LAUC-B Executive Committee – Minutes.
Thursday, January 8, 2008
10:00 am - 12:00 noon
303 Doe Library
Attendees: Paul Atwood, Corliss Lee, Jennifer Nelson, David Eifler, Lisa Ngo, Armanda
Barone, Margaret Philips, Seyem Petrites
I. Announcements
(No announcements.)
II. Reports
A. Treasurer's Report (J. Nelson)
i. Current balance: $51,619.66
B. Meeting with the University Librarian (C. Lee and M. Phillips)
i. Met on Monday, January 5. LAUC was advised to pay attention to carryforward money in the LAUC budget (use it or lose it?). Updated UL on LAUC
Statewide Board meeting: budgetary concerns and conferencing technology.
Elise is looking into conferencing technology options for The Library; distinct
from LAUC-B’s survey effort. UL declined to co-sponsor the 2009 LAUC-B
C. Committee on the Library, Berkeley Division of the Academic Senate (LIBR) (M.
i. UL made announcements about dire budget situation, including mention of
S.I.P. (Severance Incentive Program). LIBR endorsed the SIP idea. Also
mentioned START program.
ii. Molly Van Houweling (Assistant Professor, Law) presented overview of
Google settlement. The fair use question will never really be answered due to
settlement. Faculty have questions about rights of their materials.
iii. UC Accountability report: Laine Farley, CDL director, was present to address
LIBR’s concern that libraries were not mentioned in the accountability report.
D. LAUC Statewide Conference Call (there has not been a conference call since the last
Executive Committee meeting; scheduled for January 9, 2009.)
III. New Business
A. Draft Survey: What conferencing technologies have LAUC-B members
used? (D.Eifler)
i. Handouts with draft questions and feedback from ExComm members.
ii. Will send out 2/3 and close on 2/11.
B. New Librarians: continuation of discussion: Suggestions from new librarians
gathered during 2007-2008 mentorship program (L. Ngo)
i. Notes on what employees would have liked to have known by time of hire
(from a meeting on January 25 (2008?)). Ngo wrote up lists of things we can do
now, actions for the mentor program, and items that belong to LHRD. One
example, invite new librarians to attend an ExComm meeting.
ii. Reception: Meet with ExComm and Committee Chairs. Have Chairs discuss
their committees, encouraging new librarians to become active.
iii. Invite new librarians to ExComm meeting: Ask their thoughts on what else
LAUC-B (and LAUC in general) can do? What kind of information would they
have liked to have received before their first day of work? Inform what would
be useful for a LAUC-B hiring packet.
iv. L.Ngo will look into what would go into a packet. (Visit LAUC Statewide
Clearinghouse for related information.)
C. Distinguished Librarian Award: usually awarded every other year, alternating with
the conference, but was last given 2007, same year as the conference. Can we postpone
till 2010 so as not to occur same year (2009) as the conference?
i. Awaiting comments from previous DLA Chair (Lily Castillo-Speed). ExComm
tentatively approves postponing till 2010.
D. LAUC-B Budget (handout of proposed 2008-09 budget)
i. Requested:
Operating Budget $15,646
Research & Prof. Development $78,007.20
TOTAL $93,653.20
C. Lee described process of submitting the LAUC-B budget.
ii. Treasurer (J. Nelson) reported numbers of librarians that traveled and how
much was the average expenditure, identifying how much was not used in the past
three fiscal years. Discussion about the future and the likelihood of lean economic
iii. A professional development workshop to inform librarians would be good idea.
Discuss with Kris Leonardo and invite the Professional Development Committee
to next ExComm mtg.