Policies, UCB Library
Policies that affect or assist staff
- Artistic and Cultural Works in the Library - Process for adding and removing items (PDF)
- Attendance (PDF)
- Blog policy
- Collection name review process
- Communication, electronic
- Computing Guidelines for Library Staff
- Doe/Moffitt Library Tour Policy (PDF)
- Doe/Moffitt Library Staff Break Room Policy (PDF)
- Email accounts
- Email Lists
- Entertainment Guidelines (PDF)
- Food and drink in the Doe Library
- Guidelines for Service/Schedule Changes
- Law enforcement and library records (Warrants & Subpoenas)
- Library Contracts Processes (PDF)
- Protocol for Response to Library Incidents (PDF)
- Reclassification within the Library Assistant Series
- Textbook Acquisition Policy
- Travel, Training, and Development Financial Support
- UC Office of the President policies
- Visitors to Moffitt Library and MAIN Stacks
- Web Pages, removal from the Library Web
- Winter Holiday Decorations Policy (PDF)