Executive Committee Minutes 12/13/07

LAUC-B Executive Committee meeting

Dec. 13, 2007 
303 Doe Library

Attendees: A. Barone, C. Lee, J. Nelson, S. Supple, T. Salazar, L. Diamond, J. Silva, E. 

Guests: M. Miller, H. Dekker, B. Kornstein


I. Announcements

LAUC Statewide discussed the changes the University has proposed to the MOU 
(including the major changes to the librarian peer review process) in a conference call last 
week. LAUC President Bob Heyer-Gray will issue a letter to Dynes in response to 
changes. Because the first bargaining meeting is on December 17th, LAUC decided to 
get the letter out as quickly as possible; therefore the letter would not be vetted by every 
campus. Once approved by the statewide executive committee, the letter will be sent to 
membership and the chancellors. ExComm agreed with this logic and will see how 
negotiations develop before moving on our campus. It was recommended that ExComm 
inform the Academic Senate Library Committee, and the letter, when released, will be 
sent to Whitney Davis. There is some confusion about LAUC also being cut out of the 
distribution of research money. Armanda will forward the letter to LAUC members once 
its completed.

II. Reports 
A. Treasurer's Report (J. Nelson)

LAUC-B has $148,557.72 remaining in the budget.

B. Meeting with the University Librarian (A. Barone and C. Lee)

At the LAUC Fall Assembly in Merced, attendees saw a presentation on the progress of 
the UC/OCLC Worldcat Local pilot project. Armanda and Corliss discussed the 
possibility of having a CDL presentation on the pilot done by Patti Martin. UCB and 
UCSC are the only campuses that have not held similar meetings. This presentation will 
update LAUC-B on what is happening with the project. Since the meeting with Tom, 
Lee Leighton has been in contact with Patti to set up a presentation and LAUC-B will 

LAUC-B conference ideas: Tom suggested the next LAUC-B conference could be on 
space issues. Academic libraries nationwide are going through major changes that 
involve reconstitution of space. On our own campus, there are discussions of changes in 
Moffitt. C. Lee will talk with Kathleen Gallagher about the Early Bird on the Moffitt 
Project in early January.

LAUC Assembly programs were also discussed with Tom. UCM's UL Bruce Miller 
spoke on several issues: 1) engaging non-LAUC professionals in the library, 2) use of 
unspent research monies, and 3) more experimentation of Web 2.0. UCB is doing a 
pretty good job with issues #1 and #3. LAUC-B invites all library staff to LAUC 
assemblies and will be extending the Townsend fellowship beyond the librarian ranks. 
There are several UC campuses that do not include non-LAUC members to their 
assemblies. In terms of Web 2.0, Lucia has created a wiki for the LAUC-B chairs. 
Harrison is making some changes to LAUC-B website, including adding a blog (details 
discussed later in the meeting). UCB is moving forward with the New Directions project 
and the recent LAUC-B conference on Academic Libraries 2.0 was well attended.

Web 2.0 experimentation was also discussed. Lucia has created wiki for LAUC-B. 
Harrison is making some changes to LAUC-B website, including adding a blog (details 
discussed later in the meeting). UCB is moving forward with the New Directions project 
and the recent LAUC-B conference was well attended.

C. Committee on the Library, Berkeley Division of the Academic Senate (C. Lee)

The last meeting was on November 29, 2007.

The committee discussed the preservation of digital assets, including archiving emeritus 
materials and archiving both print and data, emphasizing the long term storage of data. 
Tom responded that we don’t know how to best go about doing this, and libraries across 
the country are struggling with these issues.

Corliss discussed the LAUC Assembly at UC Merced.

Bill Drummond, Journalism professor and Chair of academic senate, started a 
conversation on space issue and it was apparent that the Committee knows about space 
issues. Suggestions were made to discuss with the Survey Research Center about 
surveying undergrads on how they use space. Davis thought this was a good idea. Also 
recommended was to look at what other libraries are doing. Undergraduate libraries built 
in the 1970’s are being repurposed, such as the George Mason University Library. There 
will be more discussion on this topic in the future.

III. LAUC-B Task Force on Library Internships (M. Miller)

The task force has worked to simplify and streamline the 2005 report to make it easier to 
use. A draft was sent to all users several months ago and feedback was incorporated. 
The task force is 80-90% done with the charge. Mari noted that there were some 
extensive revisions. ExComm went over the documents. Some comments were given 
during the meeting, and ExComm has until December 19, 2007 to provide final 

Suggestions on where to post these documents included both LHRD and the LAUC site. 
ExComm noted the many connections with BILD, such as mentoring staff who are 
interested in going to library school, how to find a professional level job, etc. A meeting 
with Steve Garber will be set up in January or February. ExComm noted that it may need 
to create one committee or other structure to handle all projects.

M. Miller asked for an extension to complete some aspects of the charge. An extension 
until March 31, 2008 was approved by ExComm.

ExComm recommended the final report be forwarded to BILD to inform BILD process.

IV. Update on the BILD project (L. Diamond)

The BILD Task Force on Mentoring met last week. This task force is a small piece of 
BILD and will focus on mentoring career staff that fall into three groups: Those working 
in the Library and thinking about library school, those already in library school, and those 
who have graduated from library school but are working in a different pay title. 
Mentoring is not based on race/ethnic/gender diversity and will be open to all Library 
career staff.

The task force has started to develop a short survey (using Survey Monkey) that will be 
sent out in January. Questions are currently being developed to discover what type of 
programs and support are needed by those in the three groups mentioned above. A 
possible idea discussed is to have a panel discussion and job shadowing with librarians. 
At this point, BILD is not allowed to work with students, but there are plans to expand 
this mentoring to students in the future.

BILD must be advertised, and ExComm will discuss with Harrison about placing 
information on the LAUC-B website, and also on the Library staff page. Links to ACRL 
internship programs and other programs should also be linked.

Library Fellow. In January, Susan Wong and Judy Bolsted will be moving forward with 
getting the program set up. The Fellow will be a LAUC-B member and will have a 
mentor from LAUC-B. Tom Leonard is backing the Fellow. Once the structure for the 
Fellow’s job is decided, brochures will be designed and made available in April or May. 
Advertising will include announcement on national listservs.

It was also noted that there was a two year fellowship program at UCB in the early 1990s. 
When the bad budget years occurred, the program was cut. Mike Rancer has indicated 
he will find money to continue this program once set up.

A question on supervisor support and buy-in was brought up with the mentoring program. 
The program will take very little time away from an employee’s work. Even though this 
program has the backing from the Chancellor, ExComm will encourage Tom to make an 
announcement about this program and his support of the program at Roundtable 
LAUC-B members can send comments and suggestions on these programs to Lucia 
Diamond or Debbie Jan.

V. Update on LAUC-B website changes and the new LAUC-B Blog (H. Dekker)

There are no major changes to website. Rosters are current. The following workflow has 
been established: Updates and minor changes to existing pages can be sent to Charleen 
Kubota. Request for new pages are to be sent to Harrison.

Harrison has created a LAUC-B Blog. New items posted to the blog will feed to the top 
level page of the LAUC-B site. Harrison needs entries in the blog and these can include 
minutes, deadlines, upcoming events, messages for the Chair of LAUC-B. An added 
benefit of the blog is extra preservation of messages.

Who will update the blog was also discussed. Harrison can train ExComm members how 
to post. Harrison will create user ID’s for ExComm. Since the comments feature is 
turned on, LAUC-B members will be able to leave comments on posts and discuss issues 
through the blog if they want. Posts not from ExComm will be mediated.

At the time of the ExComm meeting, the blog is not feeding to the LAUC-B homepage. 
This is expected to be done soon. As soon as homepage is updated, ExComm can begin 
to seed the blog with more interesting information, such as a video of the of distinguished 
librarian award, and LAUC’s response to the University’s proposed changes to the MOU. 
Armanda will send an announcement of this feature when available.

Harrison is working through 1000+ files in over 25 directories with the current LAUC-B 
website. The goal is to move the site into a CMS that will include personal accounts, 
forums, etc. that will allow the LAUC-B site to function as a social networking tool 
enabling members to talk about professional issues, development, etc. Pictures can go 
into the blog and new site when completed. Mari noted the potential privacy issues of 
posting pictures.

Harrison will create new pages for the mentorship and internship programs discussed 