Executive Committee Minutes 1/12/06

Minutes Meeting No. 5

LAUC-B Executive Committee Meeting

January 12, 2006 
10:00 am – 12:00 noon 
303 Doe Library

Present: Lily Castillo-Speed (Chair), Lucia Diamond (Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect), Chris Tarr (Past 
Chair), Brian Quigley (Secretary), Harrison Dekker (Treasurer), Manuel Erviti (Library 
Representative), Teresa Mora (Library Representative)

Absent: Rita Evans (Affiliated Libraries Representative)

Guests: Corliss Lee, Mari Miller

I. Announcements

L. Castillo-Speed: The LAUC President was sent our suggestion to distribute 
committee reports in advance of the statewide assemblies. Michael Sholinbeck, 
chair of the Committee on Research, has been asked to forward to ExComm any 
LAUC issues raised at the Brown Bag on LAUC Research Grants. The Human 
Resources & Benefits Briefing newsletter included an announcement about the 
President’s Task Force on Faculty Diversity 

L. Diamond: The Academic Council Special Committee on Scholarly 
Communication has released its five white papers for comment 

II. Reports

A. Treasurer's Report (H. Dekker)

Balance as of December 31 is $24,596.73.

B. Meeting with the University Librarian (L. Castillo-Speed/L. Diamond)

No report. Next meeting has yet to be scheduled.

C. Academic Senate Library Committee (L. Diamond)

No report. Next meeting has yet to be scheduled.

III. Continuing Business

A. SIMS Task Force Report

ExComm continued its discussion with Corliss Lee and Mari Miller, members of the SIMS 
Task Force. ExComm approved the recommendation to appoint a new task force to 
organize and promote internships at UC Berkeley Libraries. The task force will gather 
comments on the draft guidelines and checklist, then finalize them in preparation for fall 
internships. Lily appointed Mari to chair this task force.

ExComm postponed discussion of the recommendation to appoint a second task force on 
SIMS and the library community.

Action Item: Mari will draft the charge for the internship task force. Once ExComm 
approves the charge, Lily will call for volunteers and appoint the task force.

Action Item: Corliss will draft the charge for the second task force on SIMS and the 
library community. ExComm will discuss the draft charge. If approved, Lily will call for 
volunteers and appoint the task force.

B. Professional Development Fund Allotment for 2005-2006

ExComm decided to wait for the final budget numbers before setting the actual allotment. 
LAUC-B members can expect at least as much as last year ($700), so they can be 
reimbursed up to that amount for now.

Action Item: Harrison will send an email to LAUC-B members explaining the situation.

C. New Librarian Reception

ExComm decided to hold a New Librarian Reception from 4-6 p.m. on either Tuesday, 
March 21 or Wednesday, March 22 (if the Morrison Library is available).

Action Item: Brian will reserve the Morrison Library and arrange catering.

Action Item: Brian and Rita will finalize their lists of new librarians.

D. LAUC-B Conference

Lily appointed Harrison to chair the conference planning committee. He will work with the 
committee to refine the conference topic. Discussions will continue at our next meeting.

Action Item: Harrison will draft a call for the conference planning committee.

IV. New Business

A. Action Items from LAUC Fall Assembly Minutes

Lily highlighted several action items from the LAUC Fall Assembly. Some may require 
discussion by ExComm in the future, including gathering LAUC-B input on the recently 
released report of the Bibliographic Services Task Force.

B. Draft Template for LAUC-B Committee Web Pages

Postponed until a future meeting.

C. UCSF Request for External Reviewer

UCSF needs an external reviewer to assist with its peer review. ExComm agreed that the 
reviewer must have career status; it would also be helpful to have experience on CAPA 
or an ad hoc committee.

Action Item: Lily will send an email to LAUC-B members asking for volunteers.

Next LAUC-B ExComm meeting will be held on Thursday, February 9, 10am -12pm, 303 
Doe Library.