Executive Committee Minutes 5/15/08

LAUC-B Executive Committee Meeting 
Thursday, May 15th, 2008 
10:30-12 noon 
303 Doe Library

Attendees: Armanda Barone (chair), Evelyn Kuo, Corliss Lee (recorder), Jennifer Nelson, Theresa 

Guests: Barbara Bohl

I. Announcements  

“Get to Know the Affiliated Libraries” will take place on Thursday, June 12th, at 8:30-10:00 a.m. in 
the Morrison Library . Representatives from each of the eleven Affiliated Libraries will give a short 
presentation about their libraries and archives. All of the campus library community is invited.

II. Reports  

A. Treasurer's Report (J. Nelson)

Current balance is $115,812. LAUC-B members have used $56,000 of travel funding so 
far. The American Library Association travel will be taking place in June and presumably more 
funds will be spent.

B. Meeting with the University Librarian (A. Barone and C. Lee) 
A. Barone updated T. Leonard about the progress of the Internships Task Force and the 
Committee on Diversity report (see item III below) and the Spring Assembly at UC Irvine (see item 
IV below).

C. Committee on the Library, Berkeley Division of the Academic Senate 
The May meeting was cancelled.

III. Consolidation of all the LAUC-B task forces diversity documents (B. Bohl)

The LAUC-B Committee on Diversity was charged with the task of consolidating the 
reports presented to LAUC-B in 2007 by the Diversity Committee, the Diversity and Retention Task 
Force (../retention.html ), and the Task Force on Diversity and 
Recruitment (../recruitment.html ), and to present 
recommendations to the LAUC-B Executive Committee on future actions.

As a result of reviewing these reports, the Diversity Committee recommends that the 
Executive Committee accept the recommendations of the various task forces and approve the 
documents produced by the Diversity Committee in 2007. The Executive Committee agreed with 
the recommendations and made some additional suggestions, including:

- Exploring the possibility of linking from the New Directions site to the LAUC-B Diversity and 
Retention Task Force survey results, and linking from the survey results and the LAUC-B 
blog to the New Directions site.

- The Committee on Diversity should continually evaluate the Library’s success in recruiting 
a diverse workforce by asking for recruitment statistics on a regular basis.

IV. LAUC Spring Assembly in Irvine (A. Barone, C. Lee)

The Statewide LAUC Spring Assembly took place at UC Irvine on May 7 and was well-attended.

Speakers were:

Stephen Abram (SirsiDynix Vice President of Innovation; see his blog Stephen’s Lighthouse at 

Upcoming trends: wireless access will be ubiquitous; we should be making sure our web sites are 
viewable on phones; we will all be known by our avatars by 2015.

The speed of change itself is accelerating!

More trends to look for: the semantic web; fewer and fewer search engines; are we ready for ads 
in our OPACs? We are 10 years away from 250 million books online; device proliferation; e-books; 
politicization of our taxonomies; streaming media and spoken word search; searching podcasts; 
Personalization 3.0; device proliferation…

Virtual commons – probably the majority of users come in virtually – who’s the head of that branch 
of the library?

By 2015 all the internet will fit on one phone.

Brian Schottlaender, University Librarian at UC San Diego

“On the Record: The LC Working Group on the Future of Bibliographic Control”; see 
http://www.loc.gov/bibliographic-future/news/ for the report and background information.

The Working Group was convened in Fall of 2006, held public hearings, reviewed its findings with 
Library of Congress management and staff, and received 135 pages of comments. The draft 
received substantial revisions; the final report was issued January 10, 2008.

The three guiding principles were:

- To redefine bibliographic control as a distributed, not centralized, activity

- To redefine the bibliographic universe (libraries are just part of a vast field)

- To redefine the role of the Library of Congress, which no longer needs to be the sole 
provider of bibliographic data.

Schottlaender discussed the recommendations and the controversy surrounding the report. Next: 
possibly another working group; future activity may depend on how the Worldcat Local pilot goes.

Chuck Eckman, Associate University Librarian for Collections, UC Berkeley

Eckman described two initiatives relating to scholarly communication. The Berkeley Research 
Impact Initiative (BRII, see http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/brii/ ) a UCB Library pilot program 
supporting UCB faculty, post-docs and graduate students who are interested in publishing in open 
access journals.

SCOAP3 is the Sponsoring Consortium in Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics 
(http://www.scoap3.org/ ) The consortium includes High-Energy Physics funding agencies and 
laboratories and an international collection of libraries and library consortia, including CDL. The 
consortium “facilitates Open Access publishing in High Energy Physics by re-directing subscription 
money” (from their home page)…” and “HEP funding agencies and libraries, which today purchase 
journal subscriptions to implicitly support the peer-review service, federate to explicitly cover its 
cost, while publishers make the electronic versions of their journals free to read. Authors are not 
directly charged to publish their articles” (from “About SCOAP3”).

V. New Business

No new business was discussed.