Executive Committee Minutes 6/7/07

LAUC-B Executive Committee Meeting

Thursday, June 7, 2007
10:00 a.m. - 12 noon
220 Evans Hall

Present: Lucia Diamond (Chair), Armanda Barone (Vice Chair/Chair Elect), Lily 
Castillo-Speed (Past Chair), Harrison Dekker (Treasurer), Susana Hinojosa (Library 
Representative), Jean Dickinson (Library Representative), Susan Garbarino (Affiliated 

Absent: Jennifer Nelson (Secretary)

Guest: Shannon Supple (Alternate Affiliated Representative)


The Ethnic Studies Library has tentatively scheduled a barbeque on July 12, from 12-2pm 
to celebrate the library’s 10th anniversary; an invitation will come out on allusers soon.


1-Treasurer's Report (H. Dekker):

LAUC has $110,552.91

2-Meeting with the University Librarian (L. Diamond and A. Barone):

LAUC-B chair & vice chair consulted with the University Librarian regarding retired 
librarians applying for the title of Emeritus, suggesting that there should be a presumption 
that librarians who have received the Distinguished Librarian Award should apply for 
Emeritus status. The University Librarian agreed to this in principal. Under current rules, 
Library applicants need to initiate the process through the University Librarian; affiliated 
librarians apply through their appropriate Dean or Director. 

The LAUC-B chair will contact retired Distinguished Librarians to encourage them to 

The LAUC-B chair asked the University Librarian how LAUC-B might contribute to the 
effort to communicate to relevant parties that librarians should be involved in any 
discussion involving utilization of library space. She also communicated that LAUC-B is 
prepared to assist the Berkeley academic senate library committee (LIBR) with 
information regarding any space changes on campus for libraries. LAUC-B feels that it’s 
important that librarians who may be affected by any space changes are brought into the 
process at an early stage. Tom Leonard suggested that LAUC-B send a memo on this to 
the Chair of the Berkeley academic senate library committee (LIBR) and to TALAG. 
Lucia Diamond and Susan Garbarino have volunteered to draft a memo from LAUC-B 
ExComm to LIBR and TALAG.

LAUC-B chair & vice chair thanked the University Librarian for supporting LAUC-B’s 
and the Library's BILD pre-proposal.

3-Report on BILD proposal (L. Diamond, L. Castillo-Speed)

LAUC-B, in partnership with The Library, has submitted a pre-proposal to the 
Chancellor’s Berkeley Initiative for Leadership on Diversity (BILD) 
http://cci.berkeley.edu/projects/bild.html titled, “Connecting people and building 
community: A three-tier program to influence diversity in the UCB Libraries.” According 
to the Chancellor’s office, BILD proposals need to benefit current staff and non-senate 

LAUC-B members, Judy Bolstad, Lillian Castillo-Speed, Lucia Diamond, and Teresa 
Mora, worked with staff from The Library to draft a three part proposal:

a. For student employees: Demonstrate & recruit for the entire range of jobs 
available within the libraries. The proposal asked for funds for items such as 
brochures and a LAUC/library table at career fairs.

b. For non academic library staff: The proposal suggested job shadowing and 
mentoring by other library staff members, including librarians and other pay titles.

c. For librarians: The proposal suggested hiring a consultant to design a Librarian 
Diversity Fellowship Program.

LAUC-B is partnering with the Staff Development Committee, Affiliates and Library 
administration on this proposal. Library Administration is giving it strong support.

4-Diversity and Retention Task Force (S. Supple, S. Hinojosa, H. Dekker):

Shannon asked for comments on a draft of a short survey on retention the task force has 
done and plans to send to LAUC-B membership soon.

5-Report on LAUC Spring Assembly (L. Diamond, A. Barone, S. Garbarino)

Changes in the LAUC bylaws were approved, simplifying them and creating a new 
standing rules document. There were no significant substantive changes.

The bylaws will now be submitted to the membership for a vote. A LAUC statewide 
ballot will be coming out on these changes this summer.

Two positions at UCOP that relate to academic personnel are both vacant; until they are 
filled it is difficult to discuss librarian issues with UCOP. As a result, discussion of 
library issues has shifted to the ULs, SOPAG and SLASIAC.

A systemwide Information Technology Guidance Committee 
http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/itgc/ has been formed to create a model for 
systemwide collaboration on IT issues.

There were two programs, the first was on mentoring at other UC libraries, speakers were 
Yvonne Wilson (UCI), Christy Caldwell (UCSC), and Duffy Tweedy, (UCSD).

The second was on scholarly communication. Speakers were Ben Crow, Chair Academic 
Senate University Committee on the Library (UCOL) 
http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/senate/committees/ucol and Susan Starr, Associate 
University Librarian , UCSD. John Ober from UCOP’s Office of Scholarly 
Communication was scheduled, but unable to attend; however Susan Starr gave a 
presentation regarding work at the Office. http://osc.universityofcalifornia.edu/

New Business

Members of ExComm will attend the upcoming early bird June 14th on the BSTF & new 

Next meeting, CAPA will attend and the LAUC-B elections committee will report on 
possible candidates for appointment to committees next year. These portions of that 
meeting will be confidential.

Next Meeting (July 12, 10:00 a.m. - noon, 303 Doe)