Internal note prepender tool information

The Internal note prepender tool adds a new value defined by the user to a the beginning of a note (e.g. Internal note 1) to a set of records in either the Premium Sand Box (PSB) or Production Alma environment.

The user inputs the following information into the form:

  • Alma environment (PSB or Production)
  • Selects the set of items to which the new note will be added
  • Internal note destination (note 1,2, or 3)
  • Note value
  • User initials

How does it work?

After a user submits the form, a background job is triggered to update each item note in the set with the information provided in the form to the beginning of the desired internal note field along with the date the job was initiated and the user's initials. 

Email notifications

The user will receive an email from when the job is initiated and when the job is complete. Depending on the number of items in the set, it may take hours or days for the job to complete.

By gosselar on 06-24-2024
