Executive Committee Minutes 8/9/00

LAUC-B Executive Committee Meeting
August 9, 2000


Present: B. Glendenning (Chair), B. Anton, S. Calpestri, D. Farrell (Secretary), J. Gallwey, C. James, P. Janes, B. Lhermitte, P. Maughan, H. Morimoto, B. Ogden, A. Sevetson, B. Sibley, B. Weil, A. Youmans
Guest: A. Barone
Absent: M. Phillips, N. Robinson


Agenda; Draft ExComm Minutes; Draft Spring Assembly Minutes; Results of Operations, LAUC-B; LAUC, LAUC-B Committee Nominees, Treasurer's Results of Operations: LAUC-B report (07-01-00)

1. Minutes

Minutes of the July 12, 2000 ExComm Meeting and the May 3, 2000 LAUC-B Spring Assembly Meeting were approved as corrected.

2. Announcements

B. Glendenning: The Chair welcomed the outgoing and incoming members of the Executive Committee to the annual turnover meeting. The Chair and Vice Chair will be attending the LAUC statewide turnover meeting tomorrow at UCOP.

3. Reports

  1. Chair: The Chair and Vice Chair met yesterday with the University Librarian. They raised the issue of the new librarians travel form, which ExComm did not review and approve. The Chair will meet shortly with the Chief Business Officer to identify and resolve problems that would arise if the LAUC-B and LO travel procedures and budgets are not coordinated. They also discussed needs and expectations for the Interim University Librarian, and learned that he will come on board immediately, due to the University Librarians decision to terminate his employment earlier than anticipated; that he will participate fully in annual reviews of librarians; and will meet monthly with the LAUC-B Chair and Vice Chair, as customary.

  2. Treasurer: B. Sibley distributed the monthly report. She noted there had been 8 late travel requests, some unanticipated and some that could have been anticipated. Ex Comm will discuss circumstances surrounding late applications and their budgetary impact at a future meeting.
  3. Nominations & Elections: A. Barone distributed a report on nominations to LAUC-B committees for the year ahead. CAPA has not been finalized, and there was confusion on Affiliated appointments due to the By-Laws change of a couple years ago. These details will be worked out in the near future. The remainder of the committee appointments were approved; B. Ogden will notify the new members.
With the conclusion of the first part of the Agenda, the departing members of the 1999-2000 Ex Comm were excused, with the exception of the Secretary who remained as a substitute for the incoming Secretary.

4. New Business

  1. Review of Officers Duties: The duties of the incoming officers were reviewed and discussed. It was noted that the Treasurers duties may change when the travel form is revised; and that the Representatives have no description of duties and they may be considered for a specific role in the future.
  2. It was also noted that the By-Laws should be scheduled for review. In this regard, A. Sevetson and G. Glendenning declared their intention to amend the PPM for the Nominations & Elections Committee and send the amended text to the Secretary to update the By-Laws. Also, the Cultural Diversity Committee has no description of duties; the Chair will solicit a description from the Committee and get the text to the Secretary.

    The Chair noted that his office handles miscellaneous duties that might be assumed by other Ex Comm members. The Vice Chair agreed to assume responsibility for scheduling lunches with librarian candidates.

  3. Planning LAUC Statewide Assembly: B. Lhermitte and M. Phillips volunteered to form a planning committee. The preferred dates will be late November/Early December (11/30-12/1 or 12/7-8).
  4. Ex Comm Meetings: The regular meeting will be second Wednesday of the month, 10:10-Noon. The outgoing Secretary will secure the meeting room, 303 Doe.
  5. LAUC-B Fall Assembly: The Tuesday or Wednesday after Thanksgiving are preferred dates; the Chair will plan the Agenda; the Secretary will arrange the room and refreshments.
  6. Future Agenda Topics: The Chair led a discussion to identify key topics for future Ex Comm Agendas. These include: Implementing the new salary steps; Monitoring statewide discussion of the "Distinguished" Librarian step; Allocation of LAUC-B Travel Funds (in particular, late applications; the budgetary carryover); LAUC input in the recruitment of a new Director, HRD; Professional growth & development goals for librarians.