LAUC-B Executive Committee Turnover Meeting
Thursday, August 14th, 2008
10:05am-12 noon
303 Doe Library
Attendees: Paul Atwood, Armanda Barone, Lucia Diamond, David Eifler, Evelyn Kuo,
Corliss Lee, Ramona Martinez, Jennifer Nelson, Lisa Ngo, Seyem Petrites, Margaret
Phillips, Shannon Supple
I. Announcements and Introductions
[No Announcements]
Introductions of outgoing and incoming ExComm members.
II. Reports
A. Treasurer's Report (J. Nelson)
$81,750.58 – Travel --ALA in particular-- is reflected on this report (approximately
B. Meeting with the University Librarian (A. Barone and C. Lee)
Spoke about mtg. w/ Susan Wong (see IV below). Caught UL up on staff mentoring
meetings and ExComm turnover.
C. Committee on the Library, Berkeley Division of the Academic Senate (C. Lee) -
D. LAUC Statewide Conference Call (A. Barone) - Cancelled
III. CAPA Recommendations (confidential)
See report and suggestions (Cochran and Eason). In particular, it is suggested that
ExComm appoint a Task Force to define and clarify the identified issues. C. Lee and/or A.
Barone will appoint a TF.
IV. Collaboration with LHRD and LAUC-B on professional development activities (C.
Lee and A. Barone)
-Meeting with S. Wong: update on BILD fellowship (will be implemented soon; this
year). LAUC will have some interaction with the individual. Q: Will there be a review for
this person? There will be some form of review (per L. Diamond). [General discussion
and backround of BILD was presented by L. Diamond]
-New Directions: A TF may be formed by LHRD, and LAUC should be involved in next
steps. Includes training for managers.
-LHRD hiring an HR manager: 30% training & 70% classification.
-S. Wong raised issue of how CAPA reviews management responsibilities vis-à-vis
professional activity with regards to the peer review process.
V. Review of 2007-2008 year (A. Barone)
-Budget approved; included new laptop. Consider new laptop for CAPA.
-Townsend Library Fellow: Deadline and scope (to include library staff, grad students,
etc.) changed. Suggests C. Lee touch base and clarify expectations, deadlines, etc. No
applicants this past year, likely due to short notice. S. Wong can provide lists for email
announcements (S. Wong’s lists would not include Affiliates; add TALAG to
-Diversity documents, retention, recruitment … pulled together by B. Bohl. ExComm
approved recommendation. Needs to be approved by Admin.
-LAUC-B Fall Assembly: Eric Kansa from iSchool.
-LAUC Statewide (UC Merced): Robin Chandler and John Kunze (CDL) spoke about
mass digitization projects at the UC libraries; Sarah Davidson (UCM) and Patti Martin
(CDL) spoke about the UC-OCLC pilot program; Bill Jordan (U. of Washington) spoke
about Washington’s implementation of OCLC WorldCat Local.
-LAUC-B Conference: Library 2.0 – well-attended, great speakers.
-CAPA review mtg.
-Distinguished Librarians: Alice Youmans and Waverly Lowell
-BILD activities and proposal (L. Diamond)
-Task Force on library mentorship (D. Jan); conference mentoring, socials on campus,
mentoring webpage pulling all activities together.
-LAUC-B Chair meeting with new librarians for coffee/tea.
-UC MOU proposal: Bob Heyer-Gray worked with ExComm to draft letter to Dynes and
ULs. Not much action since that time.
-Streamline documentation regarding mentor and candidate lunches. Defining roles and
pre-approvals. C. Lee will blanket pre-approve all ExComm members (i.e., assemblies,
lunches, programs)
-Program on writing and publishing
-LAUC-B website: H. Dekker has taken over and migrating to Drupal.
-LAUC-B blog (C. Lee) – M. Phillips agreed to be interim blog administrator.
-L. Diamond created a LAUC-B Chair wiki to consolidate documentation. A. Barone will
send to ExComm.
-Spring Assembly: Gabor Basri, Vice Chancellor for Equity and Inclusion. He is
interested in seeing the LAUC-B diversity report.
-Statewide Assembly – Irvine: Brian Schottlaender (UL, UCSD) on bib control; Chuck
Eckman: BRII; Steven Abrams: future of libraries, web 3.0
-‘Get to Know the Affiliated Libraries’ program put together by S. Supple.
-Internship program (M. Miller). C. Lee getting a coordinator in place.
-2009 conference committee: T. Huwe and P. Maughan co-chairs
-Working with LHRD on training, etc.
VI. Preview of 2008-2009 year (C. Lee)
-New librarians reception
-Usual business: Townsend, assemblies, CAPA, programs
-Continuing initiatives: diversity, mentoring, internship task force
-Further populating the LAUC-B wiki: Possibly hire a SLE to update website content and
inputting documentation onto the wiki. C. Lee will speak with H. Dekker.
-Blog: C. Lee will encourage individuals to report on conferences, programs, continuing
education, professional issues, etc. Appoint a blog editor (possibly M. Phillips).
-2009 Conference planning
-Discussion ensued about whether LAUC-B has a role in some of the professional issues
raised by New Directions.
-Checklist for librarian hiring committees. Does this process require clarification? C. Lee
will consult recent hiring committee chairs and will check against the Diversity Task
Force checklist.
-LAUC-B Chair meeting individually with new librarians.
VI. New Business
-ExComm will meet 2nd Thursdays 10-12 at 303 Doe.
-M. Phillips offers to help populate LAUC-B calendar.
-LAUC statewide Assembly will be at UCSF this fall; spring assembly will be in So. Cal.
Dates not yet set.
-Secretary (P. Atwood) will take over ExComm and LAUC listservs
-S. Petrites will take over AFFIL listserv.