Minutes Meeting No. 12
LAUC-B Executive Committee Meeting
August 31, 2006
10:00 am 12:00 noon
303 Doe
Present: Lily Castillo-Speed (Chair), Lucia Diamond (Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect), Chris Tarr (Past
Chair), Brian Quigley (Secretary), Harrison Dekker (Treasurer), Manuel Erviti (Library
Representative), Teresa Mora (Library Representative), Rita Evans (Affiliated Representative),
Armanda Barone (Incoming Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect), Jenny Nelson (Incoming Secretary), Jean
Dickinson (Incoming Library Representative), Susana Hinojosa (Incoming Library
Representative), Susan Garbarino (Incoming Affiliated Representative)
Guests: Kathryn Klar, Lee Leighton, Michelle Squitieri, Shannon Supple
I. Announcements
L. Diamond: Lily and Lucia attended the statewide turnover meeting, at which Lise
Snyder (UCLA) became President. The LAUC Fall Assembly will be held at UCD in
November. Delegates will be Lucia, Armanda, Jenny, and Susan.
L. Castillo-Speed: Norma Kobzina and Corliss Lee were appointed co-chairs of the
Task Force on The Library-iSchool Relationship. The charge will be discussed at
the next ExComm meeting.
L. Diamond: Three systemwide advisory groups have vacancies for LAUC
representatives: SOPAG, LTAG, and SLF. Applications are due by Friday,
September 15.
II. Reports
A. Treasurer's Report (H. Dekker)
Balance as of August 31 is $53,546.
B. Meeting with the University Librarian (L. Castillo-Speed/L. Diamond)
Lily and Lucia met with UL Tom Leonard on August 29. They discussed several diversity
issues. Susan Wong has been working on the diversity fellowship proposal for the
Berkeley Initiative for Leadership on Diversity (BILD), and she will also investigate the
ARL Leadership & Career Development Program for mid career librarians from
underrepresented racial and ethnic groups (http://www.arl.org/diversity/lcdp/). LAUC-B
will sponsor Judy Bolstad, incoming chair of the Committee on Diversity, to attend the
Joint Conference on Librarians of Color in October.
III. Continuing Business
A. Re-cap of LAUC-B Business for 2005-2006
Lily reviewed the ongoing projects and goals accomplished from 2005-2006, highlighting
progress made on our issues and goals for this year. The Recap of LAUC-B 2005-2006
Business is appended to the end of these minutes.
Lily thanked the outgoing members of ExComm for their service and Randy Brandt for his
continuing role as LAUC-B web manager.
IV. New Business
A. Discussion with UC-AFT
Kathryn Klar (Local President) and Michelle Squitieri (Field Representative) attended the
meeting on behalf of UC-AFT Local 1474. The discussion served to clarify the roles and
goals of LAUC-B and UC-AFT, to see where they converge and where they diverge.
Common interests include equity issues and improved communication on what librarians
need. LAUC-B members can visit the UC-AFT Local 1474 website (http://berkeleyaft.org/)
for more information on collective bargaining.
B. Turnover of Officers
The new LAUC-B Executive Committee took office:
Lucia Diamond Chair
Armanda Barone Vice Chair/Chair-Elect
Lily Castillo-Speed Past Chair
Jenny Nelson Secretary
Harrison Dekker Treasurer
Jean Dickinson Library Representative
Susana Hinojosa Library Representative
Susan Garbarino Affiliated Representative
Lucia reviewed officer duties and upcoming issues for ExComm. The committee decided
that LAUC-B committee turnover dates should match statewide turnover: ExComm
(September 1), LAUC-B Committees & Statewide Representatives (October 1), and
CAPA (November 1).
Next LAUC-B ExComm meeting will be held on Thursday, September 21, 10:30am
12:00pm, 303 Doe Library.
Issues and Goals for 2005-2006 issuesandgoals0506.pdf
Internship Task Force
SIMS/Library Task Force
Emeritus Info. on LAUC-B Web Site
Regularization of the Budget Process
Diversity Fellow
Diversity Report
LAUC Consultation with Tom Leonard on Librarian Succession
LAUC-B Conference
LAUC-B Committee Organization (web sites, calendars, etc.)
Communication between ExComm and other LAUC-B Committees
Improvement of DLA Committee Procedures
Improvement of LAUC-B Research Committee Procedures--comments need to be forwarded to
Berkeleys Statewide Rep to Professional Development and Research Committee.
SDC/LAUC Collaboration to Increase Staff Development Funding (awaiting proposal)
Goals Accomplished
UC-AFT/Union Cooperation
Link to UC-AFT Web Site on LAUC-B Web Site
Meeting with CAPA
Chancellor Speaking on Diversity at Spring Assembly
Increase in Professional Development Funding by $75
Naming of Conference Committee
DLA Award/Ceremony
New Librarian Reception, March 15
Daniel Greenstein at Fall Assembly
Affiliated Libraries Assemblies (focus on digital librarianship)
Bibliographic Services Task Force Response
Statement on Librarian Retention
The LAUC-B Committee Service History page has been posted to the Nominations and Elections
Committee website (../nec/). This page is password-protected.
Librarian Attendance at Chancellors Diversity in Action Forum
Sponsorship of National Library Workers Day Event
Pay Equity Early Bird Sponsorship
Sponsorship of Deirdre Mulligan presentation on Google Book Search