LAUC-B Executive Committee
Meeting No. 1996/97 (11)
11 June 1997
9:00 -11:15 AM, 109 Moses Hall
Present: W. Benemann (Secretary), R. Brandt, G. Irving (CAPA), C. Lee,
R. Moon, D. Sommer (Acting Chair), A. Swartzell, C. Tarr, K. Vanden
Absent: T. Dean, D. Jan, G. Peete,
Handouts: Agenda; Minutes of Meeting 1996/97 (10); Administrative
Stipends: Pros and Cons; E-mail from G. Irving: "Stipends and Peer
Review;" Print-out from web: "Proposed New Academic Personnel Manual
Sect. 633...;" Print-out from web: "Proposed Deletions of
I. Minutes
The minutes of Meeting 1996/97 (10) were approved, with
II. Administrative stipends
D. Sommer led the discussion of the proposal to provide
administrative stipends for librarians who are not in the bargaining
unit, and who are assigned administrative responsibilities. The
discussion began with a general question of what role LAUC-B Ex Comm
should play in advising LAUC on this matter, since our membership is
obviously divided on the issue of administrative stipends, and the
time frame was too short to allow for a formal ballot. It was
decided that the very well-reasoned discussion that had been carried
on by members on the LAUC-B reflector had given us the opportunity of
hearing a variety of opinions of the subject, and rather than vote
"yes" or "no" on the proposal, our response to LAUC statewide should
reflect the various concerns of our constituency.
There were a number of issues in the proposal that were unclear:
Who would be included? Would administrative stipends be given to
librarians with permanent administrative duties, or was this program
envisioned as a way to provide temporary financial incentives for
temporary assignments?
Who is in the bargaining unit? Since the proposal is clearly
restricted to librarians outside the bargaining unit, the perennial
problem of ascertaining membership in the unit would need to be
resolved before the program could be adopted.
What would the standards be for receiving the stipend? Who would
decide that a stipend was appropriate? Would the stipend come to a
librarian automatically at the time that the administrative
responsibilities were assumed, would s/he need to apply for it, or
would it be awarded after a review period?
Who will be setting the local criteria for administrative
stipends? Will local LAUC chapters be consulted concerning stipends
for librarians?
There was general agreement that we might be able to support
administrative stipends if they were intended to be temporary in
nature. G. Irving pointed out that supervision of other librarians
need not be the only form of administrative duties; librarians who
take on the added responsibility of managing a library move or
remodelling project might be candidates for a temporary stipend. A.
Swartzell suggested that we might support the proposal, as long as
the stipend was term-limited and awarded on the basis of objective
criteria. R. Moon asked whether a librarian who was considered to be
a member of the bargaining unit might move out of the unit in order
to qualify for a temporary stipend, and then re-enter the unit at the
end of the temporary duties.
ACTION: D. Sommer will contact Janice Dost and Susana Hinojosa to
find out what the latest regulations are concerning membership in the
bargaining unit.
G. Irving questioned the wisdom of deleting APM 360-18(a) and
Appendix A(c), since their current language affirms that "librarians
... shall be paid in accordance with the published salary scales for
the librarians series...." She felt that adding language that would
provide for an exception in the case of administrative stipends would
be preferable to deleting the paragraphs entirely.
ACTION: D. Sommer will draft a response to Miki Goral that both
expresses our support for the concept of temporary administrative
stipends, and affirms our continued support for the dual-track system
of advancing through the ranks of the Librarian Series.
III. ALA Exhibition passes -- D. Sommer
D. Jan is exploring our options for reimbursing members who want to
purchase exhibits-only passes to the ALA meeting in San Francisco.
IV. Conference proposal -- D. Sommer
Susana Hinojosa has proposed that LAUC sponsor a statewide conference on
the future of librarianship that would promote a wide-ranging discussion of
issues and include representatives from all levels of UC libraries. This
proposal will be discussed further at the July meeting.
V. Nominations for Committees -- D. Sommer
Kay Starkweather has asked us to nominate librarians to serve on the
Staff Development Committee and the Classification Committee. D. Sommer
has asked LAUC-B Nominations Committee chair Michaelyn Burnett to take on
this responsibility.
The next LAUC-B Executive Committee meeting will be Wednesday, July 9th,
from 9:00-11:00 AM in 109 Moses.