1993 Spring Assembly

LAUC-B Spring Assembly
April 27, 1993

A.  The meeting was called to order by Gary Handman, LAUC-B Chair.
B.  G. Handman introduced J. Waldron, Professor of Law, and Chair,
Library Committee, Berkeley Division of the Academic Senate.
C. The November 1992 Fall Assembly minutes were approved with no corrections.  
D.  G. Handman introduced the newest LAUC-B members Mabel Shaw (LAW) and Linda Vida-Sunnen
(WRCA). The latest LAUC-B Census shows we have 117 members.
E.  G. Handman gave an update on the LAUC (statewide) activities.       
    1.  LAUC statewide Spring Assembly will be at UCLA on May 7th.  Fall
    Assembly will be at UCB, tentatively scheduled for December 3rd.
    2.  Committee on Professional Governance developed and distributed
    a survey on the impact of fiscal stringencies on the work of
    librarians.  The Berkeley liaison to the Committee, Bill Whitson,
    distributed Berkeley's response to LAUC-B members via email.  The
    high rate of non-return for the survey can be viewed as symptomatic
    of the pressures on our work lives.  The follow-up survey to
    non-respondents seems to bear this out.
    Results from various campuses have recently been distributed by Alan
    Ritch, and were placed on reserve at the Main Library Reference
    Desk.   The Committee will be considering the information garnered
    in the next few months.
    3.  Interim Committee on Cultural Diversity - The UCOP approved LAUC
    bylaw revisions creating the Committee on Cultural Diversity as a
    standing statewide Committee.  The report "The Many Faces of
    Diversity" has been submitted to the ERIC Clearinghouse for
    inclusion as an ERIC document.
    New Committee has created four subcommittees:  Recruitment,
    Retention, and Promotion; 2) Reference and Bib Instruction 3)
    Collection and Access 4) Diversity initiatives.  Each of these
    subcommittees has a roster of issues and activities with which it
    will be concerned.
    At the Fall 1992 Statewide assembly the Diversity Committee entered
    a resolution that LAUC aggressively pursue university external
    funding to support retrospective conversion of specialized US ethnic
    collections to allow MELVYL access.  The resolution was unanimously 
    approved.  The Committee is currently working with Clint Howard
    (UCOP) on proposals for external funding.
    4.  Management Options --  The survey and report on the issue of
    management options adhered by Nancy Kohler(R)  and Judy Horn (I) was
    discussed at length at the last LAUC-B assembly.  At the Fall '92
    Statewide assembly a motion was entered to thank the committee for
    its work, to formally discharge the committee, and for a summary of
    issues raised in the report and ensuing campus discussion to be
    drafted by Allen Ritch and sent forward to UCOP.
    A recent communication from Alan Ritch indicated that yet another
    letter has gone forward from eight of the nine the University
    Librarians to Assistant Vice President for Academic Personnel Ellen
    Switkes, urging consideration of stipends for management
    assignments.  The recommendation was made despite LAUC's strong
    position on this topic.
    5.  The last statewide Executive Board Meeting was on march 18th. 
    Held via teleconference--3 sites:  Alameda (UCB, UCD, UCSF, UCSC),
    UCLA (LA and I) and UCR (R and SD).
    6.  A. Ritch reported on responses received by divisional LAUC
    chairs from Provost King in response to letters of support for
    continuation of the UC Berkeley School of Library and Information
    Studies.  It was recommended that Ritch draft a follow-up letter
    registering LAUC disappointment with the compromise reached, and
    expressing the eagerness of LAUC to participate in academic planning
    concerning the future of the school.
    7.  At the last board meeting a memo was submitted by Keri Lucas,
    Chair of LAUC-SD, which she had received from her campus personnel
    officer bringing to light the division of opinion at the UCOP about
    whether librarians would be considered faculty or staff for purposes
    of distributing merits during the 93-4 budget cycle.  It was
    mentioned by another board member that the letters from the UCOP to
    LAUC divisions in connection with the non-granting of the 91 merit
    increases seemed to indicate that librarian merits would continue
    to be treated the same as faculty merits in the future.
    This notion of changing or downgrading the academic status of
    librarians as a fiscal measure is an extremely serious one.  Alan
    Ritch has sent a letter to President Peltason summarizing the
    history of librarian academic status and stating LAUC's strong
    concerns that the status  continued.  All LAUC members should be
    aware of this potential threat.
    8.  APM 150 - The proposed revised section 150 of the Academic
    Personnel manual--Non-Senate Academic Appointees, Corrective Action
    and Dismissal has been distributed to Alan Ritch and others.  The
    section incorporates comments received by LAUC and others during the
    formal review period in Fall/Winter 91-92.  The document was sent
    by Ritch to the LAUC Committee on Committees for comment.  
    At the March Executive Board meeting, these comments were reviewed
    and the best way of transmitting the comments to UCOP was discussed
    extensively.  It was decided to forward an abstract of the issues
    raised by the report and to refer to the more complete document.
F.  G. Handman gave an update on the LAUC-Berkeley Division activities. 
    1.  Nominating and Elections Committee - B. Whitson introduced the 
    slates for Secretary/Treasurer:  Myrtis Collins and Vivienne
    Roumani-Denn; Executive Committee Delegates from the Affiliated
    Libraries:  Katie Frohmberg and Terry Huwe; and Executive Committee
    Delegates from The Library:  Michaelyn Burnette, Carlos Delgado,
    Diane Fortner, Phoebe Janes, Lee Leighton, and Pat Vanderberg.
    There is one candidate for the position of Vice Chair/Chair Elect,
    and while there have been slates in the past with only one
    candidate, before presenting the slate, Nominating & Elections will
    try to gather another delegate.
    2.  CAPA - (D. Sommer for A. Youmans) CAPA is in the midst of
    reviewing cases for this cycle.  CAPA will be reviewing a total of  
    55 cases this year:  46 from the Library and 9 from the Affiliated   
    Libraries.  As of last week 21 merit dossiers and 11 promotion or   
    career status files were on hand.  Candidates for promotion or
    career status have been especially prompt in meeting deadlines -
    there are only one or two of these cases outstanding.  Although  
    there are not comparable figures for previous years, it seems that   
    there are more files complete and available for CAPA review as of   
    this date than in the prior two cycles.  I think this shows that all  
    of the work done on timetable compliance and on the extension   
    guidelines has had a positive effect.  I commend all of you who  
    worked on these documents and all of you who have complied with the   
    timetable.  We are still waiting for 23 dossiers.  CAPA members are:  
    Beth Sibley, Milt Ternberg, Ivan Arguelles, Pat Maughan, Debby     
    Sommer, and Lily Castillo-Speed.      
    3. Distinguished Librarian Award -- G. Handman will constitute a 
    small working group to review criteria and frequency of issuance. 
    4.  In December, G. Handman constituted a working group to consider 
    the possible organization and  charge of a local LAUC committee on  
    Cultural Diversity.  Berkeley is the only campus without some  type    
    of organizational entity to oversee such issues.  The constitution   
    of the statewide LAUC committee seemed to make the need such a group    
    on the Berkeley campus even more pressing.  The group is composed     
    of Lily Castillo-Speed (convener), Susana Hinojosa, Carlos Delgado,    
    and Marian Drabkin.  LAUC Executive Committee has recently received   
    and discussed the recommendations of the working group, and G.   
    Handman will be discussing these with D. Gregor in the next week or 
    5.  An idea brought away from the Fall '92 Executive Board meeting  
    was the possibility of mounting the LAUC-B and appropriate LAUC   
    statewide correspondence on a library server similar to what has   
    been done at UCSC.  A formal proposal was submitted to the Sparkplug   
    group.  After consideration by LAG, the project was approved.    
    6.  E. Byrne and G. Handman have discussed with D. Gregor the     
    desirability of streamlining the current travel and leave funding 
    process, and for developing closer ties between this process and the  
    process of professional goal setting for individual librarians--In    
    other words, for building accountability for professional activities   
    up front as well as at the point of peer review.      
    In December, G. Handman asked the Professional Development Committee   
    to look at current procedures and to recommend alternative ways of     
    doing business.  The report of the committee has been discussed at   
    the recent Executive Committee meeting and has been forwarded to D. 
    Gregor.  G. Handman will be discussing the options with her at the   
    meeting this Friday.  Some of the general concepts which seem to    
    have had the most support in the Executive Committee are the use of  
    a standard funding rate for travel to and lodging at major    
    conferences (travel requests for unique events would be considered  
    separately), imposition of a two meeting cap per individual, and
    continuation of the practice of scaling funding depending on nature
    of participation, having the review initiator discuss and sign
    off-on the funding request, with the approved request going straight
    to the UL.
    7.   Vice Chancellor Heilbron met with the Executive Committee in
         January and discussed the budget.  Heilbron expressed his
         concern for consolidation of library operations and for more
         systematic and aggressive cooperative collection building in
         times of fiscal stringency.  He expressed his interest in
         electronic journals as a possible means of savings.
    Other issues discussed with him were 1- LAUC-B discussions with the
    faculty senate re possible librarian participation on senate
    committees--he seemed to approve, but felt that in matters relating
    to changes in academic programs  librarians might be better placed
    on deans' councils or departmental library committees.  2-  The need
    for library funding to support new or evolving programs was
    mentioned, and Heilbron said that he would like to see strong
    pressure placed on Provosts for such funding, which he considers
    essential and not discretionary.
    8.  In February, LAUC-B and the Union sent letters of concern to
    Joyce Harlan, campus personnel, and Robert Aasen of Office of
    Academic Personnel regarding a posting for an LA III in the
    Institute for International Studies library that seemed to embody
    professional responsibilities.  The job was subsequently pulled and
    a working group was constituted to review the posting.
    9.  Issues related to library organization, reorganization, and
    planning has occupied a major portion of LAUC-B's time in the past
    six months.  Early in the reorganization efforts, CAPA submitted a
    list of concerns to library administration regarding issues such as
    review initiation in the new environment.  LAUC-B had a discussion
    with D. Gregor regarding the best way of proceeding with filling
    management positions below the top line of the current organization
    chart.  CAPA is in the process of drafting a list of concerns
    regarding the process in place for recruiting and selecting
    candidates for rotational positions recently posted in the Research
    Services and Collections Department, Teaching Library, and
    elsewhere.  CAPA is developing guidelines and procedures for
    handling the review of individuals with split or rotational
    assignments or split or rotating review initiators.  
    10.  Wendy Diamond has served as the LAUC-B representative to the
    Library Cultures Group.  The report of the Cultures Group was
    discussed this month with working group. A discussion took place as
    to whether there should be an all-LAUC forum, it was decided to wait
    until after the document is distributed.
    11.  Several months ago, LAUC-B was asked by D. Gregor to develop
    criteria for branch consolidation.  The task of drafting such a plan
    is not a pleasant one; on the other hand D. Gregor's solicitation
    of LAUC input on the issue is viewed as a very positive step in the
    planning process.  A working group composed of Elizabeth Byrne, Gary
    Peete, and Ralph Moon have put together a set of guidelines.  These
    were taken out to Social Sciences/Humanities and Science Unit heads
    for comment.  The document has been forwarded to D. Gregor with the
    recommendation that an advisory body be constituted to assist in
    applying the criteria.
G.  The meeting was adjourned.