Executive Committee Meeting 11/4/97

LAUC-B Executive Committee
Meeting No. 1997/98 (3)
4 November 1997
9:10 - 11:25 am, 109 Moses Hall


Present: T. Dean, A. Sevetson, D. Sommer (Chair), C. Tarr, B. Weil,
L. Vida (Secretary)

Absent: J. Von Euw, V. Shih

Handouts: Agenda; LAUC-B Budget Memo with Proposed Budget; Proposed
Changes to LAUC-B website; Copies of ARL Personnel Data 1995-1996;
Draft Rosters

I. Announcements -- D. Sommer
a) At the Affiliated Librarians' Assembly, Marlene Harmon was
elected as the new Alternate Affiliated Representative replacing
Mary Young.  Discussion ensued about John Ober's presentation at
the Affiliated Assembly about the Library at CSU Monterey.
b) Jack Von Euw has been appointed the curator of Pictorial
Collections at The Bancroft Library. 
c) To date no one has received any divisional minutes to
report on.
d) The Distinguished Librarian award will be presented on
November 20, 1997 from 4-6 pm at the Women's Faculty Club.  
e) A. Sevetson announced that different UC websites have
different versions of the LAUC Statewide By-Laws.
ACTION) A. Sevetson will mount the current November 1995
version of the Statewide By-Laws.

II.  The MINUTES for the 9/17/97 (1) and 10/21/97 (2) meetings were
approved with corrections.  L. Vida will send these minutes out on
the LAUC-B reflector, have them mounted on the LAUC-B website and
send an announcement to P. Inouye.

III. Old Business
a) Travel - B. Weil
B. Weil and D. Sommer met with the Associate University
Librarians, K. Frohmberg, J. Spohrer and B. Kornstein to discuss
travel funding and travel form processing.  These AUL's preferred
LAUC's present allocation method, where funding for each librarian
is equal, except in cases where the actual expenses are less than
the average allocation.  AUL's will continue to allocate their
travel funding augmentation based on the categories of activity as
described on the travel form. It was decided that the travel forms
would only go through the Librarian's Office for approval of
requested time off and augmentation one time.  Unit Heads in the
Library will send their forms and those of their staff directly to
the LAUC-B Treasurer, who will send them to the Librarian's Office
after augmentation has been made.  Air fares for the most commonly
attended meetings will be provided for applicants. This will help
improve the consistency of requests and decrease the number of
modifications which need to be made to the forms after they are
received.  Brenda Krell will continue to handle the final
distribution of The Library's forms.  No changes were made to the
processing of the Affiliated Libraries forms.  Forms not completely
filled out will be returned to the applicant.
ACTION) B. Weil will draft a cover letter with explicit
instructions on completing the forms with information on the
documentation needed for reimbursement which will accompany the
travel forms.

b) Librarian nominations for the campus Instructional
Technology Review Committee - D. Sommer
D. Sommer reported on the memo that she sent to The vice
chancellor, Carol Christ, with her recommendations for a librarian
appointment to the Campus Committee on Instructional Technology
Review.  All those who were nominated have excellent end-user
experience and familiarity with information technology.

c) LAUC-B website - A. Sevetson
A. Sevetson handed out her two different suggested revisions
to the LAUC-B website.  Discussion ensued about the advantages of
the different versions.
ACTION) A. Sevetson and D. Sommer will develop the final

d) Report from 10/15/97 LAUC Executive Board Meeting - D.
Gary Lawrence reported on the UC Budget; R. Lucier's
appointment as University Librarian of the Digital Library; and
discussed various partnerships that UC has been working on.  UC is
continuing to develop many cooperative licensing agreements.

e) CAPA Annual Report - D. Sommer
The CAPA Annual Report recommends that the Executive Committee
draft guidelines to be added to the Berkeley procedures outlining
who should be informed when additional information is requested
after certification of the dossier.  Upon subsequent communication
with P. Lyman, CAPA has withdrawn this recommendation; no further
action is needed.

f) Conference Planning - D. Sommer
A planning group to organize the third LAUC-B Conference in
Spring, 1998 still needs to be formed.  Suggestions for members of
a planning committee were discussed.    

IV: New Business - D. Sommer
a) The LAUC-B Fall Assembly will be held in the Goldberg Room
at Boalt Hall on November 12, 1997.  D. Sommer reviewed the agenda
for that meeting.

The business meeting adjourned at 10:30am and the Committee then
met in executive session.  The executive session was adjourned at
11:25 am.

The next meeting will be on November 18, 1997 from 9-11 am in 119
Moses Hall.