Executive Committee Minutes 08/23/07

LAUC-B Executive Committee Meeting

Thursday, August 23, 2007 
10:00 a.m. - 12 noon
303 Doe

Present: Lucia Diamond (Chair), Armanda Barone (Vice Chair/Chair Elect), Lily 
Castillo-Speed (Past Chair), Jennifer Nelson (Secretary), Harrison Dekker (Treasurer), 
Susana Hinojosa (Library Representative), Jean Dickinson (Library Representative), 
Susan Garbarino (Affiliated Representative)

Guests: Barbara Kornstein, Evelyn Kuo, Corliss Lee, Seyem Petrites, Jesse Silva, 
Shannon Supple.

I. Announcements and Introductions

• Harrison Dekker has been appointed as the new LAUC-B web master. Others 
have also volunteered their time to help out, so thanks to everyone who is willing 
to pitch in. 
• Welcome to the incoming ExComm members: 
o Chair – Armanda Barone 
o Vice Chair/Chair Elect - Corliss Lee 
o Past Chair – Lucia Diamond 
o Secretary - Jesse Silva 
o Treasurer - Jennifer Nelson 
o Library Representatives - Evelyn Kuo, Teresa Salazar 
o Affiliated Representative – Shannon Supple

• Almost all open places on section committees for 2007/2008 have been filled. 
Rosters on the LAUC-B website will be updated as soon as possible to reflect the 
new membership. 
• Linda Vida is the temporary representative on the statewide Committee on 
Committees, Rules, and Jurisdiction pending the results of the recent statewide 
ballot on the retention - or not - of that committee. 
• The annual Peer review workshop organized by the Committee on Professional 
Development and CAPA will be coming up in October.

II. Reports

A. Treasurer's Report (H. Dekker)

• Balance as of August 23, 2007: $82,733. 
• Librarian Professional Development funds available from LAUC-B have been 
increased to $900 from $775 for FY 2007/2008 (this does not include those who 
received funding from UCOP). 
• NB: “Professional Development” funds do not have to be used for travel, but can 
also be used to take a class. 
• Please refer to Lucia Diamond’s email of 8/23/07 with the subject heading 
“Professional development funds from LAUC-B” for details.

B. Meeting with the University Librarian (L. Diamond and A. Barone)

• Discussed the New Directions Committee and asked for suggestions about how 
LAUC-B can help. 
• Raised issue of how to describe professional duties of jobs in the Library 
Assistant series, especially at the higher levels, in the Career Compass and in job 
• Townsend Fellowships: T. Leonard met with Tony Cascardi, director of the 
Townsend Center, who expressed his desire that the “Librarian Fellowship” be 
offered more broadly as a “Library Fellowship” in order to broaden library 
participation to include non-librarian-series library staff interested in humanities 
research. TL was open to this broader approach. Armanda and Corliss intend to 
meet with TL and Cascardi to discuss the details.

C. LAUC statewide turnover meeting (L. Diamond and A. Barone)

• Meeting was held Tuesday, August 21. The meeting was largely procedural. 
• Statewide LAUC Assemblies for 2007/2008 will be as follows: Fall – Merced; 
Spring - Irvine. 
• The Merced Assembly will be a 2-day meeting to accommodate the relative 
difficulty involved in traveling to that campus (lack of convenient airports). 
Information about getting there by train, or about possibly renting vans/buses will 
be forthcoming closer to the assembly itself. Funding will be provided to official 
delegates for 1 overnight stay.

III. Report on BILD proposal (L. Diamond, L. Castillo-Speed) 
• Susan Wong has not heard anything following the advancement from pre-
proposal to proposal (see Section III in July 2007 minutes here: 
• Even if LAUC-B’s proposal is not chosen as final BILD proposal, some elements 
will move forward anyway, i.e. Diversity Fellow. Again, see July minutes (link 

IV. Report of the LAUC-B Diversity and Retention Task Force (S. Hinojosa, S. 
Supple, H. Dekker)

• Report not yet final. Final report will be submitted to the new ExComm 
committee in September. 
• Response was very good: two-thirds. 
• Responses were generally positive with good suggestions about improvements. 

V. Review of 2006-07 year (L. Diamond)

• Recruitment and retention were major themes in 2006/2007 
• Diversity was also a major theme: 
o Susana Hinojosa attended the UCLA Diversity Recruitment Summit, 
September 18th, 2006, at UCLA 
o Lily Castillo-Speed and Judy Bolstad attended ALA’s Joint Conference of 
Librarians of Color (JCLC), October 11-15 in Dallas, TX 
o Lily Castillo-Speed, Judy Bolstad, Teresa Mora, Lucia Diamond, and 
Susan Wong worked on the BILD proposal 
o Development of the Diversity Fellowship 
• Mentoring of new colleagues went well this year. LAUC-B will continue to 
strengthen the mentoring program. 
• Excellent speakers for both Fall and Spring Assemblies: Shel Waggener and Peter 
Brantley respectively. 
• Jean Dickinson, candidate lunch coordinator extraordinaire, organized 22 lunches 
this year for the 7 titles being recruited for.

VI. Preview of 2007-08 year (A. Barone)

Not discussed at this time 

VII. New Business

None discussed at this time 

VIII. Next Meeting (September 13, 10:00 a.m. to noon, Room 303 Doe)