Ex Libris Support Cases

This regularly updated page details open and resolved cases with Ex Libris related to Alma and Primo VE functionality. If you have a question related to any of the cases below, please submit a ticket to helpbox-library@berkeley.edu.

Open Cases

Case number Case subject Case Status Product Priority Date opened
07780434  Link to patron details missing in new Manage Patron Services UI Update Received Alma Medium 11/19/2024
07169844  CJK character mapping issue Pending – Development Primo Medium 5/22/2024
07267599 Unexplained duplicate checkouts on account Pending Alma Medium 8/16/2024
07061199 Primo VE Accessibility Pending Primo Medium 2/26/2024
07682855 CDI article linking incorrectly to print holdings Pending Alma Medium 9/10/2024
07686892 Import profiles: incorrect MARC field getting mapped in item records Pending – Release Alma Medium 9/12/2024
07236590 Discovery import profile configuration for thumbnail images to display Pending – Development Alma Medium 7/23/2024

Resolved Cases

Case number Case subject Case Status Product Priority Date opened Date Closed
06963139 "Author" field not populating in Alma Borrowing Requests Closed Primo High 11/20/2023 4/17/2024
6446415 "brief record" warning during serials receiving Closed Alma Medium 7/21/2022 11/29/2022 
5776157 01UCS_BER - fiscal year question Closed Alma Medium 8/16/2021 9/6/2021
07026881 A-Z list in Primo VE analytics Closed Alma Medium 1/24/2024  1/29/2024
6431791 AcqWorkOrder settings Closed Alma Medium 7/6/2022 9/12/2022
07274433 Add as widget checkbox not displaying for Analytics Objects Closed Alma Medium 8/22/2024 12/2/2024
6320071 Add DELETE_INVOICE_LINE to Invoice Operator role Closed Alma Medium 3/22/2022 3/24/2022
6411256 Add local bib parameter in Analytics Closed Alma Medium 6/15/2022 7/19/2022
6381084 Add local parameters for bibs and holdings Closed Alma Medium 5/16/2022 6/8/2022
6456950 Add local parameters to Analytics Closed Alma Medium 8/1/2022 8/5/2022
6462510 Add migrated PO lines without transactions to Analytics Closed Alma Medium 8/5/2022 8/11/2022
07194380 Adding items on related records to a temp location removes from "Items of related records" list when viewing constituent bib Closed Alma Medium 6/13/2024 8/16/2024
6904241 Additional role to Overlap Analysis tool Closed Alma Medium 9/25/2023 10/11/2023
5299903 AFN borrowing request not matching item on pick from shelf list (UCB) Closed Alma Medium 10/22/2021 1/25/2023
07011537 AFN digitization copyright clearance Closed Alma Medium 1/9/2024 5/1/2024
5398533 AFN pickup location drop-down not populating Closed Alma High 9/28/2021 10/14/2021
6957403 Allocation balances incorrect in Alma Closed Alma Medium 11/14/2023 4/3/2024
6289499 Alma Analytics does not always seem to reflect recent data updates for item records Closed Alma Medium 2/23/2022 6/21/2022
6570223 Alma Analytics Unable to Export at UC Berkeley Closed Alma High 11/19/2022 11/22/2022
6674587 Alma appears to be down for UC Berkeley Closed Alma System Down 3/1/2023 3/2/2023
5307917 Alma creating multiple AFN accounts for user Closed Alma High 10/25/2021 1/25/2022
6555028 Alma import job stuck in status "Finalizing" since 1:00pm yesterday Closed Alma Medium 11/4/2022 1/13/2023
6674565 Alma ledgers missing Closed Alma High 3/1/2023 3/2/2023
6961435 Alma: navigation/display error with vernacular script Closed Alma Medium 11/17/2023 9/26/2024
5776097 Alma not processing NCIP messages from Caiasoft to check in items in Alma that are checked in via Caia Closed Alma High 8/16/2021 9/15/2021
6907481 Alma's search criteria selections go blank when toggling between IZ and NZ in the staff search Pending – Development Alma Medium 9/27/2023 2/8/2024
5301756 alphabetical_sort_pickup_inst_lib parameter defect Closed Primo Medium 5/7/2021 2/28/2023
6858873 Assistance with electronic collection selection and activation Closed Alma Medium 8/21/2023 10/21/2023
5751347 Barcodes not updated in import profiles Closed Alma High 6/16/2021 1/12/2022
5423112 Blocked patrons able to place holds and requests Closed Alma High 9/16/2021 10/7/2021
5745220 Browse bibliographic headings returns "no records found" Closed Alma Medium 5/9/2021 1/12/2022
06963175 Can't export itemized set of POLs to Excel in new UI Closed Alma Medium 11/20/2023 12/20/2023
06964229 Cannot export list of Holdings of Related Records to Excel Closed Alma Medium 11/21/2023 5/21/2024
6219751 Cannot import spreadsheet for statistical categories/types Closed Alma Medium 12/16/2021 2/1/2022
5777992 CDI Closed CDI Medium 7/30/2021 10/3/2021
6716081 CDI record erroneously listed as OA Closed CDI Medium 4/7/2023 4/14/2023
6512391 CDI record with incorrect OCLC# metadata Closed CDI Medium 9/26/2022 2/26/2023
5794019 CDI record with spam URL Closed Alma Medium 9/22/2021 11/4/2021
5371659 CDI records without URLs Closed Primo Medium 8/2/2021 9/15/2021
5753902 Check availability in Resource Sharing Request Form Closed Primo Medium 5/19/2021 9/22/2021
07219607 Citation generator for Chicago/Turabian style not displaying citation Closed Primo Medium 7/8/2024 7/10/2024
5326145 Clio and NCIP connection issue Closed Alma Medium 9/9/2021 1/8/2023
6352898 Cloud apps not appearing Closed Alma Medium 4/21/2022 4/21/2022
6694453 Continues 6289499: Alma Analytics does not always seem to reflect recent data updates for item records Closed Alma Medium 3/20/2023 8/2/2023
07056846 Courtesy letter preview not displaying in configuration menu Closed Alma High 2/21/2024 12/11/2024
06978205 Creation Date Configuration for Full Bib Record Display in Primo Closed Primo Medium 12/5/2023  1/3/2024
06974303 Creation date display label in Primo Closed Primo Medium 12/1/2023 12/4/2023
5758239 De-activate Upload electronic holdings - PROQUEST_EBOOK_CENTRAL scheduled job Closed Alma Medium 9/23/2021 10/8/2021
06924948 Deleting a field not in the list of local fields Closed Primo Medium 10/16/2023 10/16/2023
6205681 Digitization request volume/issue not working as expected Closed Primo Medium 12/6/2021 12/16/2021
06926610 Display Norm Rule Regex Closed Primo Medium 10/17/2023 10/27/2023
07487575 Duplicate relations in host bibliographic record display Closed Primo Medium 8/26/2024 9/9/2024
5320863 Duplicate requests sent to remote storage Closed Alma High 9/17/2021 3/23/2022
5314516 Duplicate titles in scan-in list Closed Alma Medium 9/29/2021 1/30/2022
07734808 Editing Creation date field display order Closed Alma Medium 10/17/2024 10/30/2024
5763057 Email record function not working Closed Primo Medium 7/27/2021 7/27/2021
5795674 Enable combined results Closed Alma Medium 10/19/2021 11/4/2021
5750210 Enabling scheduled jobs for go-live Closed Alma Medium 6/3/2021 6/23/2021
06965604  Erroneous bib local param 043 in UC Berkeley Analytics Closed Alma Medium 11/22/2023 11/28/2023
6484013 Erroneous dedupe with CDI record Closed CDI Medium 8/30/2022 5/31/2023
6417838 ExL support center accounts Closed Alma Medium 6/22/2022 7/28/2022
6347435 Extremely slow PSB environment Closed Alma Medium 4/15/2022 5/16/2022
07485843 Ful Hold Shelf Request Slip Letter last updated date not updating Closed Alma Medium 8/23/2024 10/28/2024
6772890 FY2017 fund data missing Closed Alma Medium 5/30/2023 9/6/2023
6328782 Gathering usage for AVON from Alexander Street and ProQuest Closed Academic Video Online (AVON) Medium 3/30/2022 4/19/2022
5530764 Google Scholar publishing profile not behaving as expected Closed Alma Medium 9/1/2021 10/28/2021
6554102 Hebrew "Title starts with" Advanced Searches in Primo VE Closed Primo Medium 11/3/2022 12/15/2022
6890749 Holdings ID 22860174780006532 unexpectedly not displaying on MMS ID 991001886129706532 in Primo VE Closed Primo Medium 9/13/2023 9/29/2023
5305331 Hourly fines/fees not accruing for users Closed Alma Medium 10/13/2021 12/28/2021
6343445 Inappropriately merged record Closed CDI Medium 4/12/2022 6/9/2022
6319927 Include deleted holdings without items in Alma Analytics Closed Alma Medium 3/22/2022 4/18/2022
6372187 Incoming AFN Digitization Requests for UCB Patrons Issue Closed Alma Medium 5/7/2022 5/13/2022
5769932 Incorrect Fiscal Year Migration Closed Alma Medium 7/28/2021 9/3/2021
07187628 Index subfields for Alma Analytics Local Parameters Closed Alma Medium 6/7/2024 6/11/2024
6912211 Internal error when attempting to view itemized set Closed Alma High 10/3/2023 3/11/2024
5321308 Invoice line tax calculator Closed Alma Medium 9/15/2021 1/17/2022
5758507 Invoice Line Types configuration missing in production Closed Alma Medium 9/25/2021 10/4/2021
6684013 Is it possible to index 300$a in Alma? Closed Alma Medium 3/9/2023 3/21/2023
6347413 Is it possible to locally configure the Physical Item Editor layout? Closed Alma Medium 4/14/2022 4/29/2022
6554104 Issues related to searching in Hebrew in Alma Closed Alma Medium 11/3/2022 5/8/2023
07197332 Issue with non-Roman language characters in Alma Resource Sharing requests Closed Alma Medium 6/17/2024 10/1/2024
6209532 Item-level digitization request appears unexectedly Closed Primo Medium 12/8/2021 2/17/2022
07168113 Item record templates not appearing in the MDE (PSB) Closed Alma Medium 5/21/2024 8/11/2024
5760082 Items display Closed Primo Medium 10/6/2021 10/28/2021
6057051 Items in "Request Communicated to Storage"workflow step for too long Closed Alma Medium 12/3/2021 3/29/2022
5318883 Japanese language author/title search Closed Alma Medium 4/15/2021 1/12/2024
6506621 Limit to item statistics note values Closed Alma Medium 9/21/2022 9/23/2022
07717967 Link a set of records to the Network Zone job report counts Closed Alma Medium 10/4/2024 11/5/2024
07706147 Link a set of records to the Network Zone job failed Closed Alma Medium 9/26/2024 11/20/2024
07766490 Link a set of records to the Network Zone job report missing link to failed records Closed Alma Medium 11/8/2024 1/27/2024
06467844 List export of all current loans to a user is inconsistent when many items are checked out to the user Closed Alma Medium 8/11/2022 4/12/2024
6211227 Local extensions vanishing from in Primo VE display Closed Primo Medium 12/10/2021 2/10/2022
07487496 Local (UC Berkeley) request links displaying in other UC consortia Primo IZ environments Closed Primo Medium 8/26/2024 9/25/2024
6461306 Manual jobs not appearing for some staff with roles affiliated with manual jobs Closed Alma Medium 8/4/2022 11/2/2022
07078954 Marc21HoldingResequenceTask question Closed Alma Medium 3/6/2024  10/16/2024
5306720 Migrated MARC 952 and holdings records Closed Alma Medium 9/27/2021 2/10/2022
6349337 Missing URLs in OA CDI records Closed CDI Medium 4/18/2022 9/21/2022
06978160 MMS IDs missing from Analytics Closed Alma Medium 12/5/2023 1/29/2024
5757620 NCIP security issue Closed Alma Medium 7/2/2021 1/6/2022
5758508 New fine/fee type request Closed Alma Medium 9/25/2021 10/4/2021
6047722 Not all fulfillment functions displaying in user account Closed Alma High 11/24/2021 11/24/2021
6515417 Note value not displaying in Pick from Shelf Closed Alma Medium 9/28/2022 12/30/2022
5324452 Numbers displaying in UC Library Search facets Closed Primo High 8/17/2021 1/17/2022
6260725 Ongoing problem with GOBI print update import profile: can't import large file Closed Alma Medium 1/28/2022 12/8/2022
6343448 Open Access Marker Inappropriately Applied to CDI record Closed CDI Medium 4/12/2022 4/28/2022
6339917 OpenURL services not working as expected. Closed Primo High 4/8/2022 4/26/2022
06969846 Overlapping text in Primo VE mobile basic search Closed Primo High 11/28/23 4/30/2024
6044995 Patron/Pin directing to password reset Closed Primo Medium 11/23/2021 2/10/2022
5339069 Patron/pin login issue Closed Primo Medium 9/8/2021 9/30/2021
6652774 Pickup institution drop down configuration for specific user groups Closed Alma Medium 2/9/2023 3/10/2023
6403957 Pickup locations in Request are not usable by screen readers Closed Primo Medium 6/8/2022 6/27/2023
6247771 PID 10841854110006532 error message Closed Alma Medium 1/18/2022 4/24/2022
6284390 PID 11526127800006532 error message: The job completed with errors. For more information view the report details (or contact Support using the process ID). Closed Alma High 2/17/2022 7/28/2022
6449888 Please add additional payment method for fulfillment Closed Alma Medium 7/25/2022 8/3/2022
5300210 Please add additional payment method for fulfillment Closed Alma Medium 10/22/2021 7/25/2022
6481144 Please close all the POLs in attached list Closed Alma Medium 8/25/2022 9/1/2022
6660369 Please index local bib param 910 Closed Alma Medium 2/16/2023 3/1/2023
6205418 Please run PO Line packaging job on the PSB Closed Alma Medium 12/6/2021 12/28/2021
6372179 Please update temp_call_number_start_with_prefix = "false" Closed Alma Medium 5/7/2022 7/27/2022
5300811 PO Line Renewal Letter Closed Alma Medium 10/6/2021 12/28/2021
07077375 Preferred name fields in external accounts not being updated Closed Alma Medium 11/1/2024 3/29/2024
5322477 Primo call number browse not working as expected Closed Alma Medium 5/21/2021 8/8/2023
5749630 Primo custom domain request -- CSR Closed Primo High 6/3/2021 9/22/2021
5914944 Primo sticky facet issue Closed Primo Medium 5/3/2021 10/18/2021
6046653 Primo VE emails go directly to spam Closed Primo High 11/24/2021 1/10/2022
6372184 Printing from Primo VE my loans leads to blank page Closed Primo Medium 5/7/2022 7/27/2022
6569850 Process ID 15374700920006532: import job is stuck in status "Finalizing" since 1:00pm Wednesday, Nov. 16. Closed Alma Medium 11/18/2022 3/12/2023
6638196 Process ID 16958145540006532 -- Update PO Lines Information - Advanced Closed Alma Medium 1/26/2023 10/28/2023
06978164 Publishing to Google Scholar job failed on 12/2, Process ID 22083691260006532 Closed Alma Medium 12/5/2023 12/19/2023
06623439 Purge User Records Report Shows Incorrect Number of Deleted Users Closed Alma Medium 1/12/2023 4/28/2023
6496168 Questions related to Hebrew searching in Primo VE Closed Primo Medium 9/10/2022 4/21/2023
6961548 Real-Time Update of Linked Accounts (follow-up from ExL support managers meeting with UC 11/17) Closed Alma Medium 11/17/2023 12/29/2023
6691602 Re-index Alma PSB Closed Primo Medium 3/17/2023 4/4/2023
6747353 Re: 06554104: Issues related to searching in Hebrew in Alma Closed Alma Medium 5/8/2023 5/8/2023
6369074 Re: Case comments are added to the case: 06367797: Send Requests to Remote Storage job failed Closed Alma Medium 5/4/2022 5/4/2022
6801969 Recalculate dedup group tool not working as expected Closed Primo Medium 6/27/2023 6/30/2023
6670050 Records deduping unexpectedly Closed Primo Medium 2/25/2023 2/28/2023
6644561 Records linked to the NZ since Monday, January 30 not displaying in Primo VE Closed Primo Medium 2/1/2023 4/28/2023
07230514 Regex for Discovery Import Profile Linking Parameter Configuration Closed Primo Medium 7/17/2024 7/18/2024
06963135 Regression: weekly serials prediction pattern issue Closed Alma Medium 11/20/2023 3/1/2024
06842151 Reindexing a PSB Set to Enable a Display Norm Rule Closed Primo Medium 8/4/2023 8/4/2023
06821481 Reindexing the PSB to Enable a New Search Norm Rule Closed Alma Medium 7/17/2023 7/20/2023
5328357 Rejected AFN requests for NRLF Closed Alma High 10/29/2021 2/5/2022
07153337 Remove local parameters and re-index analytics Closed Alma Medium 5/7/2024 5/9/2024
5530780 Remove privileges from Purchase Request Operator Role Closed Alma Medium 9/1/2021 10/4/2021
6941166 Request for Full Reindexing of Records in Production Closed Primo Medium 10/30/2023 11/7/2023
07780013 Request to re-index Primo records Closed Primo Medium 11/19/2024 11/27/2024
6220738 Restoring Records Removed job request Closed Alma Medium 12/17/2021 2/18/2022
5792113 RSF job failed to export Closed Alma High 8/10/2021 1/12/2022
6036277 Run recalculate local resource types job on PSB Closed Primo Medium 11/15/2021 12/28/2021
5438199 Salesforce Contact list for UC Berkeley Closed Alma Medium 6/28/2021 10/15/2021
6555368 Save itemized set in network job failed Closed Alma Medium 11/5/2022 10/3/2023
5697198 Scheduled Jobs list for go-live Closed Alma Medium 6/14/2021 9/3/2021
5323883 Search bar -- accessibility issue with flashing light. Closed Alma Medium 6/3/2021 7/20/2022
6712074 search.library.berkeley.edu SSL Certificate Renewal Closed Primo High 4/5/2023 4/10/2023
6367797 Send Requests to Remote Storage job failed Closed Alma High 5/3/2022 5/4/2022
6935788 series code displaying instead of Description in advanced search index? Closed Primo Medium 10/24/2023 3/5/2024
6734589 Sluggishness in our UCB Alma IZ Closed Alma Medium 4/25/2023 4/28/2023
6367648 SSL certificate Closed Primo Medium 5/3/2022 5/13/2022
07025727 SSL Certificate for search.library.berkeley.edu Closed Primo Medium 1/23/2024 1/26/2024
6420613 Staff user unable to view members of itemized sets Closed Alma Medium 6/24/2022 9/12/2022
5306791 Subject browse searching only corporate entries (MARC 610s) Closed Primo Medium 9/28/2021 1/28/2022
6569895 Thumbnail configuration between IZ and NZ Closed Primo Medium 11/18/2022 12/1/2022
07197328  Trouble Searching for External Identifiers in Alma Closed Alma Medium 6/17/2024 9/25/2024
6913359 UC Library Search: Persistent filters return "No records" after lapse of time Closed Primo Medium 10/3/2023 5/7/2024
6321555 Unable to create invoice from PO Closed Alma Medium 3/24/2022 1/8/23 5:00
6924621 Unable to save edits to holdings record Closed Alma Medium 10/13/2023 12/14/2023
5776721 Unable to save invoice Closed Alma High 7/29/2021 7/29/2021
6454044 Unable to self register at support center Closed Alma Medium 7/28/2022 8/1/2022
5326732 Undesirable “Handle Duplicated Bibs Job” Outcomes Closed Alma Medium 9/9/2021 1/5/2022
5792135 Unexpected AFN request for UCB Closed Alma High 8/11/2021 9/3/2021
6406752 Unexpected error message, Users SYNCHRONIZE using profile UC Path job, Process ID 13422031590006532 Closed Alma Medium 6/9/2022 7/8/2022
6327906 Unexpected print dedup behavior Closed Primo Medium 3/29/2022 4/1/2022
6393192 Update CDI record request Closed CDI Medium 5/26/2022 4/5/2023
6360285 Update FAST Authorities Closed Alma Medium 4/29/2022 7/15/2023
5530428 Updating two library codes Closed Alma Medium 8/30/2021 10/4/2021
5777769 Very slow jobs progress Closed Alma Medium 7/30/2021 8/17/2021
5305980 Very slow-to-load record Closed Primo Medium 10/18/2021 11/23/2022
6446352 Website Vulnerable to Cross-Site Scripting Other ID: site: search.berkeley.edu Closed Primo High 7/20/2022 8/2/2022
6388805 Why are some POLs "waiting for invoice" Closed Alma Medium 5/24/2022 6/14/2022
07272903 Worldcat API key Closed Primo Medium 8/22/2024 9/12/2024
5550125 WorldCat not operational in UC Library Search Closed Primo System Down 10/11/2021 2/21/2022
5322217 WorldCat profile new tab error Closed Primo Medium 9/22/2021 12/28/2021

By steven.chong on 01-27-2025
