Executive Committee Minutes 12/14/06

LAUC-B Executive Committee Meeting

Thursday, December 14, 2006
10:00 - 12 noon 
303 Doe

Present: Lucia Diamond (Chair), Armanda Barone (Vice Chair/Chair Elect), Lily 
Castillo-Speed (Past Chair), Jennifer Nelson (Secretary), Susana Hinojosa (Library 
Representative), Jean Dickinson (Library Representative), Susan Garbarino (Affiliated 

Absent: Harrison Dekker (Treasurer)

Guests: Dean Rowan, Judy Bolstad, Saima Fazli, Flo Mayberry, Carole McEwan, Susan 
Wong, Jesse Silva, Karen Munro, Jim Ronningen, Allan Urbanic, Barbara Kornstein, 
Shannon Supple.

I. Announcements

• Update regarding CAPA: Beth Edinger has accepted the position of Associate 
Director/Head of Public Services at Catholic University Law School in 
Washington, DC. Linda McLane, also from Boalt, will serve out the rest of Beth’s 
term on CAPA (to 2008) as one of the affiliated representatives. 
• ExComm was able to obtain a computer for CAPA. 
• Lily met with Linda Vida, statewide representative for the Research and 
Professional Development Committee, to discuss comments/feedback from past 
Committee on Research chair. 
• Susana Hinojosa strongly encourages everyone to fill out the workload survey 
that was sent out [as of 12/14/06 only 17 librarians had responded].

II. Conference Committee update (A. Urbanic)

• Several meetings have been held to discuss format of conference and possible 
• Clark Kerr auditorium has been reserved for Nov 2nd 2007 (Friday). 
• Main meeting hall holds 300, side room (for breakout sessions) holds 75. 
• Looking into having a wireless network set up so people can bring laptops. 
• Short-list of speakers in place. Names of speakers will be made public once 
people accept. 
• Breakout sessions will most likely be practical demonstrations of 
technology/tools. Conference committee welcomes suggestions. 
• Conference website will be set up. Registration (required) will be done via the 

III. Reports

A. Treasurer's Report (H. Dekker)

No report at this time.

B. Meeting with the University Librarian (L. Diamond and A. Barone)

• University Librarians to meet w/ OCLC (please see Lucia Diamond’s email of 
12/13/06 with the subject heading “BSTF next steps meetings with OCLC”). 
• PI status issue still being looked into. PI status works well at UCLA and Davis but 
at Berkeley it does not work automatically for librarians as it should. A test case is 
needed, so if there is a librarian at Berkeley who has a grant proposal in the works 
where he/she should be listed as PI, please let ExComm know so the committee 
can be aware of it and observe the process.

C. Committee on the Library, Berkeley Division of the Academic Senate (L. 

• Tom Leonard gave LIBR an update also about UL meeting with OCLC. 
• Graduate students still working on survey. They will start meetings to develop 
survey in January and want to include a couple of questions about the library. 
• Law professor on committee discussed copyright guidelines. Issue of e-reserve 
came up, and the use of bSpace to post things for students to download (which is 
allowed). Concern that faculty aren’t maximizing the use potential of e-reserve 
and bSpace for fear of copyright violation. Suggestion that committee should draft 
copyright guidelines for faculty. 
• Library Advisor Board planning a workshop to talk about challenges for the 
library; Committee on the Library will meet with them.

IV. Mentoring Program (S. Hinojosa)

• LAUC statewide wants to put together a model program for training and 
• Names of new hires: It is still a challenge to get timely list of the names of new 
hires into the hands of the Mentoring Program coordinator, the LAUC-B 
secretary, and anyone else for whom this information is critical. ExComm will 
explore the possibility of putting consistent campus-wide procedures in place to 
obtain timely lists of new hires from campus-wide hiring units, while respecting 
privacy issues. 
• Suggestion that there be a follow up with “mentees” to see if mentoring is 
beneficial. Interview last few years’ group of new librarians with mentors and get 
• Suggestion to prepare packet of information about mentoring program for new 
• How to recruit more mentors.

V. Diversity/ Recruitment and Retention

A. Next steps

Committee on Diversity roster: Judy Bolstad, Chair (2007), Jesse Silva (2008), Barbara 
Bohl (Affiliated representative) (2008), Flo Mayberry (Staff representative) (2008),

Teresa Mora, ex officio (Statewide representative) (2007), Susan Wong, ex officio 
(LHRD representative) (2008).

Committee on Diversity associated task forces: Carol McEwan and Saima Fazli; Shannon 
Supple and Susan Xue.

B. Proposals for Committee on Diversity and associated Task Force charges:

• With the end goal of improving recruitment of a diverse applicant pool for 
librarian positions, the Committee on Diversity (COD) and ExComm propose 
communicating with APO to understand better why candidates decline offers, and 
what role LAUC-B can play in encouraging acceptance of offers. (COD and 
ExComm are not interested in specific cases, but are instead interested in whether 
there are patterns in declines of offers, i.e. salary, high cost of living, in the area, 
poor information working environment, etc.) 
• Recruitment checklist: Committee on Diversity to review APO’s recruitment 
checklist housed on the APO web page and share with ExComm and APO any 
impressions or suggestions based on research the Committee has done on 
diversity issues specifically relating to the library profession. 
• Make job postings generally more appealing and informative; include more 
uniform, consistent language that describes UCB benefits and the merits of the 
UCB campus and surrounding Bay Area. 
• Examine what kinds of positions are likely to attract a more diverse applicant 
• Interview current library staff who are in—or recent graduates of—library school: 
why did they go to school, how hard was it to work and go to school at same 
time? What kind of help could LAUC give them? 
• Attend graduate school job fairs. 
• Design materials to hand out at career fairs and conferences.

VI. New Business (discussed out of order, before Conference Committee report)

• ExComm crafting a statement on library space issues (i.e. LAUC’s position when 
a department wants to take over library space). Will be a statement regarding the 
importance of library space and will be sent to Tom Leonard, Committee on the 
Library, deans, etc., and will be posted on the LAUC website. ExComm currently 
in information gathering phase. 
• ExComm approved Professional Development committee’s proposal to invite 
Raymond Yee (with IS&T) to give presentation on Remix Culture and its 
importance to libraries.

VII. Agenda for January Meeting (January 11, 10-noon, 303 Doe)

• Discuss library space issues and statement.