Retrospective: Adding Legacy Digital bookplates in Alma/UC Library Search

Background information: 

In Millennium/OskiCat and EBSCO Discovery, we added a MARC 560 to each bib record which qualified for a digital bookplate. The 560 $a contained the title of the collection plus the phrase “[UCB Insert Bookplate]”. In the user interfaces, there was custom javascript created by Library IT to create a bookplate on the fly using a template and inserting the text from the 560 $a text whenever this combination was found.

Alma/UC Library Search:

Locally, we modified CSU Northridge’s model of creating a local 975 field and indexing and displaying the bookplate in Primo VE. The added functionality of this model is that clicking on the bookplate image in the Primo display launches a keyword search which will gather a list of all titles with the same text.

Example: Link to a CSU Northridge record with bookplate


At UCB, we decided to re-purpose the MARC 599 that had previously been reserved for CDL/SCP to record modification date, record status, and type of record action. During our migration to Alma, UCB removed all of the MARC 599 fields since we were not migrating SCP records to our IZ. The advantages of using the MARC 599 are:

  1. We can designate as a local field and ensure field protection upon merge/overlay
  2. The MARC 599 is already indexed as a local field in UCB’s IZ and can be searched
  3. The MARC 599 already displays as a local field in our UCB view of UC Library Search


Steps to get our legacy bookplates up and running in Alma:

  1. Find all instances of the MARC 560 field in the bib records we had exported from Millennium. (We could not rely on the presence of the MARC 560 in Alma bib records because some of these had been removed during bib record merges/overlays in the interim.)  We used MarcEdit to extract the bibs containing the MARC 560, then exported the MARC 560 and the Millennium bib number from these bib records. 
  2. With the Millennium bib number, we used a utility that was created in Library IT that leverages the Migration MMS ID report provided to us by Ex Libris and returns the IZ MMS ID for the Millennium bib numbers.
  3. For each of the six previously-existing Millennium bookplate texts/collections, the MMS IDs were imported to create six itemized bib sets.
  4. Digitization Services staff created a bookplate image file for each of the six gift collections and mounted these on a web-accessible drive.
  5. A normalization rule drools clause was created for each of the six collections and included in a single norm rule file (“UCB IZ add bookplate 599”; see the norm rule below)
  6. The normalization rule was made into a normalization process (“UCB IZ add bookplate 599”) that can be run on a set of bib records. See the section “Creating Processes” on this Configuring Processes documentation page
  7. With multiple individual bookplate 599 clauses present in the same norm rule/process, staff applying the rule can comment out the clauses not needed for a particular run and uncomment the applicable clause to be applied. The ‘#’ is used in the drools norm rules as the comment marker.
  8. The bookplate 599 text allows for UC Library Search users to click on the displayed bookplate image and launch a search for other titles that have the same bookplate 599 text.  Example UC Library Search record


Sample digital bookplate MARC 599:

599  \\$a<span class=bookplate><b>Digital bookplate: </b>Gift of the Mario Savio / Free Speech Movement Collections Endowment<br><a href=,contains,Gift%20of%20the%20Mario%20Savio%20Free%20Speech%20Movement%20Collections%20Endowment,AND&tab=LibraryCatalog&search_scope=MyInst_and_CI&vid=01UCS_BER:UCB&mode=advanced&offset=0 target=_blank><img src= height= 230 width=177 alt=Gift of the Mario Savio / Free Speech Movement Collections Endowment></a></span>


The local field designation is achieved by this line in the normalization rule, after the 599 text addition:

addSubField "599.9.LOCAL" if (not exists "599.9.LOCAL") 


Ongoing workflow for adding virtual bookplates:

See the Adding Digital Bookplates in Alma documentation. Requests for new virtual bookplates can be made via a Helpbox ticket by emailing


Drools Normalization rule used for the Digital Bookplates:


rule "UCB Add 599 for bookplates"

#to apply the correct rule, uncomment the relevant "addField" section for the bookplate 599 you want to apply and make certain that all others are commented # out. Add new clauses as needed.








#addField "599.a.<span class=bookplate><b>Digital bookplate: </b>From the Alfred Hitchcock Literature and Arts Fund<br><a href=,contains,From%20the%20Alfred%20Hitchcock%20Literature%20and%20Arts%20Fund,AND&tab=LibraryCatalog&search_scope=MyInst_and_CI&vid=01UCS_BER:UCB&mode=advanced&offset=0 target=_blank><img src= height= 230 width=177 alt=From the Alfred Hitchcock Literature and Arts Fund></a></span>" if (not exists "599.a.*From the Alfred Hitchcock Literature and Arts Fund*")


#addField "599.a.<span class=bookplate><b>Digital bookplate: </b>Gift of Raymond D. Lin and Mei-Hsia Tan for the Taiwan and Chinese Diaspora Collection<br><a href=,contains,Gift%20of%20Raymond%20D.%20Lin%20and%20Mei-Hsia%20Tan%20for%20the%20Taiwan%20and%20Chinese%20Diaspora%20Collection,AND&tab=LibraryCatalog&search_scope=MyInst_and_CI&vid=01UCS_BER:UCB&mode=advanced&offset=0 target=_blank><img src= height= 230 width=177 alt=Gift of Raymond D. Lin and Mei-Hsia Tan for the Taiwan and Chinese Diaspora Collection></a></span>" if (not exists "599.a.*Gift of Raymond D. Lin and Mei-Hsia Tan for the Taiwan and Chinese Diaspora Collection*")


#addField "599.a.<span class=bookplate><b>Digital bookplate: </b>Gift of John Leighly Geography Fund<br><a href=,contains,Gift%20of%20John%20Leighly%20Geography%20Fund,AND&tab=LibraryCatalog&search_scope=MyInst_and_CI&vid=01UCS_BER:UCB&mode=advanced&offset=0 target=_blank><img src= height= 230 width=177 alt=Gift of John Leighly Geography Fund></a></span>" if (not exists "599.a.*Gift of John Leighly Geography Fund*")


#addField "599.a.<span class=bookplate><b>Digital bookplate: </b>Gift of the Donald M. Falconer Endowment Fund<br><a href=,contains,Gift%20of%20the%20Donald%20M.%20Falconer%20Endowment%20Fund,AND&tab=LibraryCatalog&search_scope=MyInst_and_CI&vid=01UCS_BER:UCB&mode=advanced&offset=0 target=_blank><img src= height= 230 width=177 alt=Gift of the Donald M. Falconer Endowment Fund></a></span>" if (not exists "599.a.*Gift of the Donald M. Falconer Endowment Fund*")


#addField "599.a.<span class=bookplate><b>Digital bookplate: </b>From the Raymond and Judith Lifchez Endowment<br><a href=,contains,From%20the%20Raymond%20and%20Judith%20Lifchez%20Endowment,AND&tab=LibraryCatalog&search_scope=MyInst_and_CI&vid=01UCS_BER:UCB&mode=advanced&offset=0 target=_blank><img src= height= 230 width=177 alt=From the Raymond and Judith Lifchez Endowment></a></span>" if (not exists "599.a.*From the Raymond and Judith Lifchez Endowment*")


#addField "599.a.<span class=bookplate><b>Digital bookplate: </b>The Walter Chapin Simpson Endowment for the English Language Collections<br><a href=,contains,The%20Walter%20Chapin%20Simpson%20Endowment%20for%20the%20English%20Language%20Collections,AND&tab=LibraryCatalog&search_scope=MyInst_and_CI&vid=01UCS_BER:UCB&mode=advanced&offset=0 target=_blank><img src= height= 230 width=177 alt=The Walter Chapin Simpson Endowment for the English Language Collections></a></span>" if (not exists "599.a.*Walter Chapin Simpson*")


addField "599.a.<span class=bookplate><b>Digital bookplate: </b>Gift of the Mario Savio / Free Speech Movement Collections Endowment<br><a href=,contains,Gift%20of%20the%20Mario%20Savio%20Free%20Speech%20Movement%20Collections%20Endowment,AND&tab=LibraryCatalog&search_scope=MyInst_and_CI&vid=01UCS_BER:UCB&mode=advanced&offset=0 target=_blank><img src= height= 230 width=177 alt=Gift of the Mario Savio / Free Speech Movement Collections Endowment></a></span>" if (not exists "599.a.*Gift of the Mario Savio*")


addSubField "599.9.LOCAL" if (not exists "599.9.LOCAL")



By jloesberg on 05-16-2024
