Executive Committee Minutes 6/11/03

Minutes - Meeting No. 10 - June 11, 2003

LAUC-B Executive Committee Meeting 
June ll, 2003 
10:10 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. 
303 Doe Library

Present: M. Cochran (Chair), S. Koskinen, A. Urbanic, L. Cushing, M. Snow, B. Bohl 

Absent: B. Anton, M. Mahoney, B. Quigley, D. De Lorenzo

• Email from Esther Grassian dated 9 Sept. 2002 regarding Committee charges

• Graphs derived from ARL data re: "Librarians as a percentage of library employees, 
1989 v.s. 2001 " and "Percent change in number of librarians, 1989 to 2001 "

I . Announcements

L. Cushing was interviewed on KPFA June 10 at 8:30 a.m.

The Institute of Industrial Relations Library will host a conference of industrial 
relations librarians in April 2004. 40-50 librarians from the U.S. and Canada are 
expected to attend.

The local arrangements committee for the LAUC Fall Assembly has been set up, the 
members are B. Dupuis, E. Sibley, S. Koskinen, R. Girill and M. Phillips.

II. Reports

A. Treasurer's Report

The balance at the end of May was $77,427.28. LAUC (statewide) will 
reimburse the LAUC-B account for the rental of the Lipman Room for the 
upcoming fall assembly.

B. Meeting with the University Librarian

The START Program was discussed, some campuses may choose not to use it. 
Also discussed was T. Leonards impressions of the LAUC Spring Assembly, 
including issues concerning staff workloads and librarian 
sabbaticals, changes to Position Paper no. I and the LAUC Patriot Act 

T. Leonard reported that deans have been instructed to hold the merit letters to 
librarians until June 30.

C. Senate Library Committee Report

The Committee will not meet again until the beginning of the Academic year

D. Candidate Lunches

No candidate lunches were held in the last month

E. Mentor Program

Three new mentees/mentor partnerships have been set up, and two new hires 
still need to be assigned mentors

III. Continuing Topics

A. Proposed Criteria for Establishment of Affliliated Libraries

A link to the document has been added to the LAUC-13 web site. The 
committee questioned whether a library needs to employ a librarian in order to 
attain affiliated status, and whether it would lose its status if the librarian 

Action item: ExComm will add to the agenda of future meeting for 
further discussion

B. LAUC Spring Assembly

E. Grassian received questions about what takes place at the Executive Board 
meetings; no major decisions are made, mainly the discussion is centered 
around logistics for the following day's meeting. In the future, the LAUC 
agenda for the Executive Board meetings will contain a brief description of 
why the topic is being discussed.

At the Spring Assembly the LAUC delegates voted to approve the USA 
PATRIOT Act Resolution, as proposed by LAUC-R, with a few amendments. 
The approved Resolution is available on the LAUC Web page, Background 
Documents under "Privacy Laws & Related Information" - 

The delegates also voted to approve the changes to Position Paper #1 as 
recommended by the LAUC Committee on Professional Governance. Delegates 
also voted to amend the motion to accept these changes by adding a directive to 
send the revised Position Paper #I to the LAUC Position Paper Review Task 
Force, to be reviewed along with Position Papers 2-5.

Assembly delegates adopted a resolution to recognize and honor Nancy Koller 
(UC-R), a former LAUC president who is retiring at the end of June 2003. The 
Assembly welcomed Marie Bronoel (R), the recipient of the first LAUC 
President's Travel Award.

The program included a round table discussion involving four University 
librarians, G. Munoff (Irvine), T. Leonard (Berkeley), and B. Schottlaender 
(San Diego).

C. LAUC-B Bylaws change

A proposal to permit the minutes of the fall and spring assemblies to be 
approved by email requires a change in the by-laws. The proposal must be in 
place 30 days prior to the election. Since we were unable to meet the 30-day 
deadline, M. Cochran proposed that the change to the by-laws be included in the 
regular election for 2004. She also'volunteered to draft wording and incorporate 
suggested changes.

D. Emeritus Librarian Document

An attempt to streamline the process by which librarians are granted emeritus 
status is currently being negotiated.

M. Cochran will send an e-mail to T. Leonard regarding this 

E. Response to E. Grassian's email.

Grassian has requested feedback regarding the revised committee charges, specifically 
the Committee on Professional Governance's (CPG) 4 1h charge. There was some 
feeling that the charge should be clarified. The Committee on Committees, Rules and 
Jurisdiction has also asked for clarification of its first charge.

F. July ExComm Meeting

The date of the July meeting has been changed from July 91h to July 23 d due to 
vacation schedules that conflict with the regular meeting date. 0 A. Urbanic will 
assemble an agenda for the next meeting

• B. Bohl will reserve a room for the meeting

• M. Cochran will draft letters to address the remaining Parking Lot 

IV. New Topics

A. Election

M. Cochran will appoint Carole McEwan as the LAUC-B representative to the 
Staff Development Committee.

B. Graphs

M. Cochran shared a couple of graphs illustrating the percent changes in the 
number of librarians employed in 1989 vs. 2001. The graphs were initially 
prepared for a meeting T. Leonard has with campus personnel regarding the 

The next meeting will be held July 23, 10:10-12:00 in the Krouzian Room, 
Bancroft Library