Executive Committee Minutes 10/14/98

LAUC-B Executive Committee
Meeting No. 1998/99 (2)
14 Oct. 1998
9:00 - 10:40 am, Stone Room, The Bancroft Library


Present: Michaelyn Burnette (secretary), Jeanne Fong (guest), Barbara Glendenning, Marlene Harmon, Chuck James, Phoebe Janes, Ann Jensen, Jim Larrabee, Michael Levy, Andrea Sevetson (chair), V. Shih, Deborah Sommer

Absent: Jack Von Euw

Handouts: Agenda (14 October 1998), draft minutes (1 September 1998), proposed 1998/99 LAUC-B budget

I. Announcements - A. Sevetson
D. Sommer raised the possibility of LAUC-B's submitting a proposal for the Improving Library Operations mini-grants. Those with ideas for such a proposal from LAUC-B should send it to the ExComm reflector by Oct. 26.

II. The MINUTES from the 9/1/98 (1) meeting were approved. M. Burnette will send these MINUTES out on the LAUC-B reflector, have them mounted on the LAUC-B website and send an announcement to the systemwide reflectors.

III. Reports
A) A. Sevetson reported on two meetings she had with P. Abell.
B) B. Glendenning reported on recent meetings of the Academic Senate Library Committee.
C) M. Levy presented a proposed budget for fiscal year 1998/99, which was discussed and amended. Levy will mount a pdf version of the Application for Support for LAUC travel monies on the web. Levy will send out the application packets for LAUC-B travel funding; the applications must be returned to him by November 15.

IV. Old Business
A) To keep abreast of activities at other campuses, members of ExComm volunteered to cover the minutes of other LAUC division meetings. The assignments:

UCLA - P. Janes
UCSD - Jack Van Euw
UCI  - V. Shih
UCSB - D.  Sommer
UCSF - C. James
UCD  - M. Harmon
UCR - B. Glendenning
UCSC - M. Levy

B) Discussion of the LAUC-B archive procedures was postponed.

V. New Business
A) G. Lowell has agreed to speak at the Fall LAUC-B Assembly on December 2, his second day as University Librarian. Members of ExComm discussed what information might be useful for LAUC-B to organize for Lowell; the discussion will be continued via email.
B) J. Fong reported on Alternative Models for Scholarly Publishing, a conference to be held November 6 at the Clark Kerr Campus. About forty people have already registered. Fong is still seeking other sources of funding for the conference and is awaiting a reply from UCOP.
C) A LAUC-B Distinguished Librarian Award will be awarded in 1998/99. D. Sommer will communicate with Kathleen Vanden Heuvel, chair of the last Distinguished Librarian Award committee, regarding the records and procedures for the Award. The probable date for the presentation of the next award is November or December 1999.
D) CAPA issues were discussed in executive session. Research and Profession Development will sponsor a promotion and tenure workshop, led by outgoing CAPA members Terry Huwe and Armanda Barone, on October 27.
E) V. Shih will put out a call for volunteers for the LAUC-B mentoring program.
F) D. Sommer, P. Janes and Nensi Brailo will attend the RUSA's institute, Serving Users in the New Millenium, in Indianapolis at the end of this month.
G) Discussion of the composition of the LAUC-B Cultural Diversity Committee with a recommended change to the LAUC-B Bylaws. A. Sevetson will ask T. Dean to include the modification with the other proposed by-law changes to be presented to the membership at the Fall Assembly.

The next ExComm meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 11, from 9-11 A. M. in the Stone Room.