Executive Committee Minutes 9/15/99

LAUC-B Executive Committee
Meeting No. 1999/00 (1)
15 September 1999 Transition Meeting
9-11 A.M., 202 Doe


Present: Bette Anton, Michaelyn Burnette (1998/99 secretary), Suzanne
Calpestri,Barbara Glendenning (1999/00), Marlene Harmon,Chuck James,
Phoebe Janes, Ann Jensen, Michael Levy, Hideyuki Morimoto, Barclay Ogden,
Andrea Sevetson (1998/99 chair), Beth Sibley, Deborah Sommer, Jack von
Euw, Beth Weil, Alice Youmans

Absent: David Farrell, Jim Larrabee, Virginia Shih

Handouts: agenda; draft minutes (meeting no. 10, 8/4/99); annoucement
of The Culture of Books and Bytes, a LAUC-sponsored symposium; slate of
LAUC-B nominees for local and systemwide committees; proposed budget for
the Distinguished Librarian Award reception; memo on amount of
Distinguished Librarian Award; treasurer's report; draft LAUC-B laptop
borrowing guidelines and request form; request for purchase of additional
LAUC-B laptop from CAPA chair

1. Introductions
Incoming and outgoing members of ExComm introduced themselves.

2. Minutes
The minutes of meeting no. 10, August 4, 1999, were approved.

3. Announcements
A. (Sevetson).A question arose about the timing of committee
turnover and Sevetson stated that, according to the LAUC-B By-laws,the
official turnover date for all LAUC-B committees is September 1.Any committee
whose regular work does not adhere to this schedule should request a
By-laws change.

B. (Glendenning) handed out a flyer on The Culture of Books and
Bytes: The Future of UC Faculty Research and UC Librarians, a
by-invitation symposium, will be held at the UCLA Conference Center at
Lake Arrowhead,March 10-12, 2000.This symposium is sponsored by
LAUC-Riverside with support from all LAUC divisions.

4. Reports
A. Sevetson reported on the August meetings; the LAUC (systemwide)
transition meeting.The focus of this transition meeting was the progress
of the Report on Expanding the Librarian Series submitted by the Committee
on Professional Governance to the LAUC Assembly in December 1998. The UC
University Librarians appointed a special task force on ameliorating
problems at the upper and lower steps; the proposal written by this task
force will go to the Council of Vice Chancellors for discussion at their
September meeting, UCOP and the union (because of contractual

B. During their meeting with UL Lowell, Sevetson and Glendenning
gave him the LAUC-B document on the upward evaluation of supervisors with
a cover letter listing reasons for implementing; Lowell will discuss the
document with the new AULs and see how it fits in with his plans for the
library.Lowell reported that the issue of stipends for librarian
managers is still being explored by the Executive Vice Chancellor.
Sevetson suggested that UL Lowell consider supplying new members of the
Academic Senate Committee on the Library with a briefing packet on the

C. Treasurer Levy reported on the balances in the LAUC-B accounts.
LAUC-B met its spendown goal and is in solid financial shape.

D. Ogden reported on the first meeting of the Academic Senate
Committee on the Library this year.Professor Tom Leonard is the new
chair, and discussion at this meeting focussed on the long-range proposal to consolidate some science libraries.

5. Old Business
A. The slate of names for appointment to LAUC-B and LAUC
Systemwide committees presented by the Nominations and Elections Committee
was approved.

B. Distinguished Librarian Award: Sevetson had the pleasure of
notifying this year's distinguished librarians, Phyllis Bischof (Africana
and African Studies) and Kathleen Vanden Heuvel (Deputy Director of the
Law Library), of their selection; both were pleased and touched by the
honor.The LAUC-B reception for the honorees will be November 16.ExComm
accepted the proposed budget and discussed award amount.Ogden will
explore the idea of establishing an endowment to support the award.
Current funding comes through the Executive Vice Chancellor as a line item
in theLAUC-B budget.

C. Sommers distributed draft LAUC-B laptop borrowing guidelines
and request form for discussion and comment.Sommer will talk with Mike Rancer about university insurance coverage for the laptop and will make
suggested changes to the guidelines and form.She will forward to
Glendenning for final review by ExComm and mounting on the LAUC-B web.

6. Turnover Celebration

7. New Business
A. Glendenning presided over the rest of the meeting.The first
order of business was setting a new meeting time. ExComm will meet the
second Wednesday of each month from 10:30-12; the time will be extended by
half an hour when necessary.She will notify ExComm of the meeting room.

B. The Systemwide fall assembly will be November 19, and LAUC-B
must have its assembly beforehand.The tentative date is the morning of
November 16.

C. The request by CAPA for a laptop was approved; the laptop will
be locked in the CAPA room during the review cycle and be available to
LAUC-B members in other times.

D. Setting assignments for coverage of other LAUC division minutes
was postponed.