Linked Data Interest Group
Two year Interest Group, that will be reevaluated for continuation or stop at CMC in March 2023. LDIG discussions and work should not create new projects or work for any unit or group.
Linked Data Interest Group (LDIG) is a discussion and knowledge sharing group on Linked Data that will provide a forum for discussing, learning, understanding of and sharing information around Linked Data in the Library field. LDIG will keep up with developments in the field of Linked Data in the library field and try to gain an understanding of Linked Data's implications for metadata and cataloging practice here at UC Berkeley Library. LDIG will share updates with Cataloging Metadata Council (CMC) periodically and document findings in a report of these pursuits and share the information with the CMC at the end of their term.
LDIG is being formed to pursue and share knowledge in the area of Linked Data as it relates to Library Strategic Direction 3 to grow as an adaptive learning organization.
Chair and Convener
Frank Ferko (Music Metadata Librarian, Music Library, Arts and Humanities Division)
(Backup: Jane Rosario (Head, Collection Services Division))
Reports to
Cataloging and Metadata Council (CMC)
Jo Anne Newyear Ramirez (Associate University Librarian for Scholarly Resources)
Salwa Ismail (Associate University Librarian for Digital Initiatives and Information Technology)
Membership will consist of any librarians, library staff, and non-library persons within the UC Berkeley community who are interested in linked data. The interest group will have an appointed Chair or co-Chairs, who will serve in this capacity for a period of two (2) years.
Current Roster
Adam Baron (Head, Metadata Services)
Anita Brown (Serials Processing Assistant, Bioscience, Natural Resources & Public Health Library, Life & Health Sciences Division)
Michael Campos-Quinn ( Director of Library Special Projects, Film Library and Study Center, UC Berkeley Art Museum & Pacific Film Archive)
Joe Cera (Reference Librarian, Law Library)
Steven Chong (Metadata Analyst, Systems & Discovery Services, Library IT)
Tim Converse (Operations Manager, NRLF)
Mary Elings (Assistant Director, Head of Bancroft Technical Services, The Bancroft Library)
Frank Ferko ( Music Metadata Librarian, Jean Gray Hargrove Music Library, Arts and Humanities Division)
Jackie Gosselar (Systems and Discovery Services Librarian, Library IT)
Lynne Grigsby (Head, Library IT, Digital and Collaborative Services)
Kendra Levine (Librarian, Institute of Transportation Studies Library)
Haiquing Lin (Head, Technical Services, C.V. Starr East Asian Library)
Heiko Muhr (Map Metadata and Curatorial Specialist, Earth Sciences & Map Library, Engineering and Physical Sciences Division)
Kate Peck (Cataloging and Metadata Librarian for Rare Materials, Law Library)
Susan Powell (GIS & Map Librarian, Engineering & Physical Sciences Division)
Trina Pundurs (Metadata Analyst, Metadata Services, Collections Services Division)
Jane Rosario (Head, Collection Services Division)
Ute Rupp (Metadata Creation Professional, Metadata Services, Collection Services Division)
Anna Sackmann (Data Services Librarian)
Naomi Shirashi (Japanese Cataloging Librarian, C.V. Starr East Asian Library)
Tony Sucheston (Periodicals Processing Assistant, Acquisitions Department, Collection Services Division)
Stella Tang (Continuing Resources Librarian, Metadata Services, Collection Services Division)
Meeting Schedule
Meetings are virtual and occur quarterly on the fourth Monday of January, April, July, and October, from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Group Email List
CMC LDIG google group will be used for communication and to share information in between meetings. Any UCB Library employee or UCB campus employee can request to join this google group by emailing with "Join LDIG google group" in the subject line of the email.