Executive Committee Minutes 9/13/07


303 Doe

Attendees: A. Barone, C.Lee, J. Nelson, J.Silva, S. Supple, L. Diamond, T. Salazar, B. 
Bohl, E. Kuo, B. Kornstein

I. Announcements: 
Maryly Snow has been named an emeritus librarian. 
East Asian Library is having a reception for donors and invited guests on Oct 20 
Academic Senate Library Committee—Corliss to send names of those on the Committee 
to ExComm

L. Ward appointed to LAUC-B Professional Development Committee 
E. Kuo needs list of new librarians to set them up with LAUC-B mentors. J. Silva to 
J. Silva (secretary) will be absent from the October ExComm Meeting. L. Diamond and 
S. Supple to take minutes.

II. Reports: 
Treasurer’s Report 
LAUC-B has $82,494.94 in the budget. J. Nelson mentioned that she cannot access 
BAIRS because she is in an affiliated library. A. Barone to get clarification.

Meeting with the University Librarian

Tom confirmed the increase in professional development for Library staff: $800 from the 
Library. $900 from LAUC. Librarians who work for The Library to receive $1700 total 
in professional development.

According to the MOU, Article 3, section A: Professional Development funding can be 
used for activities such as study, tuition for a local class, writing, research, public service, 
as well as attendance at workshops, institutes, and conferences.

No speaker for LAUC-B Fall Assembly: New vice chancellor for equity and inclusion, 
Gibor Basri had been invited; however, he is new to the new position. He will be invited 
for the Spring Assembly. Any suggestions for a fall speaker are welcomed.

Townsend reiterated that it wants to expand the fellowship to Academic title staff in the 
Library who could benefit, such as ROHO and Mark Twain. Townsend also wants to 
change the librarian application timeline to conform to the faculty and graduate student 
timeline. Support for those who apply for Townsend will also be investigated.

Academic Senate Committee on the Library: meeting cancelled

III. LAUC-B Diversity and Retention Task Force Update 
S. Supple distributed copies of the report done by H. Dekker, S. Hinojosa and herself. 
The report includes graphs, charts and comments. Report will stay with ExComm until 
finished (still being polished). ExComm will review report and invite the full task force. 
Next Steps discussed include: Professionally designed brochure on the advantages of 
working at the UCB Library to be given to interviewees, conferences, etc. A possible 
meeting with LHRD and Admin to discuss results. Report to be shared with the New 
Directions committee. A suggestion was made to the statewide LAUC to conduct a 
similar survey. Publish results on the LAUC-B with blog to allow librarians to comment.

IV. LAUC-B Committee on Diversity: Checklist and job posting template.

B. Bohl and J. Silva took comments and suggestions from ExComm. Committee on 
Diversity will discuss the suggestions at their next meeting.

V. BILD Proposal 
L. Diamond reported that LAUC’s two-step BILD proposal has been accepted. 
Project Team

S. Wong 
L. Diamond 
J. Bolsted 
T. Mora 
L. Castillo-Speed 
T. Johnson 
Step 1: Establish a mentoring program for all Library staff titles. Focus on fields that 
staff are interested in or working in. LAUC-B will expand the current mentor program to 
mentor staff. Many LAUC-B members already informally mentor library staff. This 
process will formalize these types of relationships. BILD money will be used to produce 
fliers and brochures, program handouts, etc for this step.

Step 2: Establish a Diversity Fellowship program. Because of BILD’s requirements, it is 
unclear if the applications will need to be internal or external. L.Diamond to clarify at 
the next meeting. The Library is committed to continuing the program for 2 years, and as 
long as funding is available after that.

BILD funding will provide for the design and development of a diversity fellowship 
program for recent library school graduates. BILD funding may not be used for salary, 
but The Library is committed to funding the program for two years and as long as 
funding is available after that. Depending upon the interest of the Fellow, fellows will 
work in as as many departments of the library system as feasible, including affiliated 
libraries, and will shadow an administrator. LAUC-B will provide a librarian mentor 
throughout the term of the fellowship and will fund the Fellow's attendance at diversity 
conferences and workshops and all LAUC assemblies. The program will be designed and 
implemented in Spring 2008. We hope to have the first Fellow working here by June 
September 2008.

Sept-Oct: Start planning the expansion of LAUCB mentorship 
Oct-Nov: Develop communication (fliers, brochures, etc) 
Oct-Nov: Publicizing in Admin, Roundtable, other meetings 
Oct-Jan: UCSB consultant (UCSB has a diversity fellowship program in the Library and 
will share information on experience, best practices, etc), ALA Office of Diversity to 
work with BILD committee to establish Fellowship program. 
Feb-Apr: Design and develop fellowship Program 
May-June: Launch and publicize the Fellowship and Mentorship Program 
June: Collect feedback and report

Other Items:

A. Barone and J. Nelson to examine budget for the possibility of a replacement laptop for 
the LAUC-B Secretary.