
Procedure for multivolume monograph (MVM) cataloging in Alma

A multi‐volume monograph (MVM) is a monograph complete, or intended to be complete, in a finite number of separate parts. The separate parts may or may not be numbered; volumes may be issued over time or all at once.

By jcripe on 05-02-2024

Cataloging for Graphic Arts Loan Collection (GALC)

This procedure outlines the process for creating minimal records in Alma for prints in the Graphic Arts Loan Collection (GALC) so they can be loaned out to users.

It does not include information for receiving the prints, updating the spreadsheet, sending to the framers, adding the barcode, or updating the website.

By abaron on 05-31-2024

Relinking POLs, holdings, and items

These instructions cover relinking item records, as well as holdings records and the item records linked to those holdings records. The instructions don't cover all the possible variations in relinking, but they lay out one way to do the work.

By jcripe on 05-02-2024

Resource Management FAQ

Frequently asked questions related to the Resource Management functional area.

By jcripe on 06-27-2024