Executive Committee Minutes 7/12/07

LAUC-B Executive Committee Meeting

Thursday, July 12, 2007
10:00 a.m. - 12 noon
303 Doe

Present: Lucia Diamond (Chair), Armanda Barone (Vice Chair/Chair Elect), Jennifer Nelson 
(Secretary), Harrison Dekker (Treasurer), Susana Hinojosa (Library Representative), Jean 
Dickinson (Library Representative)

Absent: Lily Castillo-Speed, Susan Garbarino

Guests: John Gallwey, Susan Koskinen, Evelyn Kuo, Kathi Neal, Linda Vida, Susan Wong,

I. Announcements 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. (this part of the meeting is open to any LAUC-B member 
to attend, as well as invited speakers)

• Ethnic Studies Library’s 10th Birthday Barbeque is today. 
• Statewide LAUC Fall Assembly will be held at UC Merced on Nov 15 & 16, 2007.
• Please visit the LAUC Statewide home page for information on an upcoming special 
ballot to vote on bylaws changes: http://www.ucop.edu/lauc/. The home page has a link 
to a sample ballot, as well as to the document with the proposed changes. Please vote 
when ballot comes out! 
• OCLC/UC implementation URL is here for your information: 
• Survey on retention is active until Monday, July 16th. Please respond if you haven’t 
• Library has a subscription to a survey software called Vovici through a CDL license. 
Please contact Harrison Dekker for further information. 
• Thanks to Jenny and Harrison for pinch-hitting at the last 2 candidate lunches.

II. Reports 
A. Treasurer's Report (H. Dekker) 
• Balance as of June 30th, 2007 is $103,623. 
• Because we under-spent for travel this fiscal year, the Treasurer recommends that we 
begin augmenting people’s reimbursements beginning this fiscal year.

B. Meeting with the University Librarian (L. Diamond and A. Barone) 
• Thanks to Tom Leonard for supporting the BILD proposal and for including librarians in 
the OCLC implementation teams. 
• The New Directions Committee is going to have two LAUC members on it, names TBA. 
• In connection w/ LAUC conference in November - and as part of the work the New 
Directions Committee is doing – Tom Leonard is inviting some speakers to talk to the 
UCB librarian community about future directions. Specific speakers TBA.

III. Report on BILD proposal (L. Diamond) 
• Process for receiving a BILD grant required submission of pre-proposal, after which 
select applicants would be invited to submit a full proposal. 38 pre-proposals were 
submitted, 25 were selected to move forward, including the Library’s. 
• The Library’s was a 3-tier proposal for diversity in the library focusing on: 1) outreach to 
students; 2) staff development; and 3) a proposed librarian diversity fellowship program. 
• Librarian diversity fellowship program would seek partnerships with ALA and ACRL to 
interest a new graduate of library school to come to join UCB’s campus community on a 
temporary, 2-year appointment. 
• BILD grant funds would be used to work with a consultant to design the diversity 
fellowship program and application process, as well as the context around it. 
• The diversity fellowship program is an important initiative that the Library agreed will 
move forward with our without BILD grant funding. 
• Suggestion also to look into programs such as Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian 
Program for more grant pipeline possibilities: 

IV. Committee on Diversity Report (J. Bolstad) 
• Report deferred to next meeting. Please see Judy Bolstad’s Job Announcement template 
and checklist emailed out by Lucia Diamond on 5/22/2007 at 9:49 a.m. 
• Committee did an excellent job on these two documents, with a lot of research and 
editing involved. Goal was to work towards a consistent boilerplate across all library job 
descriptions across the library and all affiliated libraries. LAUC-B would like to see a 
webpage somewhere with an FAQ that contains the sort of information presented in these 
• Discussion about what stage to integrate PEM (Physical, Environmental, Mental) form 
into the recruiting/hiring process. Discussion to be continued. 

V. New Business

11:00 a.m. – noon This portion of the meeting is confidential, as we never discuss individuals 
and the makeup of committees in public, even to say how wonderful you all are.

11:00 – 11:30 a.m. Confidential only for members of Executive Committee and Nominations and 
Elections Committee

VI. [Confidential] Nominations and Elections committee appointments (L. Vida, K. Neal)

11:30 – noon Confidential only for members of Executive Committee and CAPA

VII. [Confidential] CAPA issues annual report

VIII. Next Meeting (August 23, 10:00 a.m. - noon, 303 Doe)

Our August meeting is our transition meeting and we hope that all outgoing and incoming 
members of the Executive Committee will be able to attend. Executive Committee members 
please contact Jennifer Nelson jnelson@law.berkeley.edu if you will NOT be able to attend.