Executive Committee Minutes 3/9/07

LAUC-B Executive Committee Meeting

Friday, March 9, 2007
10:00 a.m. - 12 noon
303 Doe

Present: Lucia Diamond (Chair), Armanda Barone (Vice Chair/Chair Elect), Lily Castillo-Speed 
(Past Chair), Jennifer Nelson (Secretary), Harrison Dekker (Treasurer), Susana Hinojosa 
(Library Representative), Jean Dickinson (Library Representative), Susan Garbarino (Affiliated 

Guest: Barbara Kornstein

I. Announcements 
• Anyone interested in applying for a Townsend Fellowship should submit his/her proposal 
to Lucia Diamond at ldiamond@law.berkeley.edu before the Friday March 30th deadline. 
• The LAUC-B Affiliated Libraries Spring Assembly will be held Wednesday, April 18th, 
8:30-10am, in the Goldberg Room at the Law School. The speaker will be Robin 
Chandler, Director of Data Acquisitions at the California Digital Library, who will speak 
about the Open Content Alliance and Google digitization projects. 
• Linda Vida has agreed to finish out Linda Kawaguchi McLane’s term on the 
Nominations and Elections Committee. 
• Chris Tarr has agreed to finish out Linda Kawaguchi McLane’s term on CAPA.

II. Reports 
A. Treasurer's Report (H. Dekker) 
• Balance as of 3/9/2007 is $24,623.00

B. Meeting with the University Librarian (L. Diamond and A. Barone) 
• Update on OCLC/Melvyl catalog: implementation teams now forming and the University 
Committee on Library (UCOL) is scheduled to meet at the end of March. Tom Leonard 
to report out more after that meeting. 
• Library Graphics Office: Beth Dupuis has written draft guidelines for using the Library 
Graphics Office. Any kind of project to be done for a LAUC-B event or committee must 
go through the Chair of ExComm. No requests should go directly to LGO.

C. Committee on the Library, Berkeley Division of the Academic Senate (A. Barone) 
• UL Tom Leonard distributed an article from the February 14th issue of the Berkeleyan 
that contained comments from authors and librarians about mega-publishers. The piece 
discussed the high costs of subscriptions for scientific journals along with the pros and 
cons of open-access in STM (science, technology, medicine) publishing (for reference, 
please see article here 
As a follow-up to VC Burnside’s presentation at the Annual Dean & Chairs Breakfast 
Meeting on February 14th, UL Leonard and AUL Eckman are scheduled to meet with the 
VC on February 23 to discuss more ideas regarding open-access in the publication of 
research findings. 
• The ASUC administrative leadership wants to install vending machines in various 
locations across campus and approached Library administration regarding placement of 
food and drink machines in the foyer of Moffitt. The Library has a long-standing policy 
against food and drink in the library and maintains that installing vending machines so 
near the library entrance will send mixed messages to patrons and place an undue burden 
upon library security staff monitoring the area. The Free Speech Movement (FSM) Café 
near the entrance of Moffitt Library is the exclusive vendor for food operations, which 
has helped minimize the impact of food inside library areas. 
• The Library is hosting the Botero Exhibit until March 23, in 190 Doe, across from the 
Morrison Library at the main entrance of Doe Library. The exhibition of Fernando 
Botero’s “Abu Ghraib” paintings was organized and is staffed by the campus Center for 
Latin American Studies. Security for the exhibit is provided by UCPD and the Latin 
American Studies staff. Apart from a few critical letters, the art exhibit has received 
extensive positive support. 
• The exterior of the C.V. Starr East Asian Library building now under construction will be 
visible on Cal Day, April 21. The gala celebration is planned for October 2007, to 
coincide with campus conferences for the Pacific Neighborhood Consortium and the 
Pacific Rim Digital Library Alliance. 
• The Association of Research Libraries (ARL) produced a brochure entitled “Know Your 
Copy Rights – What You Can Do”, which UL Leonard distributed to LIBR members. 
ARL describes it as a “concise guide to using works in teaching.” Guidelines contained 
within the brochure are consistent with ones being developed by the Berkeley campus in 
concert with the California Digital Library, UC Office of the President, and UC’s General 
Counsel. Printed copies can be purchased from ARL. To obtain more information about 
ARL’s initiative and download a free copy of the brochure go to: 
• The new Romance Language Librarian will arrive in April. 
• Collections budget was discussed. 
• UL Leonard distributed a handout regarding the “Recommendation for implementing a 
system-wide Electronic Thesis and Dissertation (ETD) workflow at the University of 
California”, which proposes to enable the electronic submissions of theses and 
dissertations through the California Digital Library (CDL). The UC system has built a 
digital repository at the CDL and needs some capacity outside the services rendered by 
ProQuest, in order to maintain records in perpetuity.

III. Mentor Program Update (S. Hinojosa)

• Notes from meeting with “mentees” discussed. 
• Possibility of implementing a “Buddy Program” to give new librarians at Berkeley an 
immediate orientation to LAUC and the libraries. 
• Look at other mentor programs to see how they work. 
• Some suggestions: 
o Meetings/receptions for new librarians 
o Getting people involved in committees as soon as possible, maybe by encouraging 
people to sit in on meetings even though they’re not on the committee. 
o Meet with mentors themselves 
o LAUC/LAUC-B should have brochure made

IV. Distinguished Librarian Award Committee Update (L. Castillo-Speed)

• Committee is fully formed. Committee members are: Chair, Lillian Castillo-Speed 
(Ethnic Studies Library), Judy Bolstad (Public Health Library), Jim Church (Doe, 
International Documents), Whitney Davis (Faculty Representative), Shayee Khanaka 
(Doe, Research and Collections), and Ramona Martinez (Law Library). 
• Please see charge and nomination guidelines here: 
• The deadline to submit an intention to nominate someone is May 15; full documentation 
must be submitted by September 14. 
• Concern raised about how nominating process be more inclusive of librarians at all levels 
and units.

V. Spring Assembly planning (L. Diamond)

• Spring Assembly scheduled for Tuesday, May 1st, 2007. 
• Peter Brantley, Director of Digital Library Technologies at the California Digital Library, 
will be the speaker. 
• Coffee will start being served at 8:30 (rather than the usual 8:15) 
• Agreement to present copyright brochure (see section C 5th bullet above) at SA 
• Nominations and Elections Committee will present their slate

VI. New Business

None discussed at this time

VII. Next Meeting (April 19, 10:30 a.m. - noon, 303 Doe)