LAUC-B Executive Committee
Thursday, September 11, 2008
10:00 – 11:45am
303 Doe Library
Present: Paul Atwood, Amanda Barone, David Eifler, Corliss Lee, Ramona Martinez,
Jennifer Nelson, Lisa Ngo, Seyem Petrites, Margaret Phillips
I. Announcements
a. Note Elise’s email (8/26/08) regarding travel reimbursement. There will
be difficulty in being reimbursed for packages of poplar Internet travel
sites such as Expedia, Orbitz or Travelocity because they do not itemize
invoices (an IRS regulation). For LAUC-related travel use the UCLA
Travel Service to avoid out of pocket expenses. Also see the LAUC-B
travel page for further details:
../travel.html (M. Phillips)
b. LAUC (Statewide) Assemblies travel for officers, committee members, et
al. C. Lee will send dates and the “LAUC Travel and Reimbursement
Policy and Procedures.”
c. LAUC (Statewide) is looking for a webmaster (C. Lee)
d. LAUC-B hoping to hire an SLE soon (C. Lee)
e. 2009 LAUC-B Conference Planning Committee sent out a “build your
own conference” survey; please complete by 9/19. The Committee has a
proposed date of October 23, 2009. ExComm is not aware of any conflicts.
C. Lee will invite the committee co-Chairs to an upcoming ExComm
meeting. (C. Lee)
f. Staff ‘Training Task Force’ w/ Susan Wong (New Directions): S. Supple
(Law) is a member (not representing the library); looking for another non-
Affiliated librarian to represent the LAUC-B. (C. Lee)
II. Reports
A. Treasurer’s report: Balance as of August 31, 2008 = $67,323.86 -- Used over
$4k for travel in this FY. It was clarified for new members that travel funds
from the previous year are carried over to the current year and can be used to
increase the travel allocation. Description of the annual budget request and
confirmation process. (J. Nelson)
B. Meeting with the University Librarian: Met with UL Tom on 9/3 (C. Lee, M.
a. Consolidated three task force reports (ask C.Lee for names; C.Lee will
send to ExComm). UL suggested sharing with S.Wong who will bring
to the attention of administration.
b. Updated UL on LAUC (Statewide) meetings.
c. Discussed CAPA task force and New Directions training task force.
d. Status of UCOP. Not actively seeking head of CDL; Laine Farley is
serving as Executive Director.
e. Library is still filling positions.
f. New Directions Earlybird coming on 10/7.
g. Townsend Center: Nothing new as of now. C.Lee will follow-up.
h. Discussed ideas for speakers for assemblies.
C. Committee on the Library, Berkeley Division of the Academic Senate (M.
Phillips): Next meeting is 9/25. M. Phillips has a roster; Tony Newcomb is the
D. LAUC Statewide Conference call (none scheduled)
E. LAUC Statewide Turnover meeting (C. Lee & A. Barone):
a. Occurred 8/27/08 at UCOP; all divisions attended. Chiefly
organizational and procedural discussions.
b. Sam Dunlap (UCSD) is the President; Brian Schottlaender (UCSD) is
the new convener.
c. In process of appointing new committee members.
d. Bylaws are awaiting approval at UCOP.
e. Statewide Assembly to be held at UCSF on 12/3.
f. Revision of salary scale discussion.
III. New Business
A. Recommendations from the Nominations & Elections Committee
(confidential). Nominees approved by ExComm.
B. Fall assembly speakers for LAUC-B were discussed.
C. New Directions & LAUC-B (confidential discussion).