Executive Committee Minutes 7/23/03

LAUC-B Executive Committee Meeting
Minutes - Meetin No. 11

July 23, 2003 
10:10 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. 
Krouzian Room, Bancroft Library

Present: M. Cochran (Chair), S. Koskinen, A. Urbanic, L. Cushing, M. Snow, B. Quigley, 
D. De Lorenzo, B. Anton, M. Mahoney (recorder)

Absent: B. Bohl

Draft Archives Policy

1. Announcements 
LAUC-B Election results have been sent to CU News and will be sent to the 
LAUC-13 reflector once all candidates have been notified. Results are: Vice Chair 
-Chris Tarr Secretary - Jane Rosario Treasurer - Linda McLane Affiliated Library 
Affairs Representative - Paul Atwood

Congratulations to William Beneman who won a LAUC Research Grant for his 
proposal, Roscoe Pound and the Women of Berkeley: A Practical Investigation of 
Collection Development, Preservation and Access in a Special Collections Archive.

2. Reports

A. Treasurer's Report 
The LAUC-B fund balance at the end of June was $77,427.28

B. Meeting with the University Librarian 
The START Program was discussed as well as the impending Library's budget 
cuts. M. Cochran is waiting to hear more from UCD about cosponsoring a 
program with UCD with Clifford Lynch as the guest speaker. The status of the 
librarian Emeritus designation is still pending as it is a bargaining issue.

C. Senate Library Committee Report 
No report as the Senate Library Committee did not meet in the last month.

D. Candidate Lunches 
No candidate lunches were held in the last month.

E. Mentoring Program 
Program is running fine with only one new appointee yet to be assigned a mentor.

3. Continuing Topics

A. Affiliated Libraries Affairs Committee Issues 
Principle Investigator designation is still a major concern with affiliated 
librarians. Since Professional Investigator status remains a bargaining issues, M. 
Snow will propose to the LAUC Committee on Professional Governance that the 
Committee endorse the concept in principle. The Task Force on Maximizing 
Benefits of Affiliated Libraries- The Library Relationships has been convened 
with Lillian Castillo-Speed and Isabel Stirling as co-chairs.

B. Parking Lot Issues - No updates

C. LAUC-13 Archives 
De Lorenzo and M. Mahoney distributed a draft archives policy for LAUC-B. A 
revised copy will be sent to Ex-Comm via email incorporating suggested changes. 
Revisions to policy manuals still need to be reviewed once the changes are posted 
to the web.

D. Bylaws Change Regarding Approval of Assembly Minutes 
M. Cochran will take this issue to the incoming Ex. Comm, as it would be more 
efficient to combine any bylaws vote with the Spring Ballot.

E. Emeritus Librarian Privileges 
Emeritus status remains a bargaining issue.

4. New Topics

A. Local and Statewide Committee Appointments 
Beth Edinger is UCB's representative to the LAUC Committee on Library Plans 
and Policies.

B. LAUC-B Comments on SOPAG reports (Conference call scheduled for 7/25) 
No separate LAUC-B report on the SOPAG documents on shared 
collections will be prepared.