Executive Committee Meeting 12/16/97

LAUC-B Executive Committee
Meeting No. 1997/98 (5)
16 December 1997
9:10 - 11:25 am, 119 Moses Hall


Present: Terry Dean, Marlene Harmon, Terry Huwe (CAPA), Andrea
Sevetson, Virginia Shih, Deborah Sommer (Chair), Christina Tarr,
Linda Vida (Secretary), Jack Von Euw, Beth Weil

Handouts: Agenda; Draft Minutes 11/18/97; Website: UCB Library
Services for Faculty.

I.  Announcements -- D. Sommer
a) D. Sommer commented that the reception honoring Bill Roberts, who received the Distinguished Librarian Award, was very well done.

b) Ralph Moon has accepted an appointment outside of the Librarian series and will no longer be able to serve in his ex officio status.

II.  The MINUTES for the 11/18/97 (4) meeting were approved with corrections.  L. Vida will send these MINUTES out on the LAUC-B reflector, have them mounted on the LAUC-B website and send an announcement to Patsy Inouye.

III. Senate Library Committee Report - A. Sevetson
The Senate Library Committee is drafting a statement of issues for the Blue Ribbon Committee.  Selector review is part of these.

LAUC Position Paper III and V will be forwarded, as well as any other relevant material.  The Senate Library Committee will also be addressing issues of cooperative collection development and

A. Sevetson has forwarded the minutes of the Senate Library Committee, and we should see these on the Academic Senate Website in the future.  The Senate Library Committee has also been given the webpage with Library Committees minutes so that they may become better acquainted with the issues we discuss.

A committee of external reviewers will come to campus in February and review The Library in conjunction with the Blue Ribbon Committee review and will also meet with the Senate Library Committee. It is customary to have an external review committeewhen academic departments are reviewed.

A. Sevetson has created a UCB Library Services for Faculty website.  Everyone has signed off on this and is pleased to provide a direct service to the faculty.  The goal is to have this up by
the spring semester, please review and send comments.
IV. Old Business -- D. Sommer
a) T. Huwe announced that the second Peer Review Workshop was held. Peter Lyman spoke and briefly addressed advancement from Librarian IV-V.  P. Lyman  also discussed timeliness issues.  T. Huwe has offered to make a list of cases that are lost and will meet with Janice Dost and P. Lyman to discuss.

T. Huwe mentioned that there will be an upward review of the AUL's in the coming cycle. Dorothy Gregor, former University Librarian, solicited outside reviews.  LAUC-B drafted procedures for this approximately five years ago.  Discussion ensued regarding the issuance of a formal charge for CAPA to review the draft procedures.

D. Sommer requested that CAPA track the lateness of dossiers so we can know the scope of the problem. P. Lyman sent Ginny Irving (outgoing CAPA Chair) a list of items regarding timeliness that he
would address.  Ninety per cent of these problems are related to Administrative lateness.  D. Sommer mentioned that there may be something in the CAPA manual regarding this issue. T. Huwe said
that he does not see CAPA as the enforcer of this.

T. Huwe will invite Dean Tony Newcomb, Chair, Blue Ribbon Committee (BRC), to meet with CAPA.

G. Irving and T. Huwe wrote an article that will be published in California Public Employment Relations, no 127 (December, 1997) entitled "U.C. librarian peer review: another model for faculty
self-governance".  T. Huwe will forward copies to P. Lyman and T. Newcomb.  The article describes the librarian peer review process for non-librarians and explores the relevance and applicability of
this system to other professions. 
ACTION:  T. Huwe will email the citation to D. Sommer and she will forward to the LAUC-B reflector.

b) A. Sevetson will send a thank you note to Dean Newcomb for meeting with the library staff at the Early Bird on December 4.

c) LAUC-B Conference planning update. D. Sommer and J. Fong met with Jane Fisher, Continuing Education Specialist with University Extension, about the Spring Conference.  The scope and cost of the event were discussed.  Since planning started late, it has been decided that the conference be held in early fall.

d)Report from LAUC Fall Assembly, Davis - D. Sommer
Administrative stipends were discussed by the Statewide Executive Board.  Stipends may be made available only to those librarians not in the bargaining unit.  Each campus will decide how to administer administrative stipends for librarians.  Discussion ensued about whether Ex Comm should compose a letter to The Vice-Chancellor with recommendation and advice from CAPA.

A common theme among the Divisions was the need to revitalize LAUC locally and statewide.  It was also apparent that LAUC-B is one of the most active Divisions, as measured by programs sponsored, Executive Committee meetings, and external communications.

Afternoon presenters were: Carol Tomlinson-Keasey, Vice Provost, Academic Initiatives, UCOP; Harvey Himelfarb, Vice Provost Planning and Personnel, UCD; Michael Tanner, Executive Vice Chancellor, UCSC.  Several LAUC-B members were also in attendance.

V. New Business - D. Sommer
a) LAUC-B fund management - B. Weil.  The budget for the Distinguished Librarian Award Reception was discussed.  B. Weil mentioned that the amount budgeted for this event was exceeded.  A. Sevetson mentioned that proper channels for approval of budget requests should be stated in a policies & procedures manual.  Total expenditures are approved by Ex Comm and Ex Comm should also
approve any over budget expenses.

B. Weil will meet with Marilyn Shiells to discuss the budget and will determine how much will be carried over from last year. T. Dean suggested that every committee submit a budget at the
beginning of the year.  B. Weil recommends centralizing all fund requests and allocations and will revise this year's budget.

b) D. Sommer forwarded Lucia Snowhill's invitation to LAUC members to submit names for possible appointment to an Advisory Committee to the California Digital Library.

ACTION: D. Sommer will resend the message to LAUC-B members and remind them to submit the required information to L. Snowhill by the deadline.
c) Jeanne Fong and Norma Kobzina, Co-Chairs Nominating and Elections Committee, asked for clarification regarding nominations by the Staff Development Committee (SDC) of non-librarian
affiliated staff to the Cultural Diversity Committee (CDC).  J. Fong and N. Kobzina also inquired about librarian and non-librarian staff serving on more than one LAUC-B committee simultaneously. 
The Executive Committee stated that SDC and the Affiliated Library Committee may nominate affiliated librarians and non-librarian staff to serve on CDC.  Ex Comm also affirmed that candidates may
serve on more than one committee simultaneously.

ACTION: D. Sommer will respond to J. Fong and N. Kobzina and send an email to the heads of all affiliated units asking for volunteers.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:25 am.  The next meeting will be on January 20, 1998 from 9-11 am in 119 Moses Hall.