Executive Committee Minutes 4/13/06

Minutes Meeting No. 8

LAUC-B Executive Committee Meeting

April 13, 2006 
10:00 am – 12:00 noon 
220 Evans

Present: Lily Castillo-Speed (Chair), Brian Quigley (Secretary), Harrison Dekker (Treasurer), 
Manuel Erviti (Library Representative), Teresa Mora (Library Representative), Rita Evans 
(Affiliated Libraries Representative)

Absent: Lucia Diamond (Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect), Chris Tarr (Past Chair)

Guests: Armanda Barone, Michael Sholinbeck, Allan Urbanic

I. Announcements

R. Evans: Affiliated Libraries Spring Assembly will be held Thursday, April 20, 
8:30-10:00, in Rooms 120B/C of the Bechtel Engineering Center. Theme: New Web 
Tools. Speakers: Terry Huwe, Nick Robinson and Chuck James.

II. Reports

A. Treasurer's Report (H. Dekker)

Balance as of March 31 is $30,546.

B. Meeting with the University Librarian (L. Castillo-Speed)

They discussed the LAUC-B Spring Assembly, including the Chancellor’s speech and the 
Committee on Diversity report. Tom Leonard encouraged LAUC-B members to attend the 
Diversity in Action Forum (http://cci.berkeley.edu/news/index.html).

C. Academic Senate Library Committee (L. Diamond)

Bernie Hurley in his role as Interim AUL for Collections spoke to the group on The 
Library's collection development funds for print and digital materials. Daniel Greenstein, 
UL and Executive Director of CDL, talked about the Open Library and the Open Content 
Alliance, and Bernie Hurley in his role as Director of NRLF mentioned that they are 
increasing the number of scanners at NRLF to scan content for the Open Library. The 
committee also reviewed the final report of the Capital Projects Review Task Force, 
which contains recommendations to the Chancellor on improving the process for capital 
projects on campus.

III. Continuing Business

A. LAUC-B Conference Committee

Additional volunteers are needed for the LAUC-B Conference Planning Committee.

Action Item: ExComm members will call potential volunteers to encourage participation.

B. LAUC-B Committee Service History/Committee Procedures

The LAUC-B Committee Service History page has been posted to the Nominations and 
Elections Committee website (../nec/). This page is 
password-protected. For access to it, members can contact the LAUC-B Web Manager or 
LAUC-B Secretary.

ExComm will discuss committee procedures and the committee website template at a 
future meeting.

Action Item: Brian will add Terry Huwe (LAUC Past President) and Jane Rosario (LAUC 
Secretary) to the ExComm roster as ex-officio members, per the LAUC-B bylaws.

Action Item: Rita will finalize the committee website template.

C. LAUC-B Elections

The Spring Assembly will take place after the deadline for announcing the candidates for 
LAUC-B office. The Nominations and Elections Committee will need to hold a separate 
business meeting to announce the slate of candidates and accept nominations from the 

Action Item: Brian will work with Tanya Hollis to schedule a business meeting for the first 
week of May.

D. LAUC-B Spring Assembly

ExComm discussed the agenda for the Spring Assembly. Based on advice from Tom 
Leonard, ExComm will ask the Chancellor to speak about libraries, his diversity initiatives 
and the Diversity in Action Forum. ExComm agreed that committee reports should cover 
committee activities since the Fall Assembly.

Action Item: Lily will solicit committee reports from the committee chairs and statewide 
representatives. Brian will compile the reports and send to the membership before the 
Spring Assembly.

Action Item: Lily will send a message to the membership encouraging them to attend the 
Diversity in Action Forum (http://cci.berkeley.edu/news/index.html).

E. Committee on Diversity Report

Dayna Holz, Chair of the Committee on Diversity, will present the draft report at the 
LAUC-B Spring Assembly. The committee will continue their work on the report through 
the summer, with the final report due in September.

Action Item: ExComm members will continue to send their comments on the report to 

IV. New Business

A. Distinguished Librarian Award Committee (Confidential)

ExComm held a confidential discussion with members of the Distinguished Librarian 
Award Committee about the committee procedures. ExComm will continue discussion 
about possible improvements to the procedures at a future meeting.

Action Item: ExComm members will review the committee procedures on the web 

B. Committee on Research

Michael Sholinbeck, Chair of the Committee on Research, presented issues that have 
been raised by LAUC-B members about the LAUC Research Grants. Issues centered 
around money, time, publicity and accountability. ExComm suggested that grant 
recipients present the results of their grant-funded projects to the membership. ExComm 
agreed that the comments on money and accountability should be sent to the statewide 
Research and Professional Development Committee.

Action Item: Lily will ask David Sullivan, LAUC-B representative to the statewide 
Research and Professional Development Committee, to forward our comments to the 
committee for discussion.

Action Item: The Committee on Research will investigate possible forums for grant 
recipients to present the results of their grant-funded research: poster sessions, 
presentations, brown bags, website.

C. Emeritus Procedures

Lily and Chris volunteered to work on the procedures. ExComm discussed the need to 
simplify the procedures, to publicize them better and to identify librarians who have been 
awarded emeritus status. ExComm also received a suggestion that they automatically put 
forward recipients of the Distinguished Libarian Award when they retire.

Action Item: Lily and Chris will work on emeritus procedures for a future meeting.

D. Budgeting

Postponed until a future meeting.

E. Sponsorship of National Library Workers Day Event

ExComm received a request to co-sponsor a luncheon for library workers. ExComm 
agreed that we needed more information before making a decision.

Action Item: Lily will ask Dean Rowan, Chair of the Committee on Professional 
Development, to get more information about this request.

Next LAUC-B ExComm meeting will be held on Thursday, May 11, 10am -12pm, 303 Doe 