Executive Committee Minutes 7/10/08

LAUC-B Executive Committee Meeting

Thursday, July 10th, 2008 
303 Doe Library

Attendees: Armanda Barone, Shannon Supple, Theresa Salazar, Jennifer Nelson, Lucia Diamond, Jesse Silva. 
Guests: Barbara Bohl, Saima Fazili, David Eifler, Harrison Dekker, Norma Kobzina, Kathryn Neal

I. Announcements 
Jesse showed ExComm the new laptop for LAUC-B Secretary position.

Armanda and Corliss discussed with Isabel Stirling the recently submitted LAUC-B Report on interns in the Library. 
LAUC-B will eventually appoint someone to coordinate interns in the Library. Admin agreed that LAUC-B should appoint a coordinator for the Internship program to gather information about library interns on campus, but suggested that longer-term projects that involve creating internship opportunities or recruiting be postponed in light of recent staff and budgetary issues.

Lucia Diamond has created a wiki for the LAUC-B chairs to deposit all documentation so future chairs can access this information. The wiki is intended for LAUC-B Committee Chairs, and ExComm Members with procedures, such as those responsible for interview lunches and mentor, so all procedures are available.

Armanda reminded ExComm of Corliss's email to LAUC-B members to blog on sessions you attended at ALA.

Armanda referred to Corliss's other email on core competencies in the profession and suggested a UCB website on career leadership:


Update on the BILD Mentoring Program: 42 people applied and have been matched up for job shadowing. July 14 is the deadline for mentorship applications.

There will be a Library Career Workshop for non-academic staff on Wednesday July 23, 2008.

Jennifer Nelson and Paul Atwood will take minutes at the turnover meeting in Jesse's absence. Jesse will work with Paul to setup catering for the meeting.

II. Reports 
A. Treasurer's Report (J. Nelson) 
There is $97,597.84. Results of the recent travel will be reflected in the August or September budget update. 
B. Meeting with the University Librarian (A. Barone and C. Lee) 
Armanda and Corliss met with Tom and informed him about the wiki for LAUC-B chairs (details recorded above). 
Armanda and Corliss have been working to schedule a meeting with Susan Wong to discuss how LAUC-B and 
LHRD can partner in supporting future professional development opportunities that LAUC-B members and Library staff might be interested in pursuing. They also mentioned their meeting with Isabel on the internship taskforce (details recorded above).

Tom mentioned that Gary Peete and Susan Calpestri were awarded emeritus status. There will be an article in CU News on this.

Tom mentioned the UL's are looking to take a more active role with LAUC, both statewide and on campuses. No one is clear yet on what this means and more information will forthcoming.

Tom also mentioned there are many changes at UCOP. For the moment, he is watching what is happening.

C. Committee on the Library, Berkeley Division of the Academic Senate (C. Lee) 
There was no meeting.

D. LAUC Statewide Conference Call (A. Barone) 
Cancelled. The next call in early August may be cancelled in lieu of the turnover meeting.

II. Nominations and Elections (K. Neal and N. Kobzina) (confidential) 
LAUC-B discussed committee appointments with the committee representatives.

III. TF on Diversity and Recruitment final report (S. Fazli) 
Saima met with ExComm in response to questions on the original report presented at the March ExComm 
Meeting. She created a fuller report which was distributed. The original report was much more statistical and the revised report included more explanation on the statistics.

ExComm accepted the report and Barbara Bohl and the Committee on Diversity will incorporate this report into their consolidated report.

IV. PI workshop idea and LAUC-B Website Update (H. Dekker) 
Through his work with UC-AFT, Harrison has gained some understanding of University grants policies, and shared this with ExComm. He reported that University policy and the Librarians MOU allow librarians to apply for research grants from granting organizations other than LAUC and librarians are eligible to request principal investigator (PI) status. In order to promote grant writing among librarians, Harrison proposed adding a PI status application checklist that UCOP has agreed to provide to the LAUC-B website. Also, discussed was the possibility of holding a LAUC-B sponsored grant writing workshop.

Jennifer Nelson mentioned that Boalt recently had a 2-day grant writing workshop put on by Grant Writing USA. If there is an interest for a similar workshop LAUC-B could sponsor and the whole issue of PI could be discussed in that forum. Jennifer will forward contact information on the company to Armanda. Armanda will suggest this forum be coordinated by the Committee on Professional Development.

There may be some issues for affiliated librarians. Harrison will investigate.

Harrison also provided an update on the website. He has received approval from LSO to move the LAUC-B 
website into Drupal, a new open source CMS with many great features (more information can be found at 
http://drupal.org/). Other librarians interested in Drupal have approached Harrison, so this could be a great opportunity to experiment with the software. Drupal requires some specific skills and many of its functionalities will allow librarians to see what others are working on, involved in, who the experts are, etc. While Drupal has social networking capabilities, the new LAUC-B site will not be "Facebook" for the Library. Harrison is willing to be administrator for the site, and Corliss, as ExComm Chair, will be the point person for decisions in the Fall.

While this move to Drupal is occurring, all website changes should go directly to Harrison. Armanda mentioned the possibility of LAUC-B hiring a student to take care of many of the html upkeep of the current site.

V. New Business 
Jesse distributed changes to the Secretary duties found at ../ppm/officers.html#secretary. ExComm approved these changes and will also be looking at their individual duties.