Policy and Procedures Manual - Officers Duties

The LAUC-B Chair (LAUC-B Bylaws, Article IV) is responsible for representing the organization and its components within the University of California, Berkeley, LAUC (Systemwide), and other areas as appropriate. The Chair also provides leadership for the activities and programs of the organization's task forces, committees, and membership.

The specific functions of the Chair are:

  1. Serve as Chair of the Executive Committee and the Assembly, and the Berkeley delegation to the Systemwide Assemblies, and to serve as the Berkeley Representative on the LAUC Executive Board.
  2. Be familiar with LAUC-B and LAUC Bylaws and the LAUC-B Policies and Procedures.
  3. Authenticate, by signature, all external correspondence as appropriate.
  4. Serve as primary liaison officer with the Library and Campus Administrations.
  5. Communicate with the Executive Committee and LAUC-B members and liaisons throughout the year as appropriate.
  6. Make or recommend to the Executive Committee those appointments specified in the Bylaws, and others as required.
  7. In consultation with the Treasurer and the Executive Committee submit the LAUC-B Budget request to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.
  8. Arrange with LHRD for a lunch or time with candidates to explain LAUC and what LAUC does.
  9. Perform any other responsibilities appropriate to the office.



The Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect (LAUC-B Bylaws, Article IV) shall assist the LAUC-B Chair in the implementation of the work of the Executive Committee and LAUC-B.

The specific functions of the Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect are:

  1. Be familiar with LAUC-B and LAUC Bylaws and the LAUC-B Policies and Procedures.
  2. Serve as a member of the Committee on Affiliated Library Affairs.
  3. Serve as the LAUC-B Liaison to the Academic Senate Committee on the Library
  4. Attend meetings with Library Administration
  5. At the request of the Chair, the Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect serves as Chair.


The specific functions of the Past Chair are:

  1. Serve as a ex-officio (non voting) member of the Executive Committee.
  2. May serve as member or Chair of the Distinguished Librarian Award Committee, as appointed by the LAUC-B Chair.



The Secretary (LAUC-B Bylaws, Article IV) shall

  • Notify the membership at least five days in advance of assemblies of the time, place and agenda for the meeting.
  • Take accurate minutes at meetings of the LAUC-B Executive Committee and Assembly and distribute in a timely manner.
  • Ensure mounting of minutes on the LAUC-B Web by sending minutes to the LAUC-B web manager.
  • Distribute meeting minutes to appropriate local and systemwide reflectors. As of 6/2000, these are lauc@library and laucexbd@scilibx.ucsc.edu
  • Maintain a roster of members who fulfill the requirements of the LAUC-B Bylaws, Article II; send a copy of the roster with the campus addresses of those listed to the Secretary of LAUC and make additions and deletions at least twice a year, three weeks before the Spring and Fall LAUC meetings.
  • Maintain via the HelpDesk the lauc@library (all LAUC-B members), and the excomm@library (the LAUC-B Executive Committee) reflectors. At Committee turnover time each year, notify the HelpDesk of the incoming Secretary who is assuming ownership.
  • Update the LAUC-B webpages as requested by the chair.
  • Supply the Nominating and Elections Committee, and others, as appropriate, with a membership roster and mailing labels.
  • Welcome new LAUC-B members with letter about LAUC and URL.
  • Be responsible for the maintenance of the LAUC-B archives.
  • Supply handouts to the Executive Committee, and route to absent members.
  • Prepare and provide handouts for the Assembly.
  • Arrange for Assembly refreshments.
  • Be familiar with LAUC-B and LAUC Bylaws and the LAUC-B Policies and Procedures.
  • Other assignments as required.



(LAUC-B Bylaws, Article IV)


  • Make changes to the Travel Form and have Library Graphics Office update the form.
  • Write guidelines letter and LAUC-B Travel Program letter, and decide on the due date.
  • Place letters and forms on the LAUC-B web site.
  • Arrange distribution of duplicated forms.
  • Check completed forms for accuracy - i..e correct dates
  • Present budget options to EXCOM - how much should we allocate per applicant?
  • Make copies of Library forms and send the originals to Brenda Krell.
  • Sign Affiliated forms and distribute money, making a copy of the form for Treasurer's files, sending 2 copies to applicant with the reimbursement letter and the original to Scherry Royal.
  • Ask Scherry Royal in the Library Business Office if she has any reminders she would like the Treasurer to disburse. Write reimbursement letter and send to Brenda Krell. Brenda will attach the reimbursement letter to the application forms that are returned to the applicants.
  • After travel money has been distributed, send a copy of distribution (applicant name, amt of $ received, event name) to Joyce Harlan, Labor Relations, 207 University Hall, #3540.


  • Track the budget reports and make sure all the expenses are ours.
  • Sign (Signature, fund name, date) invoices for payment to be made and send to Library Business Office.
  • Where possible, track down Unit/Non-Unit figures
  • Draft the budget for next year - including budget for various committees.
  • Be familiar with LAUC-B and LAUC Bylaws and the LAUC-B Policies and Procedures.