instrumental Music Manuscript Collection
- Elder family correspondence
- Eldridge Cleaver Photographs
- Election Ephemera
- Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences Technical Reports
- Elise Stern Haas Family Photographs
- Emanuel Fritz papers, circa 1900-1988
- English-Chinese technical vocabularies
- Environmental Design Folios
- Erastus G. Bradbury diaries and related materials
- Ernest O. Lawrence Papers
- Fiat Lux Library Newsletter
- Fiat lux photographs documenting the University of California
- Field Day review (UC Berkeley Access)
- Film-Kurier
- Finance Working Paper
- Fine art auction catalogs, 1912-1941 美術品入札目録
- Finley McDiarmid letters to his wife Constantia McDiarmid
- Fiske (George), Yosemite
- Fitch family letters
- Flamm (Roy) Bernard Maybeck Buildings
- Flavel Belcher letters
- Florence Merriam Bailey Papers, 1887-1940
- Florence Richardson Wyckoff Papers, 1869-2000 (bulk 1940-1990)
- Floyd-Jones family correspondence
- Fonoroff Lobby Cards 方保罗电影特藏: 大堂剧照
- Fonoroff Movie Posters
- Food and Agriculture Oral Histories Individual Interviews
- Forest Service Region 5 Oral Histories
- Forestry
- Framed items from the collections of The Bancroft Library
- Francis Edward Prevaux letters
- Frank B. Rodolph Photograph Collection
- Frederick Godfrey Hesse Papers
- Free speech movement handbills issued on the University of California, Berkeley campus, 1964-1966
- Free Speech Movement Oral Histories
- Free Speech Movement Photographs
- Free Speech Movement records, 1936-1969
- Freedom to Marry Oral Histories
- French political campaign posters
- French war posters from the First World War
- French war posters from the Second World War
- Fricot (D) Grass Valley
- Fritz-Metcalf
- Fruchtbringende Gesellschaft Collection: Manuscript and Pictorial Material, 1592-1754
- Funeral of Phoebe Apperson Hearst
- Gay Focus Magazine
- Gay Pride Crusader
- Gay Sunshine
- Gelo Freeman Parker diaries and letterbook
- General Catalogue
- Geographical Survey Expedition
- Geographical Survey Expedition Stereoviews
- George and Phoebe Apperson Hearst papers microfilm
- George and Phoebe Apperson Hearst Papers, 1849-1926
- George Clinton Northwest Boundary Survey
- George Davidson Papers
- George E. Hyde & Co. Canning Operations
- George F. Chamberlain letters
- George F. Price correspondence
- German poster and broadside collection, chiefly from the Nazi party during the Second World War
- Gertrude Anthony photographs
- Getty Trust Oral Histories
- Ghirardelli Co. Chocolate Manufacturing
- Global Mining Oral Histories
- Golden Gate Bridge Construction Photographs
- Golden Gate International Exposition
- Gomez de la Cortina Family
- Goodwin Knight and Edmund G . Brown Gubernatorial Eras in California Oral Histories
- Governor’s Commission on the Los Angeles Riots Records, 1965 August-December
- Graduate chemistry
- Graupner Family Spanish-American War
- Greed, Erich von Stroheim Production
- Greek Papyri
- Ground and Aerial Views of China / J. P. Koster
- Guayule Rubber Industry, Salinas
- Haight Ashbury Free Press
- Hale Zukas Papers, 1971-1998
- Harvesting Beans Madera County
- Hazeltine (M.M.) Mendocino County
- Henri Lenoir Papers
- Henry K. Bent letters
- Henry S. Hewit papers
- Herbert Willsmore Papers, 1968-1993
- Hetch Hetchy Letters
- Hiram Clum papers
- Hiram Johnson papers
- Historic maps of Calif - Monterey Bay
- Historic maps of Calif - San Francisco Bay Region
- Historic Maps of the Bay Area
- Historic topographic maps of California
- History Department, UC Berkeley Oral Histories
- History of California
- Honeyman (Robert B.) Lettersheets
- Honeyman (Robert B., Jr.)
- Hotel Del Monte
- Houcun ju shi ji
- Howard W. Steward motion pictures
- Howe (James Wong) San Francisco’s Chinatown
- Hubert Howe Bancroft : Records of the Library and Publishing Companies, 1864-1910
- Hubert Howe Bancroft Collection
- Ichimaizuri korekushon = Single-sheet print collection, 1756-1940. 一枚摺コレクション
- IEICE Transactions on Communications (UC Berkeley Access)
- IEICE Transactions on Electronics (UC Berkeley Access)
- IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications, and Computer Sciences. (UC Berkeley Access)
- IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems (UC Berkeley Access)
- IGS Digital
- Imperial Valley Snapshots
- Index Maps
- Indians and the Colorado River
- Indochina Archives
- Institute for Research on Labor and Employment Collections
- Institute of East Asian Studies Publications
- Interim (UC Berkeley Access)
- International Telecom Union (UC Berkeley Access)
- International Topographic Map Sets
- Iraqi Refugee Interviews
- Isaiah West Taber Family
- Israel Williams letters his family
- Italian Librettos
- Italoamericano (UC Berkeley Access)
- James D. Phelan Papers
- James D. Phelan Photograph Albums, 1902-1929
- James De Fremery diaries and scrapbook
- James Joyce Newestlatter (UC Berkeley Access)
- James Masterson correspondence
- James Porter Shaw Collection
- Japanese American Confinement Sites Oral Histories
- Japanese American Evacuation and Resettlement
- Japanese American Evacuation and Resettlement Records 1930-1974
- Japanese American Intergenerational Narratives Oral Histories
- Japanese American News
- Japanese Historical Maps Collection 日本古地図コレクション
- Japanese Manuscripts Collection 日本写本コレクション
- Jess Papers
- Jesse Brown Cook Scrapbooks
- Jewish Community Federation Leadership Oral Histories
- Ji yi = Remembrance
- Johan Hagemeyer Photographs
- John App diaries
- John Buchanan letters
- John F. Baldwin papers, 1954-1967
- John F. Willis papers
- John Galen Howard Papers, 1874-1954 (bulk 1888-1931)
- John McGonigle letter to John Hardy
- John Reardon letters
- John V. Tunney papers
- John W. Bone letters
- Joint Operations
- Joseph and Hilda Wood Grinnell Papers, 1886-1967
- Joseph Cummings Rowell Papers
- Joseph Libby Folsom papers
- Joseph Rous Paget-Fredericks Dance Collection
- Joseph Willicombe collection of William Randolph Hearst papers, approximately 1900-approximately 1945
- Journal commencing January 1st 1849 of a trip to California and gold digging and related papers
- Julian P. Graham Collection of Photographic Negatives
- Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Oral Histories
- Kalendar
- Katherine Amelia Towle papers, 1948-1968 (bulk 1964-1965)
- Kealney [i.e. Kearney]
- Keith-McHenry-Pond Family Papers, 1841-1961
- Kransky collection of Mitchell postcards
- Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers
- Kroeber Anthropological Society Special Publications
- La maza (UC Berkeley Access)
- La Motte family papers
- Lacanian Review (UC Berkeley Access)
- Ladies Relief Society
- Latin American Journals
- Lavender Reader
- Lavenson (Alma) California Gold Rush
- Law Clerks of Chief Justice Earl Warren Oral Histories
- Lawrence Ferlinghetti Photographs
- Lce News
- Leakey Foundation Oral Histories
- LeConte Family Papers
- Lectures from Architecture 170 class, University of California, Berkeley
- Leonarde Keeler Papers, 1899-1972 (bulk 1923-1949)
- Lesbian Voices
- Letters to Miriam Lerner Fisher, 1925-1956
- Levi Richard French letters to his family
- Library Selections
- Literatur und Kritik
- Logging Operations in Little River, California, Photographs attributed to M.M. Hazeltine, circa 1870
- London magazine (1732)
- Longshoremen’s Strikes
- Los Angeles Harbor Panoramas
- Lottita Corella Buckingham portrait
- M.M. O’Shaughnessy Photographs
- Mackay (Zelda) Stereographics
- Magic Theatre Records, 1967-1990
- Mama Bears News and Notes
- Mammoth Photographs
- Map & Air Photo Collections
- Maps of Private Land Grant Cases of California, [ca. 1840-ca. 1892]
- Marcharavialla Spain related to José de Gálvez
- Marion and Herb Sandler Oral Histories
- Mark O’Brien Papers, 1968-1999, n.d.
- Marsh Family Papers, 1815-1960
- Marsh Family Photographs
- Mattachine Newsletter
- Mattachine Review
- Maverick
- McGinnis (T.B.) City Hall and Civic Center
- McLean Family Papers
- Meder letters
- Media Resources Center Selections
- Meiklejohn Civil Liberties Institute Archives
- Mellon Project
- Merriam (C. Hart) Native American Photographs
- Mexican war posters from the Second World War era
- Mexico, circa 1905-1915
- Michael Rossman Free Speech Movement Photographs, circa 1964
- Michelle Vignes photograph archive
- Miles Brothers, San Francisco Earthquake and Fire
- Miller & Lux Records
- Miller (Henry) Mission Sketches
- Miscellanea Berolinensia ad incrementum scientiarum : ex scriptis Societati Regiae Scientiarum exhibitis.
- Miscellaneous photographs received from the Hearst estate at San Simeon
- Mojave Route Views
- Moorea Research Papers
- Morrison Lectures
- Moulin (Gabriel) Bohemian Grove
- Moulin (Gabriel) “The Pines” Estate
- Mozartfest (UC Berkeley Access)
- Murakami
- Music Library Selections
- Muybridge (Eadweard) Lone Mountain College
- Muybridge (Eadweard) Stereographic Views
- Muybridge (Eadweard) Yosemite
- Napa Valley Vintners Oral Histories
- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Region 1 Photograph Collection, ca. 1940-1982
- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Region I, Records, 1942-1986 (bulk 1945-1977)
- Natural Resources, Land use, and the Environment Oral Histories Individual Interviews
- New Age Novels of the Late Qing Dynasty (1895) (John Fryer’s New Age Novels Competition) 清末時新小說
- New San Francisco
- Newsletter
- Nineteenth Century Indian Books (UC Berkeley Access)
- Noël Sullivan papers, [ca. 1911-1956]
- North Berkeley and Kensington
- Northern California real estate report
- Oakland Army Base Oral Histories
- Oakland Views
- Octavia Hamblin Sexton and Harry Sexton correspondence
- Oil Industry in California
- Oliver Family Photograph Collections circa 1880-circa 1920s
- On the Waterfront: Richmond, California Oral Histories
- Oral Histories
- Osaka nishikie newspaper
- Otis (Harrison Gray) California Scenes
- Otto Stern Papers
- Otto Stern Photograph Collection, approximately 1895-1969
- Our Paper
- Out West Journal
- Pacific Coast Committee on American Principles and Fair Play records 1940-1951
- Pacific Presbyterian
- Pacifica Radio Archives
- Pahlavi Archive
- Palestine Focus
- Pamphlets on the College of California
- Panama Pacific Intl. Exposition Records
- Panama-Pacific International Exposition Photographs
- Panama-Pacific International Exposition Views
- Pandex of the press
- Parks and Buildings, Sacramento
- Parks in Oakland
- Partington Family Papers
- Partridge (Roi) Mills College
- Patrick Breen Diary November 20, 1846 - March 1, 1847
- Peoples Temple Photographs from the San Francisco Examiner Archive
- Peter Goin digital photograph archive : Colors of California agriculture
- Philip Whalen Papers
- Photographic Documentation of Pneumonic Plague Outbreak Sites and Rats in Los Angeles, 1924
- Photographs by Carleton E. Watkins, ca. 1874-1890
- Photographs from the George and Phoebe Apperson Hearst papers
- Photographs of the 1984 Free Speech Movement Memorial Rally, 1984
- Photographs of the Japanese-American evacuation from Berkeley, Calif. [graphic] 1942
- Photographs of Wyntoon and San Simeon Hearst estates
- Physics Colloquia
- Plan and sketches for a reconstruction of Nuestra Señora de la Soledad Mission
- PlanEcon Report (UC Berkeley Access)
- Planificación : organo de la Asociación Nacional para la Planificación de la Republica Mexicana (UC Berkeley Access)
- Politica Weekly Press Summary
- Politics, Law, and Policy Oral Histories Individual Interviews
- Pond (C. L.), Yosemite Stereoviews
- Port Chicago Oral Histories
- Portrait file of The Bancroft Library
- Portuguese in California Oral Histories
- Postcards of California, Oregon, and Washington, circa 1898-circa 1939
- Pre 1912 Chinese Materials (UC Berkeley Access)
- Preparedness Day Bombing
- Presidio Trust Oral Histories
- Prints from the California gold rush period
- PROFIT (Promoting Financial Investments and Transfers)
- Programs for musical performances given on the University of California, Berkeley, 1870-[ongoing]
- Publications of the University of California Archaeological Research Facility (non-serial)
- Rancho San Antonio
- Recollections of a San Francisco pioneer and biographical material
- Recollections of California during the Gold Rush
- Records of an Unbroken Friendship
- Records of the Office of the Chancellor, University of California, Berkeley, 1952-2000
- Reed (George) San Francisco Bay
- Regards (2014-2017) (UC Berkeley Access)
- Rehva Guidebook (UC Berkeley Access)
- Relief Camps, San Francisco Earthquake and Fire
- Renewable resources journal (UC Berkeley Access)
- Rice Growing and Irrigation
- Richard Barnes Mason papers
- Richard N. and Rhoda H. Goldman Papers, 1863-2003 (bulk 1939-1995)
- Rivergarden Farms
- Robert Dollar Papers
- Robert L. Allen papers, 1962-2015
- Robert Marshall Papers, 1908-1939
- Robert Payne letters
- Robert T. Matsui Papers, circa 1940-2006, bulk 1979-2004
- Robinson Pack Train
- Ronald Reagan Gubernatorial Era Oral Histories
- Rosalie H. Wax Papers 1943-1990
- Rosalie Ritz courtroom drawings, 1968-1982
- Rosie the Riveter World War II American Home Front Oral Histories
- Roy D. Graves Pictorial Collection
- Rube Goldberg pictorial material
- Rubyfruit Readher
- Russian Women Writers
- S.S. Whitmore letters
- Samuel Bell sermons and travel narratives
- Samuel P. Pearson correspondence
- San Francisco Bay Area Earthquake
- San Francisco Chinese Community
- San Francisco City Hall
- San Francisco Earthquake and Fire Cards
- San Francisco Earthquake and Fire Digital Collection, 1906
- San Francisco Earthquake and Fire Stereographs
- San Francisco Examiner Photograph Archive Negative Files
- San Francisco Girls’ High School
- San Francisco Graft Trial
- San Francisco Museum of Modern Art Oral Histories
- San Francisco News-Call Bulletin Newspaper Photograph Archive (Free Speech Movement Selection), circa 1964-1965
- San Francisco Opera Oral Histories
- San Francisco Police Photograph Album, circa 1904-circa 1930
- San Francisco Sentinel
- San Gabriel and Pasadena Views
- San Joaquin Delta Photographs
- San Quentin News
- San Quentin Prison Views
- Santa Barbara
- Save Mount Diablo Oral Histories
- Save the Redwoods League Photos
- Scheffauer (Herman G.) Album
- Schmidt Lithograph Records
- School of Public Health, UC Berkeley Oral Histories
- Science, Technology, and Health Oral Histories Individual Interviews
- Second World War posters pertaining to various European countries
- Selected prints from the James De Fremery diaries and scrapbook
- Selections From the Henry J. Kaiser Pictorial Collection, 1941-1946
- Self-Help Cooperatives
- SF Bay Area Apartments and Hotels 1910
- SF Jewish Community Center
- Shasta Springs
- Siberian Photos
- Sidney Coe Howard papers, 1903-1980 (bulk 1903-1939)
- Sierra Club Board of Directors meeting minutes, 1892-1995
- Sierra Club Oral Histories
- Sierra Club Records
- Sierra Nevada Photos, Seixas S. Solomon
- Silvestre Terrazas Papers
- Sisters
- Six Weeks in Spring: Managing Protest at a public University Oral Histories
- SLATE Oral Histories
- Slaying the Dragon of Debt: US Fiscal Politics and Policy Oral Histories
- Smith (W. S.) San Francisco Earthquake and Fire
- Snapshots from the Collection of Julean Arnold
- Snow Blockade
- Social Protest Collection, 1943-1982 (bulk 1960-1975)
- Soil Vegetation Maps
- Song and Yuan Edition (UC Berkeley Access)
- Sonoma County Lesbian and Gay Alliance News
- Southern California real estate report
- Southern Pacific Route, 1894
- Southern Pacific Train Robbery
- Soviet poster collection
- Spring Valley Ranch
- Stata Journal (UC Berkeley Access)
- Statistics Technical Reports
- Stereographs of the West, ca. 1858-1906
- Steven Marcus Free Speech Movement Photographs, circa 1964
- Straits Settlements
- Suffragists Oral Histories
- Sugoroku Collection 双六コレクション
- Swift Family Collection of Palm Leaf Manuscripts
- Taber (Isaiah West and Others)
- Taber (Isaiah West) California
- Taber (Isaiah West) California Scenery
- Taber (Isaiah West) Sutro Heights
- Taber (Isaiah West) Views
- Tebtunis Papyri
- The Arrowhead magazine and guide book
- The Berkeley Library Annual Reports
- The California teacher
- The communist campanile
- The elements and theory of architecture
- The funambulist : politics of space and bodies (UC Berkeley Access)
- The golden era
- The Ladder
- The Mission Era
- The Northern crown
- The Overland Monthly
- The Pacific monthly
- The Pacific school journal
- The Peterson magazine
- The San Francisco Bay Times
- The Sierra Club Southwest Office Records (1900-2000, bulk 1966-1996)
- The Voice
- Thérèse Bonney Photograph Collection circa 1850-circa 1955
- Third world liberation strike handbills, January-April 1969
- Thomas Hubbard letters to sisters
- Thomas Jefferson Papers
- Thomas Sayre diary and account book
- Thomas Wade Collection
- Top Value Television papers, 1964-2004 (bulk 1971-1977)
- Town Talk
- Trip to California
- Trip to California
- Tule Lake Relocation Center views, Calif. 1943
- U . S . District Court for the Northern District of California Oral Histories
- U.S. Geographical Survey Expedition West
- U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium (UC Berkeley Access)
- UC Budget Ledgers
- UCB Master Theses
- UCB Math-Physics Meeting Wednesday, April 8, 2015 to Thursday, April 9, 2015
- UCB Physics Department Lectures
- UCB Public Health Oral Histories
- UCLA Anderson forecast (UC Berkeley Access)
- United Nations poster collection
- University bulletin ; a weekly bulletin for the staff of the University of California
- University of California Anthropological Records
- University of California Archaeological Survey
- University of California History Digital Archives
- University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology
- University of California, Berkeley, University Art Museum Collection of Hans Hofmann Papers, 1929-1976
- Vacation Cyanotypes from Lake County
- Vallejo and Mare Island
- Varley Bedford correspondence
- Varnum Abbott letters from the gold fields
- Vector
- Vegetation Type Mapping
- Venture Capitalists Oral Histories
- Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade
- Vietnam: Journey of the Heart 1985-2000
- Views of Calaveras and Mariposa Counties, California, 1890
- Views of Protest Movements at the University of California, Berkeley, 1964-1970
- Views of the Wyntoon estate, as designed by Bernard Maybeck
- Views of the Wyntoon estate, as designed by Bernard Maybeck, under construction
- Views of the Wyntoon estate, as rebuilt to designs by Julia Morgan
- W.C. Ralston Photographs
- Walt Whitman Collection : ms., circa 1876-circa 1890
- War Relocation Authority Photographs of Japanese-American Evacuation and Resettlement, 1942-1945 circa 1941-1947
- Water Supply Methods
- Waterman California Views
- Waters (R.J.), Donner Lake
- Watkins (Carleton E.) Hearst Mining
- Watkins (Carleton E.) San Francisco
- Watkins (Carleton E.) San Francisco, Yosemite
- Watkins (Carleton E.) Stereographic
- Watkins (Carleton E.) Sun Sketches
- Watkins (Carleton E.) Yosemite
- Watkins (Carleton E.), Franciscan Missions
- Watkins (Carleton E.), Mariposa Estate
- Watkins (Carleton) El Verano
- Watkins (Carleton) Scenic California
- Wayne M. Collins Papers 1918-1974
- We The People
- West Coast Cocktails Oral Histories
- Western Mining Oral Histories
- Western Scenes
- Western Survey Expeditions
- Wilber Guptil letters to his brother
- William Armsted letters to his family
- William Ashburner Collection of Photographs from the Geological Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel, 1867-circa 1875
- William David McClure papers
- William E. Ritter papers, 1879-1944
- William Harris letters to Margaret Sheets
- William Miles Parker Photographs
- William Prosser torts notes
- William R. Hearst party photographs
- William Randolph Hearst Papers, 1874-1951 (bulk 1927-1947)
- William Randolph Hearst photographs and letters to Joseph Willicombe, 1934
- William Randolph Hearst, Jr. Photographs
- Woman’s Suffrage Papers
- Women & Film
- Women Political Leaders Oral Histories
- Women's movement handbills
- Women's Movements in the United States Oral Histories
- Wood (James Earl) Photographs
- Works by Western Missionaries on the Chinese Language and Its Dialects 传教士汉语方言学著作辑刊
- World Trade Center Archives (Astaneh)
- World War II Newspaper Front Pages
- Writeon
- Wulzen (Albert H.), Oakland
- WWII Captured German Military Maps
- Wyntoon views : horseback riding
- Wyntoon views : staff, guests, and grounds of the Hearst estate